How to scrog up bushy nl#5xhaze girls?


Well-Known Member
So yesterday - new moon, day 12 of stretch:
2015-12-11 (1).JPG
2015-12-11 (2).JPG

Seeing I had up to 7 tips per square of screen (5x5cm!), plus I saw first sign of my girls going into bloom, I set about thinning out those tips right away.

After 2.5 hours of serious grooming (removing shoots, shading leaves, and LSTing), I was shocked to see the total view :shock: *gulp*
2015-12-11_post-auslichten1.JPG 2015-12-11_post-auslichten2.JPG
Oh horrors!!!
Though I know it was necessary to do that so they can thrive thru flower -- and they are already greedily filling in that space and will be looking great again in 1-2 days... I hope I never ever mismanage my plant growth so badly that I need to resort to such drastic measures!

And I still have more than one tip per square!
being unsure which of the candidates will "win", I'll see in a few days for a final cleanout. I hope they decide fast, as signs of them going into flower are beginning to show on more and more tips now.
Cheers! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
So yesterday - new moon, day 12 of stretch:
View attachment 3562577
View attachment 3562578

Seeing I had up to 7 tips per square of screen (5x5cm!), plus I saw first sign of my girls going into bloom, I set about thinning out those tips right away.

After 2.5 hours of serious grooming (removing shoots, shading leaves, and LSTing), I was shocked to see the total view :shock: *gulp*
View attachment 3562579 View attachment 3562580
Oh horrors!!!
Though I know it was necessary to do that so they can thrive thru flower -- and they are already greedily filling in that space and will be looking great again in 1-2 days... I hope I never ever mismanage my plant growth so badly that I need to resort to such drastic measures!

And I still have more than one tip per square!
being unsure which of the candidates will "win", I'll see in a few days for a final cleanout. I hope they decide fast, as signs of them going into flower are beginning to show on more and more tips now.
Cheers! :bigjoint:
Looking good! And Dusk is doing great! Its always a shock to look at the ladies after theyve had a haircut! I was worried last time because on the Hash Bomb I really went to town on her, but I believe it was absolutely necessary. No light was able to get below the canopy and the relative humidity was ridiculous! It dropped over 30% after I did my thing with the scissors!
They look a bit naked now but give it a few days and they will have bushed up. Nice work! :razz:


Well-Known Member
Looking good! And Dusk is doing great! Its always a shock to look at the ladies after theyve had a haircut! I was worried last time because on the Hash Bomb I really went to town on her, but I believe it was absolutely necessary. No light was able to get below the canopy and the relative humidity was ridiculous! It dropped over 30% after I did my thing with the scissors!
They look a bit naked now but give it a few days and they will have bushed up. Nice work! :razz:
Thanks so much! Feeling more at ease about it now I am :grin:
Also, I just checked on them and they're really taking off now, have grown like 3cm since yesterday - as if they were relieved to finally have some space - so yes, all's well, phew! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Day 4 of flower

My girls decided to go into flower as they were recovering from the rough grooming I gave them, so I started counting flower after 14 days of stretch after flipping (and after 45 days of veg from sprouting). I think they will be pretty much ready to harvest by end of February (nl#5xhaze having a flower time of 65-75 days).

Here they are as of this morning:

2015-12-17_flowerday4 (1).JPG

I'm still not completely happy with the spacing of budsites, but am leaning heavily towards just letting them pretty much do their thing from now on.
In part because I have noo idea how to handle those tips that are now already at 10-15cm above the screen, with adjoining screen squares already taken up by smaller tips. Looks like I'll get larf anyways? :shock::-P

Here's the canopy from the side:

2015-12-17_flowerday4 (2).JPG

Now clearly visible: how Dusk (the right plant) is still lagging behind in growth - as she has been doing way from popping, and I guess it will stay that way. However, she went into bloom at the very same time as Dawn and will grow some pretty buds for sure, maybe a bit tight, but, we'll see. ;)

Assessing how they are turning out, I think it's due to a few different things.

