San Bernardino

Not always. Dylan Roof for example is being brought up on hate crimes even though what he did is technically and can be classified as an act of terrorism. His goal was 1) to incite a race war and 2) to intimidate a larger audience.

The word terrorism is ran loosely in today's media i mean EX as i was approaching duncan donuts drive through my accelerator stuck brakes failed and i drove thru the wall killing all 5 people standing in line including 2 police officers sitting dunking there donuts
Although it was a Accident it is deemed Terrorism cause i just got back from Holidays and was was so tanned i looked like a Muslim
"We know of no specific and credible intelligence indicating a plot on our homeland" -Barry from Honolulu

Our leader has failed us once again

"We know of no specific and credible intelligence indicating a plot on our homeland" -Barry from Honolulu

Our leader has failed us once again

You have little idea of how intelligence works. Also so far they haven't been liked to Daesh or al-Qaeda. Jump to conclusions much?