Which Of These Opiates Are Best For Smoking On Foil?


New Member
I have only tried smoking oxycontin on foil so far. I've typically always smoked 30 mg blue oxycontin Ms. I would like to know out of oxycontin, oxycodone, roxicontin, and roxicodone which is the best pill for smoking on foil, and which is the best for snorting. Also if any of these other pills are capable of being smoked, can I smoke them the same way I smoke my oxys or does it have to be done differently? And which of these pills have a coating or binders that need to be removed before smoking/snorting? Thank-you!
I have only tried smoking oxycontin on foil so far. I've typically always smoked 30 mg blue oxycontin Ms. I would like to know out of oxycontin, oxycodone, roxicontin, and roxicodone which is the best pill for smoking on foil, and which is the best for snorting. Also if any of these other pills are capable of being smoked, can I smoke them the same way I smoke my oxys or does it have to be done differently? And which of these pills have a coating or binders that need to be removed before smoking/snorting? Thank-you!
Grind all of them up(as many as you can) toss in a little meff (or a lot) and take that shit straight to the dome!
Grind all of them up(as many as you can) toss in a little meff (or a lot) and take that shit straight to the dome!
Pills arent meant to be smoked or snorted. They are meant to be ingested. Maybe you should lay off opiates if youre in too much of a hurry to wait for them dissolve in your stomach. Also, youre probably wasting alot of the effective drug via snorting & smoking.
Pills arent meant to be smoked or snorted. They are meant to be ingested. Maybe you should lay off opiates if youre in too much of a hurry to wait for them dissolve in your stomach. Also, youre probably wasting alot of the effective drug via snorting & smoking.
Shiiiiiiiiiiiit I snort everything! I even grind weed up and snort that shit(gets you fucked up!) One time I even snorted a whole 40 Oz of OE cuz I'm a mother fucking gangsta like that!
I have only tried smoking oxycontin on foil so far. I've typically always smoked 30 mg blue oxycontin Ms. I would like to know out of oxycontin, oxycodone, roxicontin, and roxicodone which is the best pill for smoking on foil, and which is the best for snorting. Also if any of these other pills are capable of being smoked, can I smoke them the same way I smoke my oxys or does it have to be done differently? And which of these pills have a coating or binders that need to be removed before smoking/snorting? Thank-you!
They are none suitable for smoking without first making the free base and then removing binders. Or the other way around.
I have smoked much oxycodone this way, and I don't intend to do that again.
Pay attention to the real message of the above sarcasm: this shit is not good for you.
The one problem I have with pills, is they can lead to heroin and that can change your life badly. Im on methadone almost 3years after getting clean, Im sorry to preach just being honest with you.

I personally havnt smoked any pills before, seen it on tv tho. Ive snorted my fair share, but if I had the opportunity Id eat them before Nything else. The best high for me personally.
The one problem I have with pills, is they can lead to heroin and that can change your life badly. Im on methadone almost 3years after getting clean, Im sorry to preach just being honest with you.

I personally havnt smoked any pills before, seen it on tv tho. Ive snorted my fair share, but if I had the opportunity Id eat them before Nything else. The best high for me personally.
How large was your habit, any reason you decided to go with methadone over suboxone?
Really y'all I was lying:oops: I dot like snorting all that stuff....

I prefer to plug them:othere's nothing like taking a hand full of pills, abouta 8th of weed, and a gram or 2 of meff straight up the ass:hump: oh and then I wash it all down with a beer enema
last time the bottle got stuck... *sigh*