RNC wants Trump out of race over Muslim remarks


Well-Known Member
Let's just say that as scary as this neo-facist shit is and as pathetic as it is that there are a huge number of repubs supporting it, thank god the general populace is different. This ain't about politics, and I am only a Dem now so I can vote Bernie in the primary.

Trump's talk is scary and unamerican. And it shows that he ain't so bright. Billionaire doesn't impress me. Hs dad lent him a million bucks at the right time, no way to lose in NYC real estate at the time for those with money.

The GOP has been running around for years tricking good conservatives into believing its core isn't evil. Well, I know many repubs who are sickened not by Trump running, but the amount of support. IT is showing them what many of we lefties have been saying for a long time about the GOP base.


Well-Known Member
Americans are sick of Democrats and Republicans,.. A two Party system that lies and calls each other names as the country goes down the drain.

The Electoral College,...Ya that gotta go too. Both see to it that you only get to chose one of them, How long will we tolerate voting for just one or the other ?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
The GOP has been running around for years tricking good conservatives into believing its core isn't evil. .
Same can be said about Hillary who wreaks of "evil" and is actually under an FBI investigation, finally. Trump and the other Republican candidates are not. So, what's your point?


Well-Known Member
Trump won't be where I start voting for Republicans....

Pics of that trashy wife and mud brick hut?
Me either but my hut washed away in the rain. Got some boxes? Obama won't help me or give me any handouts. Oh and yes my "trashy wife"... Woody woody woody you already have pics and want more. You must like:hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
He will. All you have to do is quit your job at Burger King.
Lol no I would have to down grade your paycheck plus others to get to that pay grade. Besides I would have made it to your standards working at burger king....became a democrat literally DAF, can't speak, ignorant, lazy, 5 kids and no baby daddy... no thanks friend


Well-Known Member
UB, I am no Hillary fan. I am also not talking about general morals and ethics which nearly all politicians lack. I was strictly speaking to the racism, maybe evil was too generic.


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump and his ilk are abscesses on the ass of America. Appealing to people scared of their own damned shadows. Listen to the GOP and the border with MX is teeming with danger. Yet El Paso, Texas is consistently in the Top 3 Safest Cities in every measure of crime including rape and murder. Prove that yourself by looking at FBI stats annually. I can see the border from where I am renting. It is hard to correlate the border trouble these pussies whine about with the one I can see and walk to. I know we need immigration policies and strict ones. But after a while the walls you build to protect yourself turn into your own jail.