full melt dry ice

NO PHARMACY's in Canada sell full melt bubble hash. You are so completely full of shit.
So none of the 100+ pharmacies in Vancouver, where all of this started doesn't sell full melt top shelf? In fact, you can get full melt from vending machines there. Now your ignorance is really showing...

You might want to try telling that to the fine folks of BC.
So none of the 100+ pharmacies in Vancouver, where all of this started doesn't sell full melt top shelf? In fact, you can get full melt from vending machines there. Now your ignorance is really showing...

You might want to try telling that to the fine folks of BC.

Dispensaries are not pharmacy's.

I think you're confusing the two, just like everything else.
Well.... you knew what I was referring to.... and to pretend not too is the height of the juvenile dickishness I've mentioned a few times now...

actually that would be your name calling and resorting to ad hominem which is the height of juvenile behavior.
Jesus christ.....your still here @Gquebed?

If people can't tell the difference between full melt and non full melt. Why can you buy no melt keif at a dispensary for like $6-$8 per gram. Or you can buy full melt bubble or full melt sift for like $40-$80 per gram, or in some cases much more.

Are there really that many suckers out there? I think not.

What's the point of Cannabis Cups? If it's impossible for people to taste the difference, all those cups must just be popularity contests.

I truly believe that, even though you claim to be from an ancient line of hash makers and have been around this your whole life, you have never experienced some killer full melt hash of any variety. If you have, there is just no way for you to be defending your position.
Jesus christ.....your still here @Gquebed?

If people can't tell the difference between full melt and non full melt. Why can you buy no melt keif at a dispensary for like $6-$8 per gram. Or you can buy full melt bubble or full melt sift for like $40-$80 per gram, or in some cases much more.

Are there really that many suckers out there? I think not.

What's the point of Cannabis Cups? If it's impossible for people to taste the difference, all those cups must just be popularity contests.

Well...if you understand business it is all about price point. Keif is cheaper because everybody knows how fast and easy it is to make. Its price point is such because of that, partly, and also because that keif is usually made from trim, rather than flowers. The flowers are used for the bubble priamarily and its price comes from that and the labour intensive process to make.

But at the same time, region plays a roll. Full melt bubble in Van dispansaries tops out at 40 to 50 per gr simply because there is so much competition out there with top notch product. Not long ago an ounce of the absolute finest bud BC has to offer was about 160. Its around 180 now. But that exact same quality and strains were going for 300 to 400 or more in colorado. Why? Because it was in shorter supply, but also because of perception. Nobody in that state had ever seen that kind of quaility before and they are willing to pay for it, while folks in BC have been smoking that quality for decades.

Same goes for the extracts. Nobody pays more than 40 gr for top shelf bubble because up here because it is everywhere... and that reflects he price per ounce too.... if you are lucky enough to get 25% "conversion you get 4-5 grams of full melt per ounce of flowers. 160 an ounce....

As for cannabis cups..... of course it is nothing more than a popularity contest. Thats all it can possibly be....

How is a guy how has smoked his brains out for hours supposed to discern the "subtle nuances and differences" in the high between strains??


Its a fuckin joke. Same as beer, wine, whiskey and beauty contests. All 100% subjective and completely biased to the growers and producers who are buddy buddy with the canabis cup people. Complete joke.

That isnt to sayvthose folks dont know their stuff, but most of it is all pals blowing smoke up each others asses. Been to a couple....laughable....

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Are you guys dabbing or are you bowl topping? I have to assume that you are bowl topping and using flame to smoke your hash if you cannot tell the difference between a 6* and a 3* hash. If you put the low quality stuff on a nail it won't dab well and you'll be burning instead of vaping which completely ruins the flavor.

And there's nothing wrong with being happy with a lower quality/purity product and bowl topping as opposed to dabbing. To each their own. But there is something wrong to go spewing misinformation such as "one cannot possibly tell the difference" or "they are basically the same thing don't be a moron" when there certainly is a difference. I don't drink wine so I couldn't tell you the difference between a $10,000 dollar bottle of wine or a $50 dollar bottle. But that doesn't mean there is no difference, nor would I go on a wine forum and tell people they can't tell the difference and that they are idiots. Some connoisseurs can discern the difference in terrior with wine, and the age/cure just as others can with cannabis.

To ask why one wants/needs a more refined product is no different than asking why one wants/needs top shelf buds as opposed to mids or schwag. It all comes down to personal preference. Some people are ok with smoking mids that taste bad and some people like to enjoy a flavorful smoke while some people want it to be flavorful and extremely potent at the same time. To some it's about quanity, to others it's about quality.

I started my hash making/smoking (or I should say vaping) journey because I used to have very bad respiratory problems. Even vaping flowers would irritate my lungs. I haven't smoked in 5 years and rarely vape flowers. It's all extracts for me. So I required maximum amount of cannabinoids in the minimum amount of puffs to get where I wanted to be. So I started chasing the purity. I enjoy the whole experience. I enjoy having an olfactory orgasm everytime I open my hash jar. I enjoy watching the melts and boil in my nail. I enjoy the enhanced flavor. I enjoy knowing that what I'm vaping is clean and pure and single source made by myself. And I enjoy the craftsmanship aspect of trying to make the best most pure hash that I possibly can. It's fun for me. Just as some growers enjoy the aspect of trying to grow the best herb possible- no difference. I enjoy isolating JUST THE HEADS, because after all that's where everything is. In the heads and only in the heads. The rest is trash... useless. Bubbleman uses the analogy often. When you order a pizza do you eat the box it comes in? No. Cardboard is unenjoyable to eat and provides no nutritional value and would make you sick. Well it's the same thing burning green vegetable leaf matter. All that green stuff is unenjoyable to inhale through combustion(for me), provides no additional benefit as far as intoxication and makes me sick.... if that makes any sense. When you don't/can't smoke it all becomes a lot easier to understand.

I never said "one cannot tell the difference". I said *I* cannot tell the difference. That's the truth. I really can't. Just like I can't tell the difference between a $500 bottle of wine and a $50 bottle of wine. I don't own the equipment to dab, so that could be why I can't differentiate between different qualities of hash. I just sprinkle some on a screen and put a flame to it. No matter the method used to make the hash, I find it VERY lung expanding and cough inducing... which is part of the reason I prefer puffing on flowers.

I readily admit that I'm nowhere near an expert on this. It doesn't hold my interest enough to invest the time to research and practice this. I can definitely relate to the passion you have for it though. I'm that same way when it comes to a living organic soil, and to a lesser degree cannabis genetics. That's what lights the fire under my ass. But like you said, to each his own. :-)
I never said "one cannot tell the difference". I said *I* cannot tell the difference. That's the truth. I really can't. Just like I can't tell the difference between a $500 bottle of wine and a $50 bottle of wine. I don't own the equipment to dab, so that could be why I can't differentiate between different qualities of hash. I just sprinkle some on a screen and put a flame to it. No matter the method used to make the hash, I find it VERY lung expanding and cough inducing... which is part of the reason I prefer puffing on flowers.

I readily admit that I'm nowhere near an expert on this. It doesn't hold my interest enough to invest the time to research and practice this. I can definitely relate to the passion you have for it though. I'm that same way when it comes to a living organic soil, and to a lesser degree cannabis genetics. That's what lights the fire under my ass. But like you said, to each his own. :-)

I know bro. I know you never said that. But it's what @Gquebed has been spouting off in multiple threads which is why I brought that up. Telling us it's not possibly and that we're morons and all types of other stuff.
Scissor hash is the best tasting hash for me......delicious

I agree! WHy is this?

just wild guess but maybe because of better terpene retention than other hash producing methods, especially if it's a wet trim as opposed to a dry trim.

Also the rupturing of the heads may possibly act like pressing/working the hash (charas style) could maybe bring out the flavor some? Like press2activate. Even though it's not exactly charas.

