I'm responding on both the Radiant & the Pro-Grow here. I don't know much about the Radiant fixture but I did research all I could on the Hydroponics Hut.
I don't think their the cheap, low-quality light some think they are. What I found interesting is that upon veiwing these lights several times on the web-site is that there other lights, other then the Pro-Grow 750, like their X5 series (5 watt diodes surrounding a COB) have 5 watt chips that employ their exact spectrum rather then separate colored Monos. So, what do they have multi-chips in 5 & 3 watt? The company (HH) stated that they are the only ones with this technology & that is why they won't release much tech. Info. I couldn't even get the PAR readings never mind a grid with an average over said coverage areas. But even know I wasn't happy with the customer service (answering my many questions & getting back to me) I am still considering getting the X5-500 so I can run it against an AMARE SE-450. When I did finally talk to someone, he said they've been around for 7 years & were one of the first successful LED grow lights. I asked why no-one seems to know about them then & he said that's because most business/sales go to commercial growers. If you do the math on these lights they are only $1.35-$1.75 a watt. So, The cost is very reasonable although I'd much rather have a $/PAR figure to work with as that's what matters most in my opinion with spectrum. I agree the white LEDS rock but I'm not totally convinced that a more efficient chip that equals electrically / lumens per watt will grow me bud most efficiently? For instance, check out the spectrum on the Pro-Grow. It is actually a full spectrum, just low on green. I think green should be there just not on the excess that is given from white LEDS. A white chip may be more efficient to use but I still can't believe it will outgrow a full spectra R&B peaked white, low on green, selected wisely. I aim to purchase both a quality white or a white with peaks in R+B @ 500watts & a quality R+B dominant but full spectrum light (low green but there) & run them in a journal. I think our girls need all colors of the Curve to grow right, it's just that a full white I don't think will compare. I wish someone has done this test for us to see. I am either way. LMK from you guys experiences as I'm new to LED. I am in no way bias. Thanks! BTW, I run HPS/MH so I know those imperfect specs grow me big bad bitches. SSL!