RNC wants Trump out of race over Muslim remarks


Well-Known Member
Id personally prefer a leadership attempt at solving problems within our border first, and exterior conflicts second. Especially since the outside problems tend to stem from oil or religion, neither of which will matter nearly as much in 50-100 years.

Does .."Make America Great Again" sound like feed Israel and Pakistan and give Iran Nukes cuz they threaten us ?

Trumps wall is not materialistic, it would involve voluntary return, punch the ticket, come back, punch the ticket again so we know who you are type thing. Not saying that`s it, but it will be a real effort to control the infiltration.

A material wall is not in style or practical.

Heck, even moving training bases for the Services to the mobile camps at the border would provide on the job training while securing, there`s more options than a material wall of China.


Well-Known Member
He`s a pushover politician,...We don`t need another politician with promises that will step aside to Black Lives Matter. Will he step aside from Putin ?, ISIS, If you`re gonna lead,.....Lead.
you think anybody can go toe to toe with Putin? You are a fool. Putin has complete control over 1 of the 3 most powerful nations on Earth. And he plays ice hockey making him way tougher than you and for sure the draft dodging Trumpf with his weekly mani/pedis.


Well-Known Member
you think anybody can go toe to toe with Putin? You are a fool. Putin has complete control over 1 of the 3 most powerful nations on Earth. And he plays ice hockey making him way tougher than you and for sure the draft dodging Trumpf with his weekly mani/pedis.

I have no problem going toe to toe with him, do you ?


Well-Known Member
It shows how out of touch career politicians and anal`ists are. People want a hardass, fowl mouth, aggressive leader that means what he says. Worth hundreds of millions and people care about bankrupt strategies. He is no failure by any means, anyway you look at it. I don`t want Mrs. lie, Mr.Relative, or Dr. feel good,...I want someone that bucks the system, rebels against the norm, not owned and in favors debt. That`s how you get rid of what`s been done already.

The world thinks they way they do about us not because of Donald Trump, but those before him cuz he aint done nothing yet.

The only losing or failing he will encounter is if he does not get elected. What a horrible thing on your resume,...lost a public Election.........
good responce


Well-Known Member
Our having two dominant parties is a product of the political "rules of the game" so-to-speak. In a system where a 51%+ vote wins it all, as opposed to simply the candidate with the highest %, it ends up boiling down to two parties over time. Obviously there's a little more to the complete picture here, but I wanted to respond briefly. It seems like a few people in this thread don't understand why.

No I disagree, we are more diverse now than ever, So 20%, 35%, 40% and 5% wont do ?


Well-Known Member
we agree on one thing. our gov't is a steaming pile of shit.

you didn't answer one ?: do you think that Obama should be held accountable for the estimated 3 to 4T carryover from W's Iraq war?
W doubled our national debt from 5T to 10T. if you add the 4T to him, he almost tripled it. if you take away 4T from Obama, he only raised it 4T total, not the 8T that Fox claims.

Okay, I think I understand your position; it's about the calculation of the magnitude of Obama's debt. The numbers will be more specific when it's finally all over.

I'm not defending Bush's economic performance when it come to the book keeping of the Iraq war. I was not a fan.

Another point, debt becomes bad when you can't dispose of it. Simplistically it's no different than our house hold budgets. Make tons of money you can maintain more debt, make little money a small debt can become a festering problem.

The problem facing this nation is revenue generation. Also, when the economy hums, all this depressing talk re income drops into the noise. People feel better and focus less about what others are doing when their personal shit is working.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I think I understand your position; it's about the calculation of the magnitude of Obama's debt. The numbers will be more specific when it's finally all over.

I'm not defending Bush's economic performance when it come to the book keeping of the Iraq war. I was not a fan.

Another point, debt becomes bad when you can't dispose of it. Simplistically it's no different than our house hold budgets. Make tons of money you can maintain more debt, make little money a small debt can become a festering problem.

The problem facing this nation is revenue generation. Also, when the economy hums, all this depressing talk re income drops into the noise. People feel better and focus less about what others are doing when their personal shit is working.
holy shit, god1, i think we are becoming one.

here's my take: Congress needs to pass a budget that cuts 2T per year from our debt. We'd have it paid off in maybe 15 years with interest and such.

we make nothing in this country anymore. we are a service and consumer econonmy. how do you compete with china with wages at 30 cents a day?? you can't. you have to get offensive. what if you just started with saying that all blue jeans sold in the USA had to be made in the USA? any suppliers that complain you say f*** you. baby steps, baby steps.


