RNC wants Trump out of race over Muslim remarks


Well-Known Member
When addressing an audience of many, you want to impress, but you also want to reach them, you don`t say because kat42 will take this as an insult, Because then I look over at your Prestige and begin to stick that prestige up your closed hole. He`s also speaking to people trying to understand English so, take your prestigious vocab and shove it, this is a group, not a coupe.
No need to get all lathered up. I'd just prefer my politicians to speak to me like I'm an adult. Because not only can I speak in complete sentences, I can comprehend them as well.


Well-Known Member
No need to get all lathered up. I'd just prefer my politicians to speak to me like I'm an adult. Because not only can I speak in complete sentences, I can comprehend them as well.

I`m sure one on one you`ll be fine with him and he with you,.,....
Proven but still a concept. Just because the candidates can merge their ideas and views, doesn`t mean the voters will. The only reason they get what they want or just miss by losing is only two are allowed to be noticed,...that`s the problem,....They intentionally refuse to allow four or five in the final debates, that way they don`t have to answer for much at all.

A Democrat or Republican wont allow others to be part of the run,...then came leverage,...Donald still says he will run independent if enough followers are real and does not get the nomination. That`s why the first order of business was to see lf the new guy would back them if they were nominated, Donald said no and and right away the proven concept sprung a leak.

The Electoral System
In the United States, a candidate wins the election by gaining a plurality, or more votes than any other candidate. This is a winner-take-all system because there is no reward for the party or candidate that finishes second. Parties aim to be as large as possible, smoothing over differences among candidates and voters. There is no incentive to form a party that consistently gets votes but cannot win an election. As a result, two political parties usually dominate plurality electoral systems to the disadvantage of smaller third parties, just as the Democrats and the Republicans dominate the American political system. No one person or organization prevents third parties from forming, but the plurality system itself usually hinders their efforts to win votes.

The United States also has mostly single-member districts, meaning that each legislative district sends only one member to the legislature. There is no benefit to finishing second. Some countries use multiple-member districts, which makes it easier for minor parties to succeed because there are more members winning seats in the legislature.

The Electoral College
The Electoral College exacerbates the winner-take-all system because in all but two states, whoever wins the most popular votes wins all of the state’s electoral votes in the presidential election. The electoral rules favor a two-party system, and minor parties have a very difficult time competing in such a system. Even successful third-party candidates often fail to get a single electoral vote.

Sorry to ruin your bliss.


Well-Known Member
The Electoral System
In the United States, a candidate wins the election by gaining a plurality, or more votes than any other candidate. This is a winner-take-all system because there is no reward for the party or candidate that finishes second. Parties aim to be as large as possible, smoothing over differences among candidates and voters. There is no incentive to form a party that consistently gets votes but cannot win an election. As a result, two political parties usually dominate plurality electoral systems to the disadvantage of smaller third parties, just as the Democrats and the Republicans dominate the American political system. No one person or organization prevents third parties from forming, but the plurality system itself usually hinders their efforts to win votes.

The United States also has mostly single-member districts, meaning that each legislative district sends only one member to the legislature. There is no benefit to finishing second. Some countries use multiple-member districts, which makes it easier for minor parties to succeed because there are more members winning seats in the legislature.

The Electoral College
The Electoral College exacerbates the winner-take-all system because in all but two states, whoever wins the most popular votes wins all of the state’s electoral votes in the presidential election. The electoral rules favor a two-party system, and minor parties have a very difficult time competing in such a system. Even successful third-party candidates often fail to get a single electoral vote.

Sorry to ruin your bliss.

No worries mate.

That`s no gonna do anymore.

Decide your party to attack,...develop a following that is recognized world wide, then say no to supporting anyone in that party if they nominate someone else. this puts on paper the opposite party`s victory to a two way split vs. a second party. laugh Hillary, laugh Hillary,...but Hillary is not laughing anymore. she is seeing her devoted Democrats taking a liking to his votes. Well Republicans had better understand that this new guy with the lead has to become one of them. They make offer that includes you taking that parties name. you counter with no, only if nominated, if not I fly,...leverage is now acting on republicans to cave in or lose,....you have taken the Republican name and should you win, do as you please with it. Now there is an opening for the next attack to be the next election on the Democrat party,....soon nobody even wants anything to do with Republicans or Democrats,...There is an incentive to join a party that consistently gets votes but can win and a devil that can form a party that don`t win to take down bigger prey.

