RNC wants Trump out of race over Muslim remarks


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump and his ilk are abscesses on the ass of America. Appealing to people scared of their own damned shadows. Listen to the GOP and the border with MX is teeming with danger. Yet El Paso, Texas is consistently in the Top 3 Safest Cities in every measure of crime including rape and murder. Prove that yourself by looking at FBI stats annually. I can see the border from where I am renting. It is hard to correlate the border trouble these pussies whine about with the one I can see and walk to. I know we need immigration policies and strict ones. But after a while the walls you build to protect yourself turn into your own jail.

I did, then I realized the amount of law enforcement there to prevent illegal entry, and it hit me, this is a safe place. Nobody commits crime at the police station, same with paso. Go west to San Diego and give me the safety report if you don`t mind.


Well-Known Member
I did, then I realized the amount of law enforcement there to prevent illegal entry, and it hit me, this is a safe place. Nobody commits crime at the police station, same with paso. Go west to San Diego and give me the safety report if you don`t mind.

"A recent list released, created by CQ Press and compiled on FBI statistics, ranks San Diego as the 2nd safest city in the United States with a population above 500,000. The annual list was compiled on crime statistics to rate the cities for the beginning of 2013.

El Paso topped the list with the lowest crime rate ranking. Other California cities made the top ten safest, with San Jose at 5th and Los Angeles at 6th. Detroit was listed with the highest crime rate ranking. No California cities or cities near the Mexico border made the most dangerous category."

DON'T BE SUCH A CHICKENSHIT SCARED OF EVERYTHING! Were you ever in the military? I'm guessing you were not or you were Army Reserves at best. I apologize if I am mistaken but I have this feeling.

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
"Bearkat42, post: 12137476, member: 619754"]How's that "investigation" going, by the way?
It doesn't take an investigation to see the facts. There were cameras rolling when Clinton's armed terrorists stormed Libya, overthrew the legitimate government, and then pumped weapons into Syria for a wash, rinse repeat.

A vote for Hillary is a vote that supports American state sponsored terrorism and hypocrisy.


Well-Known Member
Bet OddBall is an office pogey. Wears slacks, never shakes hands with anyone. Especially if they are brown or black.Or heaven forbid a gay person.


Well-Known Member

"A recent list released, created by CQ Press and compiled on FBI statistics, ranks San Diego as the 2nd safest city in the United States with a population above 500,000. The annual list was compiled on crime statistics to rate the cities for the beginning of 2013.

El Paso topped the list with the lowest crime rate ranking. Other California cities made the top ten safest, with San Jose at 5th and Los Angeles at 6th. Detroit was listed with the highest crime rate ranking. No California cities or cities near the Mexico border made the most dangerous category."

DON'T BE SUCH A CHICKENSHIT SCARED OF EVERYTHING! Were you ever in the military? I'm guessing you were not or you were Army Reserves at best. I apologize if I am mistaken but I have this feeling.

Ya, OK, So what`s that say, border cities with overflowing law enforcement to prevent illegal entry are deemed the safest in America,...Whodathunk.....Really guy ?


Well-Known Member
Bet OddBall is an office pogey. Wears slacks, never shakes hands with anyone. Especially if they are brown or black.Or heaven forbid a gay person.
The only advice I can give you is stay away for Las Vegas, just don`t go there. Pogey = jarhead or at least a good chance of.


Well-Known Member
Ya, OK, So what`s that say, border cities with overflowing law enforcement to prevent illegal entry are deemed the safest in America,...Whodathunk.....Really guy ?
You have zero clue. Zero. You do not live anywhere near the situation yet you are an expert. Dork. Don't be scared. I am former USMC and have an AR with shitload of loaded magazines. And I know how to use it all. I'll cover you down here.

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
We need good intelligence, not knee jerk reactions that do not address the root causes. We rely too much on bought information. The Israelis know how to do it.
Bukhari (49:857) - "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar."

~ The Hadith


Well-Known Member
You have zero clue. Zero. You do not live anywhere near the situation yet you are an expert. Dork. Don't be scared. I am former USMC and have an AR with shitload of loaded magazines. And I know how to use it all. I'll cover you down here.

If I`m clueless, How did I know jarhead by the way you post ? I live in Boston, as far from it as you get. Don`t leave the mags loaded for prolonged periods,...look what it did to mines...........

m1 001.jpg


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump and his ilk are abscesses on the ass of America. Appealing to people scared of their own damned shadows. Listen to the GOP and the border with MX is teeming with danger. Yet El Paso, Texas is consistently in the Top 3 Safest Cities in every measure of crime including rape and murder. Prove that yourself by looking at FBI stats annually. I can see the border from where I am renting. It is hard to correlate the border trouble these pussies whine about with the one I can see and walk to. I know we need immigration policies and strict ones. But after a while the walls you build to protect yourself turn into your own jail.
Plus Rep! :clap:


Well-Known Member
Wow. Hard to figure out. Like everything about Trump. Bigoted stupidity, brilliant political move, both? The guy talks like a third grader but he's a successful billionaire. Go figure. So did he know the polling on this question before he made his comments?
Um, and how many bankruptcies does this successful have?..easy when you get to wipe the slate clean every few years.


Well-Known Member
If I`m clueless, How did I know jarhead by the way you post ? I live in Boston, as far from it as you get. Don`t leave the mags loaded for prolonged periods,...look what it did to mines...........

View attachment 3561179

Black tips ftw.

Um, and how many bankruptcies does this successful have?..easy when you get to wipe the slate clean every few years.
Business is like baseball. If you are batting .300+, you only make it on base clean 30% of the time, yet considered a bad ass. Bat .400+ and you are a god.

Failing is part of business. Knowing what to do afterwards is what separates those who know wtf they are doing and those who are better off punching a clock.