Well-Known Member
holy shit, god1, i think we are becoming one.

here's my take: Congress needs to pass a budget that cuts 2T per year from our debt. We'd have it paid off in maybe 15 years with interest and such.

we make nothing in this country anymore. we are a service and consumer econonmy. how do you compete with china with wages at 30 cents a day?? you can't. you have to get offensive. what if you just started with saying that all blue jeans sold in the USA had to be made in the USA? any suppliers that complain you say f*** you. baby steps, baby steps.
"You know, Paul, Reagan proved that deficits don't matter."

-Dick Cheney

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Rob Roy wants to let you have sex with 13 year olds as long as They consent

If people are capable of consenting to something that doesn't concern others why is it up to me or you to "let" them do anything, Prohibitionist? How is what other people do, even if we don't approve of it as something we might do, our business ?

I have a question for you. Do you think consensual sex between adults should be illegal if one person pays the other person?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
holy shit, god1, i think we are becoming one.

here's my take: Congress needs to pass a budget that cuts 2T per year from our debt. We'd have it paid off in maybe 15 years with interest and such.

we make nothing in this country anymore. we are a service and consumer econonmy. how do you compete with china with wages at 30 cents a day?? you can't. you have to get offensive. what if you just started with saying that all blue jeans sold in the USA had to be made in the USA? any suppliers that complain you say f*** you. baby steps, baby steps.

What if people didn't have to ask permission from a gang with guns to conduct free trade ?


Well-Known Member
When he says "Make America Great Again" Exactly what time period is he speaking of? In other words, when was the last time America was "great"?

So you don`t think America was ever great, is that what you mean ?

I enjoy America today, but it isn`t what it was when I was growing up as a little guy. There`s no direct answer to that because whatever one says, another will say different.

Today, we are a retail Nation, when we were an industrial nation, everyone liked us.

You need to get his meaning from him.


Well-Known Member
If people are capable of consenting to something that doesn't concern others why is it up to me or you to "let" them do anything, Prohibitionist? How is what other people do, even if we don't approve of it as something we might do, our business ?

I have a question for you. Do you think consensual sex between adults should be illegal if one person pays the other person?
Just quoted it so you can't change it.
The question was can a 13 year old child consentv to sex with an adult?
Your Answer again is yes


Well-Known Member
So you don`t think America was ever great, is that what you mean ?

I enjoy America today, but it isn`t what it was when I was growing up as a little guy. There`s no direct answer to that because whatever one says, another will say different.

Today, we are a retail Nation, when we were an industrial nation, everyone liked us.

You need to get his meaning from him.
What I think has nothing to do with this. "Make America great again" implies that HE doesn't think that America is great. I was just curious as to when (in his opinion) he last thought that it was.

But to answer your question, No, I don't think that America has ever been "great". I'm aware of it's history.


Well-Known Member
What I think has nothing to do with this. "Make America great again" implies that HE doesn't think that America is great. I was just curious as to when (in his opinion) he last thought that it was.

But to answer your question, No, I don't think that America has ever been "great". I'm aware of it's history.

It`s not, almost 100 million out of work today,... Health care nightmare,... huge flows of illegal entries, We`re almost broke and our guard is down, things are not improving, they are declining.

Where do you see great, I see oh no...

So stopping the world from total dominance from the japs and Third were not great big deals ? Feeding and supplying refugees today, they think it`s great. While you alone don`t, other people do, which is why I didn`t give you a definitive answer.

I think we have the best hospitals in the world, I think we have a good education system that is out of wack at the moment, I think my right to bare arms and free speech is greater than the rest of the world.

What would you like to see that would allow you to agree that America is great ? Don`t say racist free because that is a global problem and not just toward Blacks.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
A material wall is not in style or practical..
You can't do just one wall. A double wall with a 50' gap in between for vehicle surveillance and such would work. Charles Krauthammer who is a psych by trade and now news commentator articulated how to build it in his book.


Well-Known Member
You can't do just one wall. A double wall with a 50' gap in between for vehicle surveillance and such would work. Charles Krauthammer who is a psych by trade and now news commentator articulated how to build it in his book.

Why go to him, most Military bases use the same methods but more secure.