full melt dry ice

You can tell how many star rating a hash is by dabbing it and looking at it. . The star rating is based on melting and. The more it melts the more pure it is. Plus the more soluble terpenes too. Using a loupe or scope is irrelevant to the rating.

6* / 5* - full melt and leaves nothing behind. No residue of any kind.

4* 3/4 melt leaves behind back residue from trichome stalks

3* half melt leaves ash and black residue from trichome stalks and plant matter

2* - no melt

1* - garbage

Educate yourself.

Well then...the pictured stuff is 5/6. ZERO residue left on a dab.

even better than i thought.

Educate myself? On what? Your rating sytem? What?

Ive been around weed hash oil all my life, probably twice as long as you have been alive... i know what is top shelf and what isnt. And i dont need an arbitrary number score sytem for rating it.

Thats for hair splitting pretencious wanna-be artisans. And i mean wanna-be in the sense that artisan is a word i wouldnt apply to weed growing or hash making....
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Well that will have to wait until i do another run cause what is pictured went up in smoke at poker last night...
That's what I was thinking too, why not rosin the dry ice hash instead of doing the water trick? Just wondering.

Because they love to steer newbs and readers in the wrong direction. I feel terrible for anyone who stumbles across this and thinks it's a valid resource to learn from. and end up ruining their hash. It will happen.

Show a dab video then. Don't say your camera is not capable. It's not 2002. Every camera is capable.

He on that polaroid tek.

Sad thing is.... you could even get viable melt shots on an oldschool polaroid. It's simply another excuse because he can't product clear domes with his "full melt dry ice hash". He prob doesn't even know what clear domes are. We all know it's a 2 star. He doesn't even know the star system. To him it's all the same...... because he can't taste the difference.

Just because you can't taste the difference doesn't mean others can't.
Well.... this is something that i have repeated several times.... human tastebuds are not sensitive enough to tell the difference between a "3" or a "6". That is physical fact, particularly not if it is heated gas you are trying to taste. Not even at vape temp....way to hot...tastebuds not sensitive enough.

You cant argue this, unless you have superhuman tastebuds.
Well.... this is something that i have repeated several times.... human tastebuds are not sensitive enough to tell the difference between a "3" or a "6". That is physical fact, particularly not if it is heated gas you are trying to taste. Not even at vape temp....way to hot...tastebuds not sensitive enough.

You cant argue this, unless you have superhuman tastebuds.

I don't think you understand human physiology. Humans can detect limonene in the parts per billionth. Our olfactory and taste function together.

and no it's not a "physical fact".
I am pretty unknowledgeable about concentrates. I put all my trim through bubble bags. I use dry ice for convenience, wet bags are messy in my small apartment. I smoke the blond kief (first minute+), and use greener, longer-shaken stuff for edibles. The blonde trichs are mostly packed with a pollen press into pucks, super potent and taste great. Sometimes it melts, mostly it smolders, but its always effective! Blazingly effective.

RIU-Hash on Wolverine2015.jpg

I don't understand why does one want/need a more refined product? Seriously not bashing anyone's style here, and more power to s/he who takes the time to get exactly what they want. But I prefer smoking flowers, and grow tired of the refining processes, so just call it good with less plant matter, not zero plant matter, in my smoke.

That said I do enjoy @hyroot 's rosin porn aesthetically, its beautiful! :joint:
I am pretty unknowledgeable about concentrates. I put all my trim through bubble bags. I use dry ice for convenience, wet bags are messy in my small apartment. I smoke the blond kief (first minute+), and use greener, longer-shaken stuff for edibles. The blonde trichs are mostly packed with a pollen press into pucks, super potent and taste great. Sometimes it melts, mostly it smolders, but its always effective! Blazingly effective.

View attachment 3562882

I don't understand why does one want/need a more refined product? Seriously not bashing anyone's style here, and more power to s/he who takes the time to get exactly what they want. But I prefer smoking flowers, and grow tired of the refining processes, so just call it good with less plant matter, not zero plant matter, in my smoke.

That said I do enjoy @hyroot 's rosin porn aesthetically, its beautiful! :joint:

I'm with you 100% on this. I'm definitely no expert on this either. I used to fiddle around with making ice water hash. It would take me all day to get the same amount of hash that I now get in 30 minutes using dry ice. I honestly can't tell the difference between the two, so it's a no-brainer for me to go with the faster/easier option.

I prefer flowers as well, so it's not a big deal to me. I end up just giving the hash to my patients anyway.

I am pretty unknowledgeable about concentrates. I put all my trim through bubble bags. I use dry ice for convenience, wet bags are messy in my small apartment. I smoke the blond kief (first minute+), and use greener, longer-shaken stuff for edibles. The blonde trichs are mostly packed with a pollen press into pucks, super potent and taste great. Sometimes it melts, mostly it smolders, but its always effective! Blazingly effective.

