What's wrong with theses 2 young plant ?????


Well-Known Member
i got it down out side but seedlings dry out fast i figured

Im sure 25% can hurt.. my current grow has no rh issue and small pots can hurt as well I agree.. i just never seen this kind of prob im having with my plant now from using small pots or low rh ....I relay have grown tall ass plants in a solo cup for fun...and my last grow was in 25% humidity 80 % of the time and they did fine ...,,,, I also think the cruling leafs are from soil being to hot and I should have not watered them a spray to the soil yea but i think i fucked up when i watered them like i did....out side in the summer i know after 7or 8 days from seed I need to water them so i dont run in to over watering to much under watering yea I under water all the time...im not use to in door growing and i think the issue is they dont dry out as fast inside like they do out side and i over watered / trying to get there roots use to the hot ass soil/ thats just what i think i may be wrong on why my plants are kinda fucked up right now. but 1 is still standing strong and over 2 weeks from seed with no water some signs of leaf burn but i know why so i care less
RH is just one of your problems, you have plenty.


Well-Known Member
A momentary reading is useless. You need 3 readings - max, min and momentary.
Cannabis can grow in varying RH and temperatures but drastic shifts in these values are a problem.
dude the shit is accurate I'm not growing in a10x10x room with 1 fan blowing ..I got 2 digital thermometers 1 is off by -2f the other I calibrated My self in ice water and 1 Mercury that Is accurate as well also have three 6 inch fans blowing in a 2x2x8 closet ... And humidity is pritty much spread out evenly throughout a small room like I got heat if not really a issues with led... I and did I Minton there coming back right after a watering...and by the humidity and temp on my temp and humidity switches they match up to the humidity and degrees being read around my plans.. I'm not trying to make meth.
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Well-Known Member
there still growing.. but i did 4 get to mention. i topped the bigger 1 when it was to young to slow it down.. but there all kinda doing the same thing except for 1 i kinda think its the ph down or over watering... figured you all would know by looking at it... I just need to stick to out door growing lol. i been doing that for 8 years now and never over water much at all do run in to over feeding some times but never had this b 4 out doors have had then get sick and die but that dont start out like this...
Or maybe start. Thinking about hanging the gloves and find another hobby. 8 years growing and still. Can't get it right seems like a problem, 8 years and still don't know how to measure moisture and know when to water or not its a problem. GL. I hope u can get it right!!
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Well-Known Member
i got it down out side but seedlings dry out fast i figured

Im sure 25% can hurt.. my current grow has no rh issue and small pots can hurt as well I agree.. i just never seen this kind of prob im having with my plant now from using small pots or low rh ....I relay have grown tall ass plants in a solo cup for fun...and my last grow was in 25% humidity 80 % of the time and they did fine ...,,,, I also think the cruling leafs are from soil being to hot and I should have not watered them a spray to the soil yea but i think i fucked up when i watered them like i did....out side in the summer i know after 7or 8 days from seed I need to water them so i dont run in to over watering to much under watering yea I under water all the time...im not use to in door growing and i think the issue is they dont dry out as fast inside like they do out side and i over watered / trying to get there roots use to the hot ass soil/ thats just what i think i may be wrong on why my plants are kinda fucked up right now. but 1 is still standing strong and over 2 weeks from seed with no water some signs of leaf burn but i know why so i care less
I u know all the answers why looking for advice?


Well-Known Member
Or maybe start. Thinking about hanging the gloves and find another hobby. 8 years growing and still. Can't get it right seems like a problem, 8 years and still don't know how to measure moisture and know when to water or not its a problem. GL. I hope u can get it right!!
1 year in side there buddy, sorry not like the rest of theses growers got it down pat soon as I start ,, watering in side and out side is not the same shit dries out faster... I will send you a link to my first indoor grow I put it on here


Well-Known Member
I u know all the answers why looking for advice?
asking what's wrong with a plant on this websight is like asking what's wrong with your car on Facebook lol I said 2 pages ago my plants are good again and I still get know it all telling me what's wrong with them after saying 10 times I know it wAs a little bit of over watering and hot soil mixed 2 gather


Well-Known Member
asking what's wrong with a plant on this websight is like asking what's wrong with your car on Facebook lol I said 2 pages ago my plants are good again and I still get know it all telling me what's wrong with them after saying 10 times I know it wAs a little bit of over watering and hot soil mixed 2 gather
Then again if u knew from the beginning why ask? smh


Well-Known Member
1 year in side there buddy, sorry not like the rest of theses growers got it down pat soon as I start ,, watering in side and out side is not the same shit dries out faster... I will send you a link to my first indoor grow I put it on here
Im not gonna go in a debate with you, but a person that say that has been growing for 8 years will know the difference between dry and damp or moist soil. Just imo take it with a grain of salt if u want. GL buddy!!


Well-Known Member
That's right you that guy growing in doors with mold blowing through your vents.. Go some where and get off my nuts
And u are the retarded dude that washout buds with peroxide and then puts the in a rusty vent? Efin retard learn how to grow 8 years and u still a retard askin questions al the time and doing thread. After thread if u knew ur shit u wouldn't be acting like a retarded noob fucktard!! and im out i see u can't. Take criticism. Bye fucktard


Well-Known Member
Im not gonna go in a debate with you, but a person that say that has been growing for 8 years will know the difference between dry and damp or moist soil. Just imo take it with a grain of salt if u want. GL buddy!!
8 years ain't shit but 9 or 10 grows 2 of them some one was holding my hand so I knew when about the time they needed watered and it was not legal so we left them for a while till we fucked with them again, if it was over watering and just over watering only and not mixed with other shit to then I probably would have called it.. But u don't got to be a prick about it


Well-Known Member
8 years ain't shit but 9 or 10 grows 2 of them some one was holding my hand so I knew when about the time they needed watered and it was not legal so we left them for a while till we fucked with them again, if it was over watering and just over watering only and not mixed with other shit to then I probably would have called it.. But u don't got to be a prick about it
Smh now im the prick? Im out>>>>>


Well-Known Member
Smh now im the prick? Im out>>>>>
try your comments on my other post U got to start off a smart ass we call that PRICK here IN the US OF A.. dont got nothing nice to say dont say nothing if I dont agree with you I dont got to dont mean you got to start being a ass hole and laying down smart ass comments but you been doing that from the jump SO YOU A PRICK