Ahhh crap, THRIPS!


New Member
Damn, just checked my plants. And I have a thrip infestation:wall:Just ordered my army to fightem....1500 ladybugs. I hope they get here hungry...plenty for them to eat here:cry:


New Member
yes they are under lights, 400hps. found an excellant site to get nematodes and other natural predaters. free shipping:D


Well-Known Member
yes lady birds are great at eating bugs.
when you place the bugs on your plants they will just fly upto the light and die.


New Member
An old trick is to spray the lady bugs with diluted soda pop...kinda glues their wings down.And I first introduce them at the beginning of the dark cycle, gives them all night to acclimate. Ya have about 2 days before it wears off. Found that tidbit on a natural site, works pretty good. And still no chemicals on da buds


Well-Known Member
An old trick is to spray the lady bugs with diluted soda pop...kinda glues their wings down.And I first introduce them at the beginning of the dark cycle, gives them all night to acclimate. Ya have about 2 days before it wears off. Found that tidbit on a natural site, works pretty good. And still no chemicals on da buds
Great tip!


Well-Known Member
An old trick is to spray the lady bugs with diluted soda pop...kinda glues their wings down.And I first introduce them at the beginning of the dark cycle, gives them all night to acclimate. Ya have about 2 days before it wears off. Found that tidbit on a natural site, works pretty good. And still no chemicals on da buds

Ive read the same thing .... Good advice ..


Well-Known Member
yes they are under lights, 400hps. found an excellant site to get nematodes and other natural predaters. free shipping:D
What site? I have used Arbico Organics in the past but their shipping is really high right now.

I'm really sorry about the thrips. We've had a hell of a time with them too - they pretty much killed my tomatos off completely. Between the thrips and the spider mites, it's been rough. I hope I harvest something! ;)