View attachment 3562882

I don't understand why does one want/need a more refined product? Seriously not bashing anyone's style here, and more power to s/he who takes the time to get exactly what they want. But I prefer smoking flowers, and grow tired of the refining processes, so just call it good with less plant matter, not zero plant matter, in my smoke.

That said I do enjoy @hyroot 's rosin porn aesthetically, its beautiful! :joint:

I'm with you 100% on this. I'm definitely no expert on this either. I used to fiddle around with making ice water hash. It would take me all day to get the same amount of hash that I now get in 30 minutes using dry ice. I honestly can't tell the difference between the two, so it's a no-brainer for me to go with the faster/easier option.

I prefer flowers as well, so it's not a big deal to me. I end up just giving the hash to my patients anyway.

View attachment 3562906

Are you guys dabbing or are you bowl topping? I have to assume that you are bowl topping and using flame to smoke your hash if you cannot tell the difference between a 6* and a 3* hash. If you put the low quality stuff on a nail it won't dab well and you'll be burning instead of vaping which completely ruins the flavor.

And there's nothing wrong with being happy with a lower quality/purity product and bowl topping as opposed to dabbing. To each their own. But there is something wrong to go spewing misinformation such as "one cannot possibly tell the difference" or "they are basically the same thing don't be a moron" when there certainly is a difference. I don't drink wine so I couldn't tell you the difference between a $10,000 dollar bottle of wine or a $50 dollar bottle. But that doesn't mean there is no difference, nor would I go on a wine forum and tell people they can't tell the difference and that they are idiots. Some connoisseurs can discern the difference in terrior with wine, and the age/cure just as others can with cannabis.

To ask why one wants/needs a more refined product is no different than asking why one wants/needs top shelf buds as opposed to mids or schwag. It all comes down to personal preference. Some people are ok with smoking mids that taste bad and some people like to enjoy a flavorful smoke while some people want it to be flavorful and extremely potent at the same time. To some it's about quanity, to others it's about quality.

I started my hash making/smoking (or I should say vaping) journey because I used to have very bad respiratory problems. Even vaping flowers would irritate my lungs. I haven't smoked in 5 years and rarely vape flowers. It's all extracts for me. So I required maximum amount of cannabinoids in the minimum amount of puffs to get where I wanted to be. So I started chasing the purity. I enjoy the whole experience. I enjoy having an olfactory orgasm everytime I open my hash jar. I enjoy watching the melts and boil in my nail. I enjoy the enhanced flavor. I enjoy knowing that what I'm vaping is clean and pure and single source made by myself. And I enjoy the craftsmanship aspect of trying to make the best most pure hash that I possibly can. It's fun for me. Just as some growers enjoy the aspect of trying to grow the best herb possible- no difference. I enjoy isolating JUST THE HEADS, because after all that's where everything is. In the heads and only in the heads. The rest is trash... useless. Bubbleman uses the analogy often. When you order a pizza do you eat the box it comes in? No. Cardboard is unenjoyable to eat and provides no nutritional value and would make you sick. Well it's the same thing burning green vegetable leaf matter. All that green stuff is unenjoyable to inhale through combustion(for me), provides no additional benefit as far as intoxication and makes me sick.... if that makes any sense. When you don't/can't smoke it all becomes a lot easier to understand.
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Did you research it?

Taste detection threshold in humans for limonene is literally measured in parts per billion, ppb.

Ya and?????

The amount of plant matter combusted within the amount of trichs combusted is a matter of ppb. Given that both are mixed in hot gas form, which hinders the function of taste (your quote is under ideal taste conditions, IE: body temp or less), there is no way anybody could discern a difference of what you call a 3* or 6*. In fact, the reason I argue that there's no way a human could detect the taste diff between 220 micron dry ice sift and a full melt ice bag bubble, is because we've (friends of both the very seasoned and new smoker variety) done the taste tests - my dry ice and pharmacy bought top-shell full melt bubble. In a blind test nobody has picked right yet.

Admittedly, unscientific, but what we did find was that the full melt is not smoother and tastier. It's harsher. Because of that I wonder if the plant matter actually adds to the taste and soften the assault of hot gas on the tongue, nose and throat. I dunno... that may not be the same for everybody as such is a matter of opinion.

Try it.

But don't try to tell me that a purer product has superior taste is a fact, because it is simply not. that is MISINFORMATION. It is simply purer. Taste is a matter of personal preference. Even wine, beer and spirits makers know that. It is the "flaws" and process nuances that give character and uniqueness to their products - oak barrels, different temps, etc etc...

Am I saying my dry ice hash is an artisanal product or the best? No. Never once did I say that. Not even close. I have only ever said that it is faster, easier, less messy and less dangerous than other methods and that it provides a product that has an acceptable level of purity.

