Breeding help


Well-Known Member
So I have two very specific questions for those who have cultivated their own seeds.

1. How late in the flowering period can a plant be pollinated? Basically I have two grows going and only one chamber. If I let the males from my new seeds get older and pollinate will my buds that have a week or two left be affected by the release of pollen?

2. After pollinating female plants and them producing seed should the plant be left to grow until the seed pods open? What is the drying process for cultivating seeds? Basically, I want to gain viable seeds if I decide to pollinate on my next cycle. If I dont get viable seeds, I wasted space that could have produced buds so its a catch 22.

Any help from you advanced breeders out there?kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
flower a male seperatly and harvest his pollen and apply where you wanna seed (lower airy buds) and either apply with a paint brush or tie abag arond a branch with pollen in and shake n leave for about a week


Active Member
When the first male flowers appear it takes at least three weeks before the release their first pollen. when you seeded the females at the same time as the males then the moment the males release their pollen, is the moment it would happen in nature.

But when you would do it a little later, the female flower is bigger so has more hairs. Each hair is a seed, so you will get more seeds.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to only take one or two tops off a male and keep them and end up with only a lil pollen. See I am at about the same point and I definately want to keep the genes also will the pollen last till my next batch if I get enough I could pollinate some of my next batch too??


Active Member
Forgot to mention if you use an F1 you will get F2 if you do this to often your potency will get lost or less. So i would only produce a smaller batch of seeds and backcross those with the original ones you regain more potency and those are more interesting for a larger batch if you keep backcrossing them whith the best phenos of your choice you wil stabalize them. If you for example keep crossing earlyest male with earlyest female your buds wil mature quicker.


Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention if you use an F1 you will get F2 if you do this to often your potency will get lost or less. So i would only produce a smaller batch of seeds and backcross those with the original ones you regain more potency and those are more interesting for a larger batch if you keep backcrossing them whith the best phenos of your choice you wil stabalize them. If you for example keep crossing earlyest male with earlyest female your buds wil mature quicker.

If you take one of the original two seeds you grew and croosed them you end up with a F2 (the baby of the two original seeds) You then take a clone or whatever from the original and grow out your new seeds and breed them with the original clone. This will make your next batch more potent then if you crossed only the original. They are the same strain ?


Active Member
All that is mentioned applys for the same strain. When using two different strains you are creating a hybrid. then these rules apply:

a x b delivers a bactch of seeds containing


Phenos in which ab and ba are probably the same, so you wil have to do a selection to stabilize what you want.


Active Member
I don't want to only take one or two tops off a male and keep them and end up with only a lil pollen. See I am at about the same point and I definately want to keep the genes also will the pollen last till my next batch if I get enough I could pollinate some of my next batch too??
you can for exampe take a can you can close and another one you can close that fits inside the first one. In the larger one you put some water inside, in the smaller one you put the pollen the close up the small one put it in the large one and close that up too and put it in the fridge. When you want to use it at a later moment you can take it out of the fridge keeping it well preserved outside the fridge because of the larger container is keeping a layer of ice around it. This way you kan preserve your genetics for a long time.