When The Aristocracy Leaves The Commoners In The Dust, The Empire Is Doomed

How the hell did you wind up in Saigon during the war dude? Was your pops in the service?

My father had volunteered for the army right about the time I was born, specifically so be could choose a job that did not involve carrying a rifle into a jungle full of things happy to kill you- nevermind grumpy natives.

Thus he did his three years in Germany, my mom and I followed him there, they had jobs and went to school for a couple of years after. My father had a buddy from the army who was a lawyer and had a job lined up for him- in Saigon.

Soooo, as strange as it sounds, there we were, a civilian American family living in Saigon. Mom worked at the BX (commissary) at Thom Sun hut (sp help?) airbase and dad worked for the law firm doing investigative work for courts martial cases the law firm was defending.

The war was not going too well and there were faces of desperation everywhere, along with lots of roving squads of heavily armed MPs to keep a lid on things.

Other things I remember; the Vietnamese family living in a shed made from scraps of galvanized sheet metal on the sidewalk, some of whom helped walk me to school- unsupervised by adults. They were painfully, obsequiously nice, even inviting me to eat dinner with them. I still remember the patriarch gently admonishing me to finish all the grains of rice in my bowl, for they had enough to share... but none to waste.
everything's bigger in tex-ass..aunt benita:lol:

More like this. ;)

Only a mega douche nozzle would respond with a retarded post about a retarded president. What a retard.
Your and just about everyone elses ideologies on this forum make people yawn. We can get the same old bullshit by watching fox and msnbc news. Again .....yawn. Be original. Think of new ways to solve Americas problems. Obviously the old ways of right and left have gotten us.....???? Again Ben....yawn. Go lay down fool. Your ways and the lefty ways are finished in my book.
Your and just about everyone elses ideologies on this forum make people yawn. We can get the same old bullshit by watching fox and msnbc news. Again .....yawn. Be original. Think of new ways to solve Americas problems. Obviously the old ways of right and left have gotten us.....???? Again Ben....yawn. Go lay down fool. Your ways and the lefty ways are finished in my book.

Might I respectfully interject that perhaps you don't know lefty ways because you've never seen them in action.

This country has been turning hard right for forty long years. When have you seen it too far to the left? o_O

It would appear you are correct

The foundation of my political outlook can be found in the treatment of those least able to speak for themselves.

The way the rich have managed to spin American society over the last twenty years really makes me ill.

The theater of greed apparently knows no limits.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” -Ronald Wright

It's a really weird thing to see people blame the economic problems of the country on the poorest members of it while industry receives subsidy after subsidy, destroys the environment and effectively pays negative taxes.. It would seem defunding education was part of the plan all along. Demonizing academia was probably one of the most successful investments the GOP ever made.

Any kind of force derived subsidy is wrong and will create unintended consequences. On one hand you seem to get that, when you correctly call out industry subsidies.

Then you put on a dunce cap and think that a force derived subsidy can be good, when you like it. Do you even know the purpose of government schools in the USA ? Where it came from and why it has been the most effective tool (along with television and "the news") to herd the USA populace of sheep into the warfare / welfare cess pool they reside in...
Any kind of force derived subsidy is wrong and will create unintended consequences. On one hand you seem to get that, when you correctly call out industry subsidies.

Then you put on a dunce cap and think that a force derived subsidy can be good, when you like it. Do you even know the purpose of government schools in the USA ? Where it came from and why it has been the most effective tool (along with television and "the news") to herd the USA populace of sheep into the warfare / welfare cess pool they reside in...
It can be good, when it's effective. Objective arguments can be made about certain aspects of life and society. From subsidizing renewable energy to be genuinely competitive in the market to subsidizing education to produce intelligent people capable of producing better and more efficient goods and services for the economy. Medicine, science, technology...

Your point about the origin of schools is odd considering the libertarians stance on personal responsibility. How many successful people are a result of the American education system? How can you blame an institution in itself for your perceived failure of the system? Go look around the world at other places without public education - what do they all have in common?
It can be good, when it's effective. Objective arguments can be made about certain aspects of life and society. From subsidizing renewable energy to be genuinely competitive in the market to subsidizing education to produce intelligent people capable of producing better and more efficient goods and services for the economy. Medicine, science, technology...

Your point about the origin of schools is odd considering the libertarians stance on personal responsibility. How many successful people are a result of the American education system? How can you blame an institution in itself for your perceived failure of the system? Go look around the world at other places without public education - what do they all have in common?

You just tried to rationalize theft. Would you like to try again or are you seriously saying that if a person or entity takes your stuff without your consent, the outcome of the theft can justify the theft itself ?

Government schools?

It is easy to lay blame on an institution if it is funded via threats of force, even to those who DO NOT USE IT. Also, you neglected to comment on the reasons why government schools were used in the first place. Surely you know that the Prussian model brought to the USA in the mid 1800s was intended to instill blind obedience in the sheep / mill workers / cannon fodder?