Why do Republicans hate America?

Why do Republicans hate America?

  • Because they are stupid

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Because they have difficulty in seeing a big picture

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • They need to hate something

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • I wish I knew

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Jessy Koons

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I am so glad that you felt it necessary to chime in. We haven't had enough representative from the Fear party offering their opinions on this timely thread.

Why do you hate America so much?

Has prosperity passed you by?

Do you regret your life choices and feel unwanted?

You can change you know.Stop hating America and embrace the change that is coming because if you don't it will run you over.

Thanks for stopping by.
YOUR cute but No i actually love and enjoy my life. I am not rich and I am not poor I am very happy and satified with the choices i have made and the direction my life is going.
I don't the America never have never will America is beautiful.. the problem with America is the idiots that run America fuckin everything up.

Wether Dumbacrats or repukicans all governed people congress senate etc should all have a 4 year term and have to be elected again.
Votes should be added by each american person. If your not born American you don't vote. Religion doesn't matter etc. That's how people are elected.
The senate congress etc should not have 250k plus a year job. They do nothing. America is