But you guys can't accept that because it undermines your work and makes you look foolish for spending so much time, energy and money perpetuating the fallacy that your purer product is somehow superior.

Maybe it is to you. But that doesn't mean it is to everybody. So don't try to sell it as such. You both are trying way too hard to convince everybody that your OPINIONS are better than everybody else's and that truly is juvenile.

***Oops, sorry A Senile Fungus.... I replied to you when I thought it was D_urbon's post.... ***
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Ya and?????

The amount of plant matter combusted within the amount of trichs combusted is a matter of ppb. Given that both are mixed in hot gas form, which hinders the function of taste (your quote is under ideal taste conditions, IE: body temp or less), there is no way anybody could discern a difference of what you call a 3* or 6*. In fact, the reason I argue that there's no way a human could detect the taste diff between 220 micron dry ice sift and a full melt ice bag bubble, is because we've (friends of both the very seasoned and new smoker variety) done the taste tests - my dry ice and pharmacy bought top-shell full melt bubble. In a blind test nobody has picked right yet.

Admittedly, unscientific, but what we did find was that the full melt is not smoother and tastier. It's harsher. Because of that I wonder if the plant matter actually adds to the taste and soften the assault of hot gas on the tongue, nose and throat. I dunno... that may not be the same for everybody as such is a matter of opinion.

Try it.

But don't try to tell me that a purer product has superior taste is a fact, because it is simply not. that is MISINFORMATION. It is simply purer. Taste is a matter of personal preference. Even wine, beer and spirits makers know that. It is the "flaws" and process nuances that give character and uniqueness to their products - oak barrels, different temps, etc etc...

Am I saying my dry ice hash is an artisanal product or the best? No. Never once did I say that. Not even close. I have only ever said that it is faster, easier, less messy and less dangerous than other methods and that it provides a product that has an acceptable level of purity.

But you guys can't accept that because it undermines your work and makes you look foolish for spending so much time, energy and money perpetuating the fallacy that product is somehow superior.

Maybe it is to you. But that doesn't mean it is to everybody. So don't try to sell it as such. You both are trying way too hard to convince everybody that your OPINIONS are better than everybody else's and that truly is juvenile.

***Oops, sorry A Senile Fungus.... I replied to you when I thought it was D_urbon's post.... ***

Firstly, this is my first post on this subject matter.

Oh nevermind, I see your edit, lol. I was like whoa don't go attacking me I merely commented on something objective.

I dunno, I enjoy the pure stuff and the contaminated stuff. I'm topping bowls with scissor hash, I'm sure it's dirty stuff, plant material etc. But it tastes delicious, and if I'm smoking it on flowers than I can't tell the taste difference at all.

It's all good guys. I'd probably dab/smoke almost all the hash in this thread. But I will be brutally honest here, if I was paying for a product I would choose hyroots because of the purity and consistency of how it's made. That shit is pure, no doubt!

But you guys can't accept that because it undermines your work and makes you look foolish for spending so much time, energy and money perpetuating the fallacy that product is somehow superior.

Maybe it is to you. But that doesn't mean it is to everybody. So don't try to sell it as such. You both are trying way too hard to convince everybody that your OPINIONS are better than everybody else's and that truly is juvenile.

Actually, you are the one perpetuating the fallacy that it's not humanly possible to taste the difference between a non dabable product and a full melt product. It's you who has an inferiority complex. You are delusional. GO back and read everything from the beginning including the other threads where you started all this nonsense.

Take your own advice. Maybe it's you who can't taste the difference, but that doesn't mean it's everybody. Just because you can't taste or smell the difference doesn't mean it's not humanly possibly. You are trying way too hard to convince everybody that your OPINION is correct when in fact it's false.

I never once said my opinion is better than anyone elses. I just said that some of the things you've stated are factually wrong.

Look at my friend @st0wandgrow. He admittedly said he enjoys the same dry ice hash as you and that he cannot tell the difference. The thing is he never made erroneous claims like "it's not humanly possible" followed by a bunch of other nonsense. I have no problems with him enjoying dry ice hash or flowers even though they aren't my preference. To each their own. But he isn't going around spewing misinformation telling everyone they are wrong.
Also what pharmacy in Alberta, let alone all of Canada sells "top shelf full melt bubble"?

Exactly. But we here in Alberta have enough money to travel to nearby BC. We also have many friends in BC who come to visit, because they can afford to travel too.

And we all do this quite often.

Also, everything that the US is doing now in the way of weed, hash, oil.... all originated in BC. And those pioneers are still at it, refining the very processes you all think you invented...
Exactly. But we here in Alberta have enough money to travel to nearby BC. We also have many friends in BC who come to visit, because they can afford to travel too.

And we all do this quite often.

NO PHARMACY's in Canada sell full melt bubble hash. You are so completely full of shit.