What sources of information are objectively credible?


Well-Known Member
Interesting thread...but it's difficult for individuals to be truely objective. Everybody has their own biases and beliefs and political slants. So what I see as objective, you could see as leaning to the left. (Even though it isn't...Lol...get it?)

So you would need truely objective people to truely rate objectivity...

And WHERE would you find them?

Everybody has their own ideas based on life experience, environment, culture, education, etc. Everyone is biased to some degree about SOMETHING...

Yes? No?


Well-Known Member
Fox Business reports news investors want to know. They don't slant their reporting unless it is an opinion piece.
Money doesn't care about politics, religion or skin color.
You will see many times Fox Business contradicts Faux news reporting.
Fox Business continually reports on how Obama has failed us all. They are not credible for anything other than telling us the stock ticker and other closing bell related information. That's it.


Well-Known Member
For middle east news, info and opinion, I look to Robert Fisk he has lived there for thirty years I believe he writes for the Guardian he understands middle east politics


Well-Known Member
None of those people work for Fox busyness
Those are piggyback videos
Huh? No. Fox Business brought these guests on as points of fact. They are not. Fox Business used these guests as substance for some agenda they had at the moment. Fox Business can only be trusted for displaying the stock ticker that runs across the screen, that's it.

Oregon Gardener

Well-Known Member
I did not see it, so if some one already posted, The Nation, never-mind. Ya I know they are liberal, "Liberal with the facts" LoL Actually I have a hard time believing things that I see let alone what I read or hear.
Mar 25, 2013 - Yes Men - Impersonates Dow Chemical official, f