USPS marijuana

A friend used to get his weed from a guy who worked at the post office. Dude got his weed from the post office, jacking peoples packages. Said he could pretty much tell if it was a suspicious package, no return address, etc. Post office caught him stealing mail, and he is now in federal prison. I sure the person who's weed he was stealing inadvertently got fucked too........anything can happen.
Everybody uses a bullshit return address, That's why I think FedEx ground is best way.. Its harder to get hired there than the USPS. The FedEx boys are all about speed and there are cameras everywhere in their pass through a screener at end of day and they check lunch boxes. The US government sent a cease n decist order to UPS and fed ex about delivering pharmaceutical to US and UPS caved like a bitch n paid a huge multi million dollar fine and let's Feds inspect packages to ensure that won't happen in future.

FedEx told the Feds to get fucked and I see ya in court.. " we are not in the business of inspecting our customers deliveries" .. Fedex is the way to go.
I've had a world class handler for going on two years now and it's been a humbling experience I know more now than I ever have but I'm a long way from knowing it all I can just tell you about how we do finding a reliable vendor is the hard part
I've had a world class handler for going on two years now and it's been a humbling experience I know more now than I ever have but I'm a long way from knowing it all I can just tell you about how we do finding a reliable vendor is the hard part
What do you mean?
He's talking about the darknet .. Where you can buy MDMA or Smack or anything else ya want with bit coins.

The rest of the posts are how to get clones or pounds moved across the Continental United States.
USPS can't just open packages, plain and have to be actively in some previous trouble for your package to be intercepted or someone in your camp is a snitch....
as far as i know, even if a dog alerted to a USPS package, they need a warrant. Prolly takes a hour to get it at that point, but point is if you ship priority they need to keep it moving....I have shipped cookies and other edibles basically half way across the state in 2 days, no problem. I like the $5.95 boxes, if it fits, it ships. Filled one with fudge, felt like ten pounds, lol
as far as i know, even if a dog alerted to a USPS package, they need a warrant. Prolly takes a hour to get it at that point, but point is if you ship priority they need to keep it moving....I have shipped cookies and other edibles basically half way across the state in 2 days, no problem. I like the $5.95 boxes, if it fits, it ships. Filled one with fudge, felt like ten pounds, lol

You will never have a problem with edibles.
Xray..then poke then open..they send a letter and tell you they are opening it up and tell you to respond to confirm you received letter.
The best way to send is overnight.I have friends that get packages 2-3 times a week. They have been doing it for at least 5 years. They just alternate between several addresses. They claim overight doesn't get inspected.
Shipping via USPS is safe if done properly. Shipping via FedEx/UPS/other isn't safe. You still gotta trust the person on the other end, though :p
That isn't necessarily correct. I run a very profitable business on the dark net and usps packages either
1. Get lost because the postal service are complete morons
2. The postal inspector gets suspicious and checks your package.

Now fed ex and ups are more money to ship but you're less likely to have a package seized . On the flip side of that , UPS does have k9 dogs check certain hubs at random.

I do agree 110% with your comment about trusting the shipper on the other end.

To the gentlemen saying "they can't search packages without a warrant" lol
"Probable cause" since 9/11 the United states postal inspector can and will search any package they feel may be suspicious. Suspicious - if it has any funny marks , grease stains from sitting on a dirty counter top , excessive tape ...... I can go on and on. ...
How do I know this ? I know a guy that knows a guy. I can submit proof of the handbook and what they areally trained to look for .
As I stated above , I run a very profitable business online and deal with this stuff on a daily basis.
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The best way to send is overnight.I have friends that get packages 2-3 times a week. They have been doing it for at least 5 years. They just alternate between several addresses. They claim overight doesn't get inspected.

This is correct but it can still get flagged . I've had 5 , 10 k sent to me with express and never had an issue. Only problems I've had is a pack getting sent to the wrong hub and having to wait a day or two extra.