Just a wild guess.
I agree! WHy is this?

i dunno but i've got to agree as well... i think it is because it is collected from a fresh source, no solvents, and thats that. mine is always very terpy, very strong smelling and aromatic.

i eat most of the hash i have. i break off a piece of hash that's been aged for months, weigh it out typically to about 0.25g, and swallow it like a pill. i like the effects, more medicinal this way IMO

the scissor hash i smoke out of a glass bowl solo, or top it on my bong hits, or if it has consistency of gun powder i'll sprinkle it into joints.

ANYTIME I'VE EVER ADDED SCISSOR HASH TO FLOWERS IT HAS BEEN NOTED BY THOSE I'M SMOKING WITH. They taste it, and they like it. thats evidence enough for me!
Because they love to steer newbs and readers in the wrong direction. I feel terrible for anyone who stumbles across this and thinks it's a valid resource to learn from. and end up ruining their hash. It will happen.

He on that polaroid tek.

Sad thing is.... you could even get viable melt shots on an oldschool polaroid. It's simply another excuse because he can't product clear domes with his "full melt dry ice hash". He prob doesn't even know what clear domes are. We all know it's a 2 star. He doesn't even know the star system. To him it's all the same...... because he can't taste the difference.

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Polaroid tech lol.
Are you guys dabbing or are you bowl topping? I have to assume that you are bowl topping and using flame to smoke your hash if you cannot tell the difference between a 6* and a 3* hash. If you put the low quality stuff on a nail it won't dab well and you'll be burning instead of vaping which completely ruins the flavor.

And there's nothing wrong with being happy with a lower quality/purity product and bowl topping as opposed to dabbing. To each their own. But there is something wrong to go spewing misinformation such as "one cannot possibly tell the difference" or "they are basically the same thing don't be a moron" when there certainly is a difference. I don't drink wine so I couldn't tell you the difference between a $10,000 dollar bottle of wine or a $50 dollar bottle. But that doesn't mean there is no difference, nor would I go on a wine forum and tell people they can't tell the difference and that they are idiots. Some connoisseurs can discern the difference in terrior with wine, and the age/cure just as others can with cannabis.

To ask why one wants/needs a more refined product is no different than asking why one wants/needs top shelf buds as opposed to mids or schwag. It all comes down to personal preference. Some people are ok with smoking mids that taste bad and some people like to enjoy a flavorful smoke while some people want it to be flavorful and extremely potent at the same time. To some it's about quanity, to others it's about quality.

I started my hash making/smoking (or I should say vaping) journey because I used to have very bad respiratory problems. Even vaping flowers would irritate my lungs. I haven't smoked in 5 years and rarely vape flowers. It's all extracts for me. So I required maximum amount of cannabinoids in the minimum amount of puffs to get where I wanted to be. So I started chasing the purity. I enjoy the whole experience. I enjoy having an olfactory orgasm everytime I open my hash jar. I enjoy watching the melts and boil in my nail. I enjoy the enhanced flavor. I enjoy knowing that what I'm vaping is clean and pure and single source made by myself. And I enjoy the craftsmanship aspect of trying to make the best most pure hash that I possibly can. It's fun for me. Just as some growers enjoy the aspect of trying to grow the best herb possible- no difference. I enjoy isolating JUST THE HEADS, because after all that's where everything is. In the heads and only in the heads. The rest is trash... useless. Bubbleman uses the analogy often. When you order a pizza do you eat the box it comes in? No. Cardboard is unenjoyable to eat and provides no nutritional value and would make you sick. Well it's the same thing burning green vegetable leaf matter. All that green stuff is unenjoyable to inhale through combustion(for me), provides no additional benefit as far as intoxication and makes me sick.... if that makes any sense. When you don't/can't smoke it all becomes a lot easier to understand.

Dude great explanation, thanks for taking the time to lay it all out. I agree, It all comes down to personal preference. I had respiratory issues that were fixed by smokng concentrates I'd be all about it too.
