Mohican's 2015 Season

Thank you all!!! The BBQ next weekend is like my own little BD party :)

Yesterday I had to work till 11 pm but it is all overtime I can use next weekend to stay at the casino near the BBQ.

I got a PS4 for my birthday along with Fallout 4 so I may be absent for a while.


I think Bodhi didn't want people pollen chucking his testers was what I remember.

My clones are still alive and out in the sun because they were growing into the light. I looks like the root aphids my be under control. Even so, I am going to give them a dunk in soap and neem and see whether that is enough to prevent them. Tons of dead leaves but still a bunch of healthy new growth. I may just take cuttings and start them over small. The Blue Dream didn't make it but the SRS is going great.

Back to the vault,
Hey guys I have a few zuchinni and squash & I am seeing a few of these little almost ladybug looking brownish orange beetles chewing the leaves up. I smashed 2 of them yesterday and didnt see any this morning, but does anyone have a organic spray or other solution to keep those fuckers off?
Hey guys I have a few zuchinni and squash & I am seeing a few of these little almost ladybug looking brownish orange beetles chewing the leaves up. I smashed 2 of them yesterday and didnt see any this morning, but does anyone have a organic spray or other solution to keep those fuckers off?

Sounds like an Asian beetle but I didn't think they ate vegetation, only aphids.