Nasty nasty nasty smell when i opended up my nug jar


Well-Known Member
I think you may have the makings of bud rot going on in that jar. It doesnt look rotten, but it looks off. Hard to tell by these pics Was it put away maybe too damp ?


Well-Known Member
I grew Bubblegum twice and that stuff went through a phase where it smelled like the wet, bile diarreah my dog used to have. It was just some weird odor it had as the terpenes(?) oxidized or whatever. It was fine after that. But, it as unmistakable.


Well-Known Member
Anaerobic bacteria?
Did it smell like a well-used jockstrap that's been sitting in a hockey bag for a week?


Well-Known Member
I grew Bubblegum twice and that stuff went through a phase where it smelled like the wet, bile diarreah my dog used to have. It was just some weird odor it had as the terpenes(?) oxidized or whatever. It was fine after that. But, it as unmistakable.
I'm smoking some cured bubblegum as I write.
Had the same smell you experienced for a while, but is absolutely fine now. But still distinctive....

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I have this awful foul horrible raunchy nasty smell in my nug jar. almost makes you want to vomit. Nugs are still kind of soft and didn't smell like this before. my other jar from other sources smell fine. I took pics with 20x loupe. Does anyone have ideas ?
What did ya grow it in?


Active Member
If the bud's moist open the jar a few times a day then seal it up, if not too moist its just the bacteria doing its job


Well-Known Member
I have this awful foul horrible raunchy nasty smell in my nug jar. almost makes you want to vomit. Nugs are still kind of soft and didn't smell like this before. my other jar from other sources smell fine. I took pics with 20x loupe. Does anyone have ideas ?
No sign of molds yet ....

continue to hang and dry for another week or so


Well-Known Member
It is mold. If you look at the first picture. My eyes hit the spider web like thing. I know because I have it. I thought that was dank till I saw the spider web stuff. Verified at a few websites. I had mold. You as well do. Now its not the end of the world. Pour all the nugs that came from the jar you found it in. Let them dry to rock hard. Only smoke them. If you vape them your throat and lungs will get scratchy. I am a little sick because I vapped it a few times. Thinking I got the shit right here. Then I found out it really was shit. Several people have said that any body that smokes weed is gaurantied to have smoked mold. None of the drying and curing is a science. It all is a practice we do. You will be ok.


Well-Known Member
What's that grey stuff on pics 1 and 4?

Looks suspect to me.

I wouldn't smoke it if it had a smell that the OP described in the OP.
Yeah I thought I saw the little gray tufts as well that are the nightmarish start to bud rot. Just try to keep the other jars at a lower moisture level so they don't get this too (probably still have little amounts mixed in if its all from the same plant)