Stealing ATM machine phenomenon.

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Well-Known Member
So every day in the local Dallas news there is at least one or two stolen ATM machines. Basically they steal a truck or big suv, tie a chain around the ATM break it lose from the slab, then throw it in the back of the truck and drive off.. more than half the attempts are failures, but nobody ever gets caught.. it literally takes 30 secs with three people..

I've heard some machines can have up 80k in them, what the actual fuck? 80K?

I was just wondering if this is Dallas thing or if it's everywhere..

Side note..

Good friday morning..

Lets talk tnt drama for a sec.

There is some BS popular crowd shit going on around here at the moment... With the crowd I use to consider "online friends" you know who you are.. I just want to say, get a fucking life, get outdoors, fuck bitches, hit the gym fat fucks, if your whole day consist of nothing but RIU it's probably because you are a fucking loser in general..

I won't be posting as much until shit gets right again..

I post a couple non-troll serious threads and niggas wanna hate, well that's cool.. I use to post "I hate my life threads" now I post "which bitch to choose".

Fake motherfuckers need to get their priorities straight.. Oh did I mention I got NorCal green house grown ounces going for $80..

Fuck you:finger: fuck you:finger: @sunni your cool, I'm out:cool:
Relax bru. It's not even the real world. You know how to live. Shake this and go about your biz. I'm having gf problems myself. But, I always knew the circumstances wasn't right. I eased up first now she gonna be gone. It hurts cause she so much fun. But, it's all good. I'll pick it up again after Xmas and get back on the fun track. For now time to meditate and clear the soul for the next round. Peace and love bru.


Well-Known Member
Seems like you are creating drama out of thin air tbh
The air is a whole a lot thinner where you're at, than Texas.. like I said I give zero fucks, it effects nothing in my life. So there can't be any drama..

First I am a little drunk

Second I hate seeing newer members come here and like they run shit..

Third, I do not care. I am going to sleep..
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Well-Known Member
That's cool and shit.. But I had nothing against Yessica, I thought she was a little to emotional (females) and post to god damn much.. But for fucks sake she lives in Canada.. I had to stop liking her post, because I thought y'all were going to start judging me if I "liked" her shit.. Just like none of y'all are "liking my shit"... Fuck it's really stupid, if you think about it Dia.. Why the fuck can't somebody like everyone, you girls are way to territorial..

I can count on one hand, all the people I have disliked in my 8 years since joining rollitup.. Yessica was surely not one.. The people I dislike, have judgemental and cocky.. "which I am probably both" so hypocritical and all..
I have absolutely nothing to reply about here but that ain't gonna stop me.



Well-Known Member
The air is a whole a lot thinner where you're at, than Texas.. like I said I give zero fucks, it effects nothing in my life. So there can't be any drama..

First I am a little drunk

Second I hate seeing newer members come here and like they run shit..

Third, I do not care. I am going to sleep..
You will be reborn moving to Evans. Seriously. And just have some bud flowering by Spring when they open the silage pits and start clearing the shit from the feedlots to cover the smell. At least while you are inside. Think of all that great compost for an outdoor grow next summer! Fuck Dallas. I don't even like going there for business. Lots to do but just too damned many people and traffic and everything else. Less ice storms in Evans too!


Well-Known Member
You will be reborn moving to Evans. Seriously. And just have some bud flowering by Spring when they open the silage pits and start clearing the shit from the feedlots to cover the smell. At least while you are inside. Think of all that great compost for an outdoor grow next summer! Fuck Dallas. I don't even like going there for business. Lots to do but just too damned many people and traffic and everything else. Less ice storms in Evans too!
I'm not so sure about living in Evans but if they'll let you run a grow warehouse there, it's all good!


Well-Known Member
Link didn't work for me. What/where is Possum Kingdom? Since I live in SW Ft Collins, it's a straight shot down Taft/Wilson to 34, hang a right and RMNP is just thirty minutes away, forty five if the motorhome I'm following up the canyon has flatlander plates...

But since I grew up here, I can take people to any number of gorgeous, unspoiled and UNCROWDED places I know in the mountains... FREE.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
So every day in the local Dallas news there is at least one or two stolen ATM machines. Basically they steal a truck or big suv, tie a chain around the ATM break it lose from the slab, then throw it in the back of the truck and drive off.. more than half the attempts are failures, but nobody ever gets caught.. it literally takes 30 secs with three people..

I've heard some machines can have up 80k in them, what the actual fuck? 80K?

I was just wondering if this is Dallas thing or if it's everywhere..

Side note..

Good friday morning..

Lets talk tnt drama for a sec.

There is some BS popular crowd shit going on around here at the moment... With the crowd I use to consider "online friends" you know who you are.. I just want to say, get a fucking life, get outdoors, fuck bitches, hit the gym fat fucks, if your whole day consist of nothing but RIU it's probably because you are a fucking loser in general..

I won't be posting as much until shit gets right again..

I post a couple non-troll serious threads and niggas wanna hate, well that's cool.. I use to post "I hate my life threads" now I post "which bitch to choose".

Fake motherfuckers need to get their priorities straight.. Oh did I mention I got NorCal green house grown ounces going for $80..

Fuck you:finger: fuck you:finger: @sunni your cool, I'm out:cool:
Sounds like someone needs a hug.


Well-Known Member
The air is a whole a lot thinner where you're at, than Texas.. like I said I give zero fucks, it effects nothing in my life. So there can't be any drama..

First I am a little drunk

Second I hate seeing newer members come here and like they run shit..

Third, I do not care. I am going to sleep..
Lol. Like you once asked me, 'got any blow?'


Well-Known Member
Y'all give the kid his little moment of coming unglued. A lot of times Christmas brings some peeps down if all they chips ain't in place or whatever. My gf is currently having some issues and I think it's cause it's Christmas and she got little kids. Been unemployed and only recently found a job, been down on her luck and is hellabroke. And she was dating this hellabroke guy called me! Now she will have to show up at her family Christmas carrying these burdens I am sure is weighing her down. Humble and feeling a bit ashamed she can't do more for her children. Especially when the whole family loves her husband(separated) and she thinks they look down on her.

Me personally. Basically all of my close family is gone. Has been for years. I have some residual family left that I was never close to and we communicate and such, but truth is, the people I grew up making fond memories with are gone. I'm cool with it cause I understand life cycle and hey, we all going there someday. Im used to it.

My point is. For some it can be hard to witness all these people running all over town, people who can afford to buy up dozens of Christmas gifts for all they loved ones, and then there are people who are struggling in whatever way just to eat and pay rent which is already late. People are struggling be it they Hellabroke, like moi. Or many of they loved ones are gone so they just ain't got many peeps left, like moi. Or they don't have a significant other. Like moi who is recently divorced. Don't get me wrong. I assure you I'm glad that ugly old hag is gone and I thank Jesus everyday I got my life back. Then there are all kind of other reasons like perhaps they recently and unexpectedly lost a loved one. Got laid off. Sudden illness or tragic event.................

Come on guys! No matter how Hellabroke we are! Financially, emotionally, spiritually or whatever. We always got something left to give. It's called...


Peace and love out to everyone. Any may you all have a peaceful holiday season and be able to share your own peace and love.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Shits weak... It's just some high school BS.. I'm just throwing it out there, atleast what I see.. I've been here for a long time, winter comes around and everybody starts picking sides and shit.. I give zeros fucks about anything except getting girls and making money...

meh most of my post are lame as shit anyways..

I always told myself all the pics I post, all these journals, all the seeds I bred and posting them here on RIU would have some kind of return....

8 years later... nothing, not even one seed or gram sold... :(


My drunk ass is going bed..
You're trying to sell people seeds or bud? But people on this site grow their own, I don't get it. Fucken drunk ass, what are you trying to say? Who shitted in your cheerios? Let's go kill em my nigg, dry your tears though. we don't want to leave any Dna on the scene.
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