I dont have a camera that is capable...Got any melt shots of that?
full melt clear domes?
Also what do you mean wash. dry. press? Where is the wash in the dry ice hash process?
Brilliant never thought of washing dry ice hash like that but I'm sure it works well!I dont have a camera that is capable...
Wash. Drop the kief in a 1 gal bucket skim the top (plant matter floats)pour through a coffee filter. Spread it out. Let it dry. Squeeze it together. Doesnt matter how. Just warm it and make a puck or something. ( i dont like loose.)
I like the dry ice hash on its own. I washed it once to see how well it would clean it up and was quite surprised. So now i wash only certain strains once in a while. Usually i just go straight up di....It's from a fellow grower buddy blazerwill. The DI sieve hash that is.
Gonna chime in here. I have used the water/contaminant float trick to clean up grinder keif. Turned grinder poop in 3.5/4 * melt . That being said I dont see why you would use this with a dry ice method. 99% of people who I know that do dry ice want quanity over quality. But then your floating it to remove some contaminant so now you have your drying time to add on. All this for a 3.5* hash? Why not just use water and bags from beginning and have 5/6* hash. Once your floating the dry ice hash you are losing any best bang for buck argument in my humble opinion
I can understand your point when you say it that way. Simply put your a quanity over quality guy which there is nothing wrong with most of us here are the opposite quality over quantity.
Rosin tech and you'll get it to full melt.
That's what I was thinking too, why not rosin the dry ice hash instead of doing the water trick? Just wondering.
The stuff in the pics above.... there is no way to know that it isnt quite 5/6*. Even under a 30x loupe you cant tell....