I`m not buying,...most of what I typed has occurred, even the laugh Hillary`s, .... and the say no`s too. Being in the lead and an election win away from taking down one of two big prey, is not a bad spot to put your battleship at all.

The Electoral college was created to decide more populated districts will have say so over less populated districts because back then communications to get to the vote booth in that one days time were like non existing. so even though an entire % of less populated districts voted for one guy and the lesser districts but much more populated districts voted for the other, the most populated speaks first and the rest can`t catch up and they don`t have the numbers anyway to win.

Now if you add the popular votes from all districts, which is totally possible today, you get the real winner. I am strongly supportive of getting rid of the Electoral College, it`s not needed as it was created for anymore. They call that progress.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
You have a very perverted imagination, but little talent for setting up a strawman argument.

So, you are fine with word definition abuse and cognitive dissonance, I get it.


You imply that a person who is encompassed within a forced relationship with government, absent that persons consent, who IS capable of consenting to something, should be forced to not consent ?

Aren't you making an argument FOR people to be abused ?

(read my post again and again....sooner or later it may become apparent to you what I'm saying. If you still can't comprehend it, make some shit up and call it an argument )
Wait... are you using pedophilia as a metaphor for the government raping us even if we never agreed to the sex?
The Electoral college was created to decide more populated districts will have say so over less populated districts because back then communications to get to the vote booth in that one days time were like non existing. so even though an entire % of less populated districts voted for one guy and the lesser districts but much more populated districts voted for the other, the most populated speaks first and the rest can`t catch up and they don`t have the numbers anyway to win.

Now if you add the popular votes from all districts, which is totally possible today, you get the real winner. I am strongly supportive of getting rid of the Electoral College, it`s not needed as it was created for anymore. They call that progress.
Well, hey! We agree on something at least. Electoral College isn't necessary anymore. You have some other interesting points too, I've simply tried to explain how we got to here and now. The realities of corruption and collusion do seem powerful enough to alter the course of the nation. It's every voter's job to inform themselves as fully as possible and choose who they think is best suited to create a net reduction in the political/financial douche-baggery. I'll take Larry David... er, Sanders.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
The subject is about Trump.

Can a 13 year old child consent to having sex with an adult Rob Roy?
Yes or No?
Who gives a shit. This is supposed to be a Politics forum with normal adults having a normal conversation sans all the sick off topic crap.

Why are some, all liberals, so obsessed with gutter thought, i.e. sexual deviation behavior? Man, there are a bunch of really twisted people posting here.


Well-Known Member
Why are some, all liberals, so obsessed with gutter thought, i.e. sexual deviation behavior? Man, there are a bunch of really twisted people posting here.
says the guy worried about squirrel pedophilia.

This buck guy is demented, and, he gets a pass. Some have accused him of being the sock puppet of admin. Don't know, could care less. He offers nothing and does not deserve my time or any rebuttal from others IMO.

Now, you tell me what his stupid large sig photo implies? Just curious.......

Unlike you, I find incest, child porn, and bestiality demented. It should not be allowed as a discussion item (which is often is), especially in a pot forum. When it is allowed (as you'll witness here) it becomes a statement about the moral authority of RIU and admin.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
The subject is about Trump.

Who gives a shit. This is supposed to be a Politics forum with normal adults having a normal conversation sans all the sick off topic crap.

Why are some, all liberals, so obsessed with gutter thought, i.e. sexual deviation behavior? Man, there are a bunch of really twisted people posting here.
I bet you got a tight little one, don't ya? Do you think Donald would be tight too? I bet he likes to be on the bottom.


Well-Known Member
The subject is about Trump.

Who gives a shit. This is supposed to be a Politics forum with normal adults having a normal conversation sans all the sick off topic crap.

Why are some, all liberals, so obsessed with gutter thought, i.e. sexual deviation behavior? Man, there are a bunch of really twisted people posting here.
Like pedophiles who believe a 13 year old can consent to having sex with adults and that businesses should be able to deny service, employment and domiciles to a person based on their skin color.

People Like you and Rob Roy


Well-Known Member
Like pedophiles who believe a 13 year old can consent to having sex with adults and that businesses should be able to deny service, employment and domiciles to a person based on their skin color.

People Like you and Rob Roy
i've never seen uncle ben endorse pedophilia, only racial segregation.

rated half true.