i got two little buddies growing right now. but shhhhhh, the feds is listening.
All praise be to Allah.... just kidding he's a violent fucker.
Where in the hell is Mithra???You can pray to any or all these Gods/Goddesses to help your plants.
Christianity is a very violent is islamNO!
He's not!
It's the idiots that misinterpret the Koran for their own gain that are!
The Koran attempts to teach the same peace and forgiveness the Bible does,,,Just in a different way......Read it and see for your self.
By the way,,,,,Islam and Christians.......Pray to the same "god".......So do the Jews.
Bring your god before me and I will sodomize your god.NO!
He's not!
It's the idiots that misinterpret the Koran for their own gain that are!
The Koran attempts to teach the same peace and forgiveness the Bible does,,,Just in a different way......Read it and see for your self.
By the way,,,,,Islam and Christians.......Pray to the same "god".......So do the Jews.
There is no god and if you have evidence that contradicts this, by all means, show us.NO!
He's not!
It's the idiots that misinterpret the Koran for their own gain that are!
The Koran attempts to teach the same peace and forgiveness the Bible does,,,Just in a different way......Read it and see for your self.
By the way,,,,,Islam and Christians.......Pray to the same "god".......So do the Jews.
This is completely wrong. If they were the same god then why does one say that he sent off Ishmael and the other says he continued the line through ishmael? And that's just the beginning of the book. Why does one have Jesus coming back ushering a 1,000 year reign of peace and the other has a Jesus coming back telling everyone he was never crucified and raised from the dead, but rather is a military commander who destroys all infidels who will not convert?NO!
He's not!
It's the idiots that misinterpret the Koran for their own gain that are!
The Koran attempts to teach the same peace and forgiveness the Bible does,,,Just in a different way......Read it and see for your self.
By the way,,,,,Islam and Christians.......Pray to the same "god".......So do the Jews.
This is completely wrong. If they were the same god then why does one say that he sent off Ishmael and the other says he continued the line through ishmael? And that's just the beginning of the book. Why does one have Jesus coming back ushering a 1,000 year reign of peace and the other has a Jesus coming back telling everyone he was never crucified and raised from the dead, but rather is a military commander who destroys all infidels who will not convert?
It's a different god with different laws, and different paths to salvation. One is through what Jesus Christ did, they other is through self-sacrifice in the name of their god.
Like I said. it's all in the interpretation...
Don't believe me! How about you ask your Pastor, Priest, Minister.
.AND, by the way, HAVE you read the Koran? If not, you have NO point to actually stand on!
The Old testament is beyond violent. Rape, murder, incest, conquest and war at the whim of "god" or his followers on the SAME religious grounds as you and others assert to the Koran. How about you read Job again. This was Satan and God destroying a man's life on a bet!! When job asked god why? God basically said, "because I can".......YEAH baby, nice "God" you got there....
The Old Testament taken by readings from the dead sea scrolls......Interestingly enough, appear to contain tenants from the Tora and the Koran. The bible IS a newer "book" by comparison.....In the traveling "Dead Sea Scrolls" exhibit that toured museums a few years back. It was pointed out quite clearly that the new testament took from both other sources regularly.
Now I know your going to bring up Jesus again as the savior of man kind. He gave his life for our sins and his father "god" changed and became tolerant and forgiving, changing from the rather human actions he had in the Old testament.
Almost doesn't work does it? That's like 2 different religions or even 2 different "gods" for one religion when put side by side eh?
Look here, I don't intend to offend anybody!
I NEVER say any one religion IS the one true religion. None of us really know now do we?
I believe more like the NATIVE "American" Indian. Great Spirit - Earth, Sun and Moon being honored ...... This is a more spiritual belief then anything. NO relation to Wicca or any of that..
We need to learn to respect each others religious beliefs...I maybe wrong on the pray to the same thing.....But I sure find it convenient that it's interpreted by violence..Violence that all 3 (if you have it that way) shared at one time or another....
May ALL your grows be blessed !!
I'm with YOU Doc, I am a very spiritual person, but in my humble opinion, organized religions are just created by wolves in sheeps clothing who use it to tend to their flock! Don't get me wrong, I think there are some good things that one can learn from the Bible like the Ten commandments for example ( I prefer the first set of Ten Commandments personally, the second set had a few that I don't really care for, like "thou shalt not cook a kid in it's own mothers milk" for example. I find it hilarious that 'god' felt compelled to warn us against cooking baby goats in the milk of their own mother, but did NOT feel compelled to instruct us NOT to own slaves, or NOT to seduce/rape Virgins. Instead he tells us what we must do IF WE seduce/rape a virgin or IF WE injure our slave. Personally, I will never worship a 'god' that is willing to tolerate either of those two actions.)Like I said. it's all in the interpretation...
