Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Wow - 1K a week.
Do you think it might be recoverable?

Details man, we gotsta know the skinny.
Well I was doing my weekly paperwork and looking at sales and labor and all that jazz and I notice that where we usually do a large amount of catering each week, on the report there was no catering row this week.....

So I call my IT guy to let him know and he responds with "well when you have no catering sales the row won't appear, it's only there when you have catering sales"

Well I knew we did a lot of catering (it's the holiday season) so I had him look further into it.

Employees can get tricky and refund items into our register and pocket the cash that is the refund and try to make it look like a customer was refunded an item- I caught a girl last year doing this. When they do this though, a record is kept of all refunds and I can see it clearly.

In this case however, this employee must have realized at some point that there's a glitch and when catering items are refunded, the refund still shows up as $0 on my reports.

Once the IT guy did more research, he found that although the reports were showing $0 refunded, there were in fact transactions being recorded of these refunds. So over a few hours I compiled pages of transactions of refunded catering items to cash on EVERY DAY SHE HAS WORKED FOR THE LAST FEE MONTHS. On her days off, there's no catering refunds...


Well-Known Member
Anyway, I have to come back tonight after we close and run all the reports to see how far back she was doing this. I can't do it during business hours because my employees will see me doing shit and word will spread that I'm up to something. Once I tally it all up I'll go to the cops (prob tomorrow) and see if they want us to install a few extra cameras- she's not pocketing the cash at the register or at the safe because she knows we have cameras there, and she only does it when she's in the process of closing the register so the other employees think she's just closing the register... But sometime between when she takes the drawer of cash out if the register and when she sits down at the safe/computer, the $$ disappears. We're talking like $1000 a week for probably 15 weeks- do I think it's recoverable? No, at least not all of it. I don't know the legal process too well but my old man's an attorney and he'll know


Well-Known Member
Anyway, I have to come back tonight after we close and run all the reports to see how far back she was doing this. I can't do it during business hours because my employees will see me doing shit and word will spread that I'm up to something. Once I tally it all up I'll go to the cops (prob tomorrow) and see if they want us to install a few extra cameras- she's not pocketing the cash at the register or at the safe because she knows we have cameras there, and she only does it when she's in the process of closing the register so the other employees think she's just closing the register... But sometime between when she takes the drawer of cash out if the register and when she sits down at the safe/computer, the $$ disappears. We're talking like $1000 a week for probably 15 weeks- do I think it's recoverable? No, at least not all of it. I don't know the legal process too well but my old man's an attorney and he'll know
Sell the bitch to the cartels


Well-Known Member
Sell the bitch to the cartels
Yeah the annoying part is I have to let it ride and let her continue her bullshit the next few days so she doesn't get suspicious. If the cops need more evidence than the huge stack of paper showing refunds and the schedule corresponding to her working 100% those days I need to let her keep doing it to gather that evidence. If she gets spooked it'll surely stop.

I'd love to just straight up jump her shit tomorrow night when she returns to work but I gotta get my ducks in a row

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Anyway, I have to come back tonight after we close and run all the reports to see how far back she was doing this. I can't do it during business hours because my employees will see me doing shit and word will spread that I'm up to something. Once I tally it all up I'll go to the cops (prob tomorrow) and see if they want us to install a few extra cameras- she's not pocketing the cash at the register or at the safe because she knows we have cameras there, and she only does it when she's in the process of closing the register so the other employees think she's just closing the register... But sometime between when she takes the drawer of cash out if the register and when she sits down at the safe/computer, the $$ disappears. We're talking like $1000 a week for probably 15 weeks- do I think it's recoverable? No, at least not all of it. I don't know the legal process too well but my old man's an attorney and he'll know
Hope it all works out and you are able to recover some of the damages.


Well-Known Member
Yeah anywhere between $150-$300 a day, 5 days a week
Someone did a scam when I was working trade shows. Boss found out when I kept making more money then our main booth. Because it was so busy you couldnt keeep track of stock, he took advantage.

Became obvious on Mondays when my boss realized I was always out smokinh a joint it couldn't be as busy as he thought. Made me switch booths, actuallu count stock in morni g and night.

It really hampered my intoxication during work hours. I didnt see the final moments because "cops" scurr me but heard it was quite entertaining...