
Well-Known Member
I doubt bearkat has a beef with arresting people... Its the whole ' judge, jury and executioner' thing that's the problem with these cops... Maybe after a couple dozen get sent to prison the rest of these fucks will fall in line and start acting professional.
Cops shouldn't have to risk their life dealing w this scum in the first place..... After that it's their own damn fault..... It's criminal lives that seem to matter


Well-Known Member
At this point, it doesn't even matter. Your boy was convicted, lol.
He should have been..... Walking somebody to the car w a gun to their head is fucked up.....

How dare they, lol.
Yep...... It's awful all the people going unprotected by the police because they're scared to arrest blacks.... Fine work you black lives matter people do..... Blood on every street in Chicago this summer and its not really slowing down... How much of that is on you?


Well-Known Member
He should have been..... Walking somebody to the car w a gun to their head is fucked up.....

Yep...... It's awful all the people going unprotected by the police because they're scared to arrest blacks.... Fine work you black lives matter people do..... Blood on every street in Chicago this summer and its not really slowing down... How much of that is on you?
I can't begin to tell you how badly that makes me feel. I haven't slept in weeks thinking about the pigs not being able to do their jobs. What can I do to help?


Well-Known Member
I can't begin to tell you how badly that makes me feel. I haven't slept in weeks thinking about the pigs not being able to do their jobs. What can I do to help?
How many people have died because of the police throwing their hands in the air and saying fuck it?...... Hundreds just in Chicago..... Thousands nationwide ..... It's not the police you should lose sleep over its the innocent who die at the hands of criminals ..... Because black lives matter


Well-Known Member
How many people have died because of the police throwing their hands in the air and saying fuck it?...... Hundreds just in Chicago..... Thousands nationwide ..... It's not the police you should lose sleep over its the innocent who die at the hands of criminals ..... Because black lives matter
So let me get this straight, and please correct me if I'm wrong. Now your argument is that the BLM movement has actually CAUSED thousands of deaths?


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight, and please correct me if I'm wrong. Now your argument is that the BLM movement has actually CAUSED thousands of deaths?
Not in a way that anybody could catch a charge..... The police have gave up they realized they're not supposed to arrest black people... that if they do they will be the one going to jail.... And crime rates have soared

Do you have a different explanation for the rise in violent crime across the country in black neighborhoods?


Well-Known Member
Not in a way that anybody could catch a charge..... The police have gave up they realized they're not supposed to arrest black people... that if they do they will be the one going to jail.... And crime rates have soared

Do you have a different explanation for the rise in violent crime across the country in black neighborhoods?
Really gonna need you to provide some numbers to back up this ridiculous statement. Pics, or it didn't happen.


Well-Known Member
Really gonna need you to provide some numbers to back up this ridiculous statement. Pics, or it didn't happen.
Violent crime is thru the roof compared to last year..... Up as much as a third in the darkest cities...... There's nothing ridiculous about that statement..... Here's a couple links from the first half of the year tho




King Tut
Does it matter how far away the kid was, excessive force was used by this pussy with a badge and gun, he already made up his mind that he was executing this kid he never heard any gunfire no other officer reported hearing gunfire but he began firing his weapon seconds after he arrived on scene. Not enough time to assess the situation.

And I don't buy that 21 foot circle of death rule, he didn't have an open knife, the pussy cop just slaughtered the kid plain and simple.

Trust me, I ain't defending the cops actions, just giving insight on the typical training. Not saying that the shooting was justified.


Well-Known Member