Don't believe me! How about you ask your Pastor, Priest, Minister.
.AND, by the way, HAVE you read the Koran? If not, you have NO point to actually stand on!
The Old testament is beyond violent. Rape, murder, incest, conquest and war at the whim of "god" or his followers on the SAME religious grounds as you and others assert to the Koran. How about you read Job again. This was Satan and God destroying a man's life on a bet!! When job asked god why? God basically said, "because I can".......YEAH baby, nice "God" you got there....
The Old Testament taken by readings from the dead sea scrolls......Interestingly enough, appear to contain tenants from the Tora and the Koran. The bible IS a newer "book" by comparison.....In the traveling "Dead Sea Scrolls" exhibit that toured museums a few years back. It was pointed out quite clearly that the new testament took from both other sources regularly.
Now I know your going to bring up Jesus again as the savior of man kind. He gave his life for our sins and his father "god" changed and became tolerant and forgiving, changing from the rather human actions he had in the Old testament.
Almost doesn't work does it? That's like 2 different religions or even 2 different "gods" for one religion when put side by side eh?
Look here, I don't intend to offend anybody!
I NEVER say any one religion IS the one true religion. None of us really know now do we?
I believe more like the NATIVE "American" Indian. Great Spirit - Earth, Sun and Moon being honored ...... This is a more spiritual belief then anything. NO relation to Wicca or any of that..
We need to learn to respect each others religious beliefs...I maybe wrong on the pray to the same thing.....But I sure find it convenient that it's interpreted by violence..Violence that all 3 (if you have it that way) shared at one time or another....
May ALL your grows be blessed !!
I'm with YOU Doc, I am a very spiritual person, but in my humble opinion, organized religions are just created by wolves in sheeps clothing who use it to tend to their flock! Don't get me wrong, I think there are some good things that one can learn from the Bible like the Ten commandments for example ( I prefer the first set of Ten Commandments personally, the second set had a few that I don't really care for, like "thou shalt not cook a kid in it's own mothers milk" for example. I find it hilarious that 'god' felt compelled to warn us against cooking baby goats in the milk of their own mother, but did NOT feel compelled to instruct us NOT to own slaves, or NOT to seduce/rape Virgins. Instead he tells us what we must do IF WE seduce/rape a virgin or IF WE injure our slave. Personally, I will never worship a 'god' that is willing to tolerate either of those two actions.)
Peace & Love
Ok, lil feller, I'll play along with you...Dude, you are looking at the bible as you are living in this current time as opposed to living in a time where slavery was normal (sometimes the bible uses slaves for workers such as in ephesians 6:5 and 1 Peter 2:1 8 . You must factor in other laws god had such as the year of jubilee where all debts were forgiven and "slaves" were no long indebted. They were able to go home, had sabbath's off, etc. Slavery ain't what it used to be.
There is only 1 set of ten I'm not sure where you're getting this second set of commandments from. One more thing, the book is spiritual so you have to come out of your carnal mind and look deeper into the meaning of what god was trying to teach through the law.
Organized religion? Where do you find this? Every church i've studied with has been so disorganized and contradictory to each other it's hard to keep track. They all have their own book or parts of the book they skip over and ignore to push their prerogative. Don't judge the Bible by the churches...God said his children would be a small flock not a big bunch of pew potatoes.
I suggest you try studying the book every day for a year, do a chapter or two a day...with an open mind. Then let me know what god told you. It's a lifelong study to learn the word of god, not a quick assertion of knowing it all before trying it out for yourself.
Oh & just so we're clear....You do not deny however that you worship a god that was in favor of Slavery, seduction/rape of virgins, and who ordered Joshua to kill INNOCENT children, women & even harmless animals? And you worship a fallible god that admitted that he was sorry for creating man & who also admitted that he repentDude, you are looking at the bible as you are living in this current time as opposed to living in a time where slavery was normal (sometimes the bible uses slaves for workers such as in ephesians 6:5 and 1 Peter 2:1 8 . You must factor in other laws god had such as the year of jubilee where all debts were forgiven and "slaves" were no long indebted. They were able to go home, had sabbath's off, etc. Slavery ain't what it used to be.
There is only 1 set of ten I'm not sure where you're getting this second set of commandments from. One more thing, the book is spiritual so you have to come out of your carnal mind and look deeper into the meaning of what god was trying to teach through the law.
Organized religion? Where do you find this? Every church i've studied with has been so disorganized and contradictory to each other it's hard to keep track. They all have their own book or parts of the book they skip over and ignore to push their prerogative. Don't judge the Bible by the churches...God said his children would be a small flock not a big bunch of pew potatoes.
I suggest you try studying the book every day for a year, do a chapter or two a day...with an open mind. Then let me know what god told you. It's a lifelong study to learn the word of god, not a quick assertion of knowing it all before trying it out for yourself.