  • This setup was meant for 1 plant.
    Turned out to be 2 because I got soft and woozy seeing one lonely seed on its way - so I added a second for company lol (but good thing too, had I popped only one, and that one had been Dusk, I would still be in veg for another month or so :-P)
    So it was a tight setup to start with.
  • During veg, I left the lights pretty close to the plants.
    Yeah I was kind of scared of nl#5xhaze's vertical growth (which for these 2 girls turned out to be not so dramatic at all, though they did almost fill the screen from like 50% at flip).
    But the way I did it, they hardly had any internodal spacing, which made it impossible to train out branches into scrogginess.
    So they grew cramped and too bushily.
  • Also, I think I should have removed more auxiliary branches early on.
    I didn't because, in the face of my newbieness, I decided to err on the side of doing too little rather than too much.
    So my plants wasted energy on trying to grow out in too many spots that otherwise may have been redirected into vertical growth.
You grow, you learn, haha! :mrgreen:
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Well-Known Member
Day 4 of flower

My girls decided to go into flower as they were recovering from the rough grooming I gave them, so I started counting flower after 14 days of stretch after flipping (and after 45 days of veg from sprouting). I think they will be pretty much ready to harvest by end of February (nl#5xhaze having a flower time of 65-75 days).

Here they are as of this morning:

View attachment 3566150

I'm still not completely happy with the spacing of budsites, but am leaning heavily towards just letting them pretty much do their thing from now on.
In part because I have noo idea how to handle those tips that are now already at 10-15cm above the screen, with adjoining screen squares already taken up by smaller tips. Looks like I'll get larf anyways? :shock::-P

Here's the canopy from the side:

View attachment 3566151

Now clearly visible: how Dusk (the right plant) is still lagging behind in growth - as she has been doing way from popping, and I guess it will stay that way. However, she went into bloom at the very same time as Dawn and will grow some pretty buds for sure, maybe a bit tight, but, we'll see. ;)

Assessing how they are turning out, I think it's due to a few different things.

  • This setup was meant for 1 plant.
    Turned out to be 2 because I got soft and woozy seeing one lonely seed on its way - so I added a second for company lol (but good thing too, had I popped only one, and that one had been Dusk, I would still be in veg for another month or so :-P)
    So it was a tight setup to start with.
  • During veg, I left the lights pretty close to the plants.
    Yeah I was kind of scared of nl#5xhaze's vertical growth (which for these 2 girls turned out to be not so dramatic at all, though they did almost fill the screen from like 50% at flip).
    But the way I did it, they hardly had any internodal spacing, which made it impossible to train out branches into scrogginess.
    So they grew cramped and too bushily.
  • Also, I think I should have removed more auxiliary branches early on.
    I didn't because, in the face of my newbieness, I decided to err on the side of doing too little rather than too much.
    So my plants wasted energy on trying to grow out in too many spots that otherwise may have been redirected into vertical growth.
You grow, you learn, haha! :mrgreen:
They have filled out nicely, imagine how good the screens going to look when it's full of nice fat colas! I can taste it now! lol :weed:


Well-Known Member
Thats a lot of bud sites! Can't wait to see how this goes! How much are you expecting, and are you still using the 150w HPS and 200w CFL?


Well-Known Member
Thats a lot of bud sites! Can't wait to see how this goes! How much are you expecting, and are you still using the 150w HPS and 200w CFL?
yes I am - I'm not entirely happy, but do see a slight advantage as far as temps go. On my first grow I'd get regular temps of between 20-25°. They now do rise up to 29° (I figure with a second/stronger HPS I'd have more). What sucks is that at night temps plummet down to 16°. It's this big difference that I dislike most about it.

