Found these in my front yard. Thoughts?

William Shatter

Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I love in BC. Lots of rain and conifers. Found tons of these growing this morning. They all appear to be magic mushrooms. My friend thinks so as well but I don't want to try them without knowing for sure.

Anybody care to take a look and let me know what they think?

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Well-Known Member
I think you have 2 different types of mushrooms there tbh. The gill sets and stypes look definitively different. As well your more mature ones have a brownish look to the gills where they should be black. Caps look a little "fury" as well. The gold caps should bruise "No DOUBT" there in my mind. As for just eating mushrooms ....... o_Oo_O There are plenty that "will not" kill you but make you wish you was dead as well the ones that will there is very little that can be done for you. Its pretty cold in BC right now is it not? Research the cooler temp species P. semilanceata, Ps. Cyanascean, Ps. Azurescean....think I spelled those right if not close enough. No doubt those are not Ps. Cyan and to big IMO to be P. Semilanceata.


Well-Known Member
Where you live @William Shatter ?

I lived in Eugene Oregon for a year and some local hippies took me shroom hunting a couple times.. Looked just like those ... They called them liberty caps.