Why do Republicans hate America?

Why do Republicans hate America?

  • Because they are stupid

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Because they have difficulty in seeing a big picture

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • They need to hate something

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • I wish I knew

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Jessy Koons

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
I love America!

I have always loved America!

Why do Republican and selective Independents, of various ilks, speak as if we are an endangered species if we don't rally together and circle the wagons together, if you are white.

How can Republicans sanction such fear mongering within their ranks?

Obviously they hate America!

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
I love America.

I have always loved America.

Why do liberals hate America?

They give narco terrorists and jihadists weapons and then try to get the American tax payer to pay for the mistakes.

They tell us one thing, but then say the exact opposite to win votes.

They make promises they cannot keep or pay for, and sell out the American public for they're own agenda!

Obviously they hate America !
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CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
I can't say that I agree. I love America much more that you do. I have been a citizen since birth and I doubt that you an say the same.

We might need to set up a patriot thread and you would definitely not be invited

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
I can't say that I agree. I love America much more that you do. I have been a citizen since birth and I doubt that you an say the same.

We might need to set up a patriot thread and you would definitely not be invited
My love for America transcends time and space. My eternal love has embraced America long before you were a sticky dribble awaiting an ovum.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
It's sad that this divide between parties is growing.
I live near a capital city and remember when repubs and dems would sit in a bar after a day and discuss matters in a peaceful way.
Lately it seems to be a divide that they hate each other and just oppose whatever the other party says and no laws get passed.
We need to bring back those days and listen to each other.
The two party system is great because we need a 'middle' where both parties give a little bit and pass sensible laws.

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
It's sad that this divide between parties is growing.
I live near a capital city and remember when repubs and dems would sit in a bar after a day and discuss matters in a peaceful way.
Lately it seems to be a divide that they hate each other and just oppose whatever the other party says and no laws get passed.
We need to bring back those days and listen to each other.
The two party system is great because we need a 'middle' where both parties give a little bit and pass sensible laws.
Or nukes could just be used to push California and New York into the sea...


Well-Known Member
There are two kinds of republican politicians; crazy idiots and liars. Louis Gohmert, Ben Carson, Michelle Bachmann, Paul Broun, Tom Cotton, Jim Inhofe, etc. make up the crazy idiots who most likely actually believe the bullshit they espouse. Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, etc. make up the liars who know damn well that their political opinions are objectively wrong but push for them regardless because it's financially beneficial for them.

There are no republicans in congress who don't fall into at least one of these categories

As for republican citizens, I think they're just being led by the GOP leadership. They tell them to be scared of Muslims, they're scared of Muslims, they tell them the government (dems/liberals) want to take their guns away, they buy more in record numbers, they tell them homosexuals don't deserve equal rights, they dismiss the Supreme Court ruling because God's law is above man's law... They base their political beliefs on fear, and republicans sell them the solution to quell that fear and it manifests as racism, division, obstruction and hatred.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't put Rand Paul in either of those categories.
Yeah neither would I come to think of it. Good example. I'd say he actually believes what he says but in my opinion is completely misguided to the way the world actually works. I don't think he's crazy either. Christie probably falls into that same third category, and he's an asshole. 3rd category, competent but misguided and/or an asshole


Well-Known Member
Yeah neither would I come to think of it. Good example. I'd say he actually believes what he says but in my opinion is completely misguided to the way the world actually works. I don't think he's crazy either. Christie probably falls into that same third category, and he's an asshole. 3rd category, competent but misguided and/or an asshole
And then you've Democrats like Obama who take the money, are incompetent and assholes.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
I love America.

I have always loved America.

Why do liberals hate America?

They give narco terrorists and jihadists weapons and then try to get the American tax payer to pay for the mistakes.

They tell us one thing, but then say the exact opposite to win votes.

They make promises they cannot keep or pay for, and sell out the American public for they're own agenda!

Obviously they hate America !
Kunti, I know I hurt your feelings because I don't respect your fear-filled religious beliefs but at the least try to be original in your posts and not just a slightly different version of what I wrote.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
There are two kinds of republican politicians; crazy idiots and liars. Louis Gohmert, Ben Carson, Michelle Bachmann, Paul Broun, Tom Cotton, Jim Inhofe, etc. make up the crazy idiots who most likely actually believe the bullshit they espouse. Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, etc. make up the liars who know damn well that their political opinions are objectively wrong but push for them regardless because it's financially beneficial for them.

There are no republicans in congress who don't fall into at least one of these categories

As for republican citizens, I think they're just being led by the GOP leadership. They tell them to be scared of Muslims, they're scared of Muslims, they tell them the government (dems/liberals) want to take their guns away, they buy more in record numbers, they tell them homosexuals don't deserve equal rights, they dismiss the Supreme Court ruling because God's law is above man's law... They base their political beliefs on fear, and republicans sell them the solution to quell that fear and it manifests as racism, division, obstruction and hatred.
I think it is more likely that the Republican candidates are pandering to the base fears of the Republican citizens. Republicans tend to be narrow minded and paranoid so it is not difficult to upset them. With the help of most media/news outlets, the candidates are whipping up a fear froth unlike we've seen since McCarthy.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Reported for another stupid thread by people for stupid people

I am so glad that you felt it necessary to chime in. We haven't had enough representative from the Fear party offering their opinions on this timely thread.

Why do you hate America so much?

Has prosperity passed you by?

Do you regret your life choices and feel unwanted?

You can change you know.Stop hating America and embrace the change that is coming because if you don't it will run you over.

Thanks for stopping by.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't put Rand Paul in either of those categories.
Agreed. Ralph Nader wouldn't fit into either category as well. Both Rand and Ralph are ultimately un-electable because they don't tell the voters what they want to hear, they tell them what they need to hear and that won't work in America.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
And then you've Democrats like Obama who take the money, are incompetent and assholes.
Exactly, then we have people like you who offer the same opinion regardless of the subject matter. It is a true skill to include your dislike for the president in every aspect of your life. You must be deeply miserable.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Ralph Nader wouldn't fit into either category as well. Both Rand and Ralph are ultimately un-electable because they don't tell the voters what they want to hear, they tell them what they need to hear and that won't work in America.

Unfortunately guys like that have no chance until we can remove money from elections.. Its worse than ever with these super PACs and billionaires trying to buy elections.