Which is why I'm still weighing the possibility of moving the light phase into the night. That would be optimal use of what's there, the alternative being to up the vent during lights on (but that means additional noise on top of increased energy usage).
So considering that this grow is set to continue for another 2.5 months, it may be worth stressing my girls out a bit for a few days :-P

Maybe I can do it bit by bit. At the mo, lights on is 7am-7pm. I'd like to have it at around 5pm-5am... lol thats a long way to go if I shift by say 1/2 an hour each day - 20 days transition time?!? :shock:

I think I have to think about it some more haha :bigjoint:
What would you guys say?


Well-Known Member
yes I am - I'm not entirely happy, but do see a slight advantage as far as temps go. On my first grow I'd get regular temps of between 20-25°. They now do rise up to 29° (I figure with a second/stronger HPS I'd have more). What sucks is that at night temps plummet down to 16°. It's this big difference that I dislike most about it.

Which is why I'm still weighing the possibility of moving the light phase into the night. That would be optimal use of what's there, the alternative being to up the vent during lights on (but that means additional noise on top of increased energy usage).
So considering that this grow is set to continue for another 2.5 months, it may be worth stressing my girls out a bit for a few days :-P

Maybe I can do it bit by bit. At the mo, lights on is 7am-7pm. I'd like to have it at around 5pm-5am... lol thats a long way to go if I shift by say 1/2 an hour each day - 20 days transition time?!? :shock:

I think I have to think about it some more haha :bigjoint:
What would you guys say?
My last grow was 29 lights on and 18 lights off and didn't have many problems! Don't know where you are, but electricity is cheaper during the night here, so things could probably balance out!
I would just leave the lights off until 5pm and then start your cycle from there! :-P


Well-Known Member
yes I am - I'm not entirely happy, but do see a slight advantage as far as temps go. On my first grow I'd get regular temps of between 20-25°. They now do rise up to 29° (I figure with a second/stronger HPS I'd have more). What sucks is that at night temps plummet down to 16°. It's this big difference that I dislike most about it.

Which is why I'm still weighing the possibility of moving the light phase into the night. That would be optimal use of what's there, the alternative being to up the vent during lights on (but that means additional noise on top of increased energy usage).
So considering that this grow is set to continue for another 2.5 months, it may be worth stressing my girls out a bit for a few days :-P

Maybe I can do it bit by bit. At the mo, lights on is 7am-7pm. I'd like to have it at around 5pm-5am... lol thats a long way to go if I shift by say 1/2 an hour each day - 20 days transition time?!? :shock:

I think I have to think about it some more haha :bigjoint:
What would you guys say?
I would just do a 24 hour dark cycle, instead of turning lights on in the morning after the dark cycle just keep night cycle until 5pm and then turn on lights., it will be less stressful than if u go little by little, just get it over with in only one little stressed long night. GL


Well-Known Member
ohwow thanks!
I really like the idea of one loong night - given that's where we're headed with the solstice anyways, sort of matches the season haha
So yeah I'll do that!

@TheStickMan nah they slashed night tariffs here in Tirol a few years ago, so it's "only" going to reduce the costs (& effort) in that I won't be needing additional energy to cool / maybe even heat the closet. But that is something too, right! ;)

Oh! And I have nooo idea as to yield - hoping it will be good, but we'll see :mrgreen:
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Well-Known Member
Your scrog looks great.
a long night sound a better way, alway have the lights on at night and let them sleep during the day, it keep the the temps good all year round

If you go for a perpetual grow, exhaust the hot air from the veg room into the flower room, keeps the girls warm in the cold part of the year (free heat)

Your plants are sativa dominant so your plants should carry on growing for the next 2 weeks

To keep the canopy even cut the fan leaves in half on the tallest largest shoots only
every 3 days

This will slow the shoot growth down and help you keep the canopy level

If all the shoots grow level and get to 12" above the screen you pull a bumper crop in two mouths time :)

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
Looking good calliandra! Good job indeed you planted that other seed (oh wow that rhymes). On my current run I had the misfortune to fight with a lazy plant which forced me to have to prolong the veg for another month... what a waste, I wish I could've planted another seed just like you. :D

Anyway, good luck and keep on scrogging.