Rooftop SE Asia

Swazi Fairy flew a few days ago bru! Forgot to tell ya.

@DST Well as my luck may have it lately, its really on a roll, customs grabbed that package. This is only the 2nd time in last 7 yrs or so, but considering I had just gotten a SL (shitload) through I am not bothered too much. Well I am, but I think you know what I mean. Appreciate the try :)
Tude either tapes baggie inside a dark colored water bottle or sends with a tshirt or small garment out of breeders packs obviously & baggie (S) taped inside sleeve usually, packets stapled together.

Greenman Organics came through too though with his they were also in breeders packs sealed up!!!

Some random dick making a random check I am sure
@DST Well as my luck may have it lately, its really on a roll, customs grabbed that package. This is only the 2nd time in last 7 yrs or so, but considering I had just gotten a SL (shitload) through I am not bothered too much. Well I am, but I think you know what I mean. Appreciate the try :)
That sux mate. They are normally secreted in a dvd box or something like that (I don't send them out). BB never send out breeders packs unless within Europe, I would try again but I only got 3 beans of that left lol. Oh well, had to give it a try.

In the end, it doesn't matter what you do with them, if they decide to scan the parcel then they will find matter.

Nice sundowner shot!