Ok two male plants 4 foot dropped in my lap. Please help no idea what to do. .


Well-Known Member
Damn... yeah I'm pretty sure they are male... they have the little pollen sacks. In my continued reading I was hoping id have some hermaphrodites or something. At least to produce something to smoke. Fuck. 5 foot tall male plant a total waste? Fuck me man. Soo anyone have any idea what I can do with these male muthas to cop a buzz? Shite man! View attachment 3557231
Don't lie...these are from you breeding chamber. You know the one were you've been working on ever so diligently over the past few years. Crossing and back crossing to get those phenos just right so they don't chuck nanners when stressed out and have that berry smell with a slight og pinesol funk of the mom. You know... the one when you get it just right you're going to name after your favorite dog growing up, the one you used to blow bong hits in his face. He was so chill. Though he died of some lung problems. Killer Rex was his name. You almost tricked us, you.


Don't lie...these are from you breeding chamber. You know the one were you've been working on ever so diligently over the past few years. Crossing and back crossing to get those phenos just right so they don't chuck nanners when stressed out and have that berry smell with a slight og pinesol funk of the mom. You know... the one when you get it just right you're going to name after your favorite dog growing up, the one you used to blow bong hits in his face. He was so chill. Though he died of some lung problems. Killer Rex was his name. You almost tricked us, you.
Lol haah damn yo... you got me. But really tho. That dog was chill. Haha.

Maan ok. Thanks everyone for telling me I don't know the first thing when it comes to growing. Obviously my drummer doesn't either. He's new to it too.

I kinda thought I made that clear in my first posting. I'm learning as I go. Quite the steep curve even in the damn newbie section. Shit, maybe I need to go find the how to roll a joint section or finding a good spot to score a dime bag...and start there. Geez.

But I must say... these males my drummer grew look alot better than alot of other pics I've seen here and there on the net. Damn shame he couldn't of spotted them sooner.

And me... fuck... I just love making an ass out of myself on a public forum and leave it to another asshole to say I'm full of it. typical.

Well looks like my assholiery has brought out the Internet forum thugstars. Dig.. I'ma smoke every damn bit of these plants right now just to stop feeling so butt touched. ;) newbie central? more like crusty old dirtbags united... lol here to dance on my hopes and dreams. -puff- puff- ewwww gross

Thank you for not taking 90% of this here message seriously. Never know with you crusty old foogies... or you teenaged scarface wannabes. Say hello to MY STINKY FRIEND. ;)

-adios amigos


Ok.. fuk it. These male plants are getting cut up. Maybe I'll make some ghetto ass hash. Maybe I'll eat them with my eggs. Haha who knows...

Still taking suggestions. .


Well-Known Member
Ok.. fuk it. These male plants are getting cut up. Maybe I'll make some ghetto ass hash. Maybe I'll eat them with my eggs. Haha who knows...

Still taking suggestions. .
You should boil them in water for about 6hrs. Then inject it directly into your veins while it's still boiling. Don't mind the plant matter, the syringe is to small to suck it up. Have fun and don't forget to shoot one for superloud.


Well-Known Member
"and wrapping my mind around the fact that the male counterpart contains no t.h.c. "

I'm pretty sure this isn't true...... unless Ed Rosenthal's book is wrong


While most people believe that male cannabis contains no cannabinoids, this is well-established to be untrue. A study from 1971 compared the cannabinoid content of males and females found in several locations including Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley, Turkey, and Morocco, and found that while cannabinoid concentration was generally higher in female plants, males nonetheless exhibited significant concentrations.


/just sayin

and if you have no females what are they going to hurt?


Well-Known Member
Damn... yeah I'm pretty sure they are male... they have the little pollen sacks. In my continued reading I was hoping id have some hermaphrodites or something. At least to produce something to smoke. Fuck. 5 foot tall male plant a total waste? Fuck me man. Soo anyone have any idea what I can do with these male muthas to cop a buzz? Shite man! View attachment 3557231
Dude! Wrap that fucker in Christmas lights!!!


Well-Known Member
"and wrapping my mind around the fact that the male counterpart contains no t.h.c. "

I'm pretty sure this isn't true...... unless Ed Rosenthal's book is wrong


While most people believe that male cannabis contains no cannabinoids, this is well-established to be untrue. A study from 1971 compared the cannabinoid content of males and females found in several locations including Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley, Turkey, and Morocco, and found that while cannabinoid concentration was generally higher in female plants, males nonetheless exhibited significant concentrations.


/just sayin

and if you have no females what are they going to hurt?
It was a general statement I'd guess. Yes it does have thc in microscopic amounts, you will probably have to nug run the whole plant for a small ball of hash.


Well-Known Member
Ahh geez. You know my friend acted like it could be smoked in a pinch. He wasn't so sure on the details... but was sure glad to be rid of them.View attachment 3557513 View attachment 3557514 View attachment 3557513

So think I should continue to grow them? Or should I dry them out? Which brings me to my next question. How do you go about drying out the plants?

It almost looks like there is tiny little buds at the top of the stalks. But underneath those are the pollen sacks. :/ my friend made it seem like those tiny little buds would grow a little bit bigger if I gave em the proper care.

Now I'm just going to have him pony up a nice lil clone for doing his dirty work. And my friend... he's actually my drummer in my band that I "plugged" earlier. Chilli Flew & the no boys. Ohh and I wasn't trying to sell anything ... maybe just catch another stoner listener that's into some lofi anti punk. Smoking weed and listening to music is like bread and butta.

Anyhow.. thanks to all who took the time to reply. I'm really digging this site. Hopefully I'll learn the magic of growing the premo' and be able to pass the knowledge on to newbies as well.

Thanks again!
Dude. Take a few of them pollen sacks and pop em open at your friends and seed his stuff. Then maybe he give you some decent seeds to start with. Just saying. Kinda like justice and getting some free beans all in swoop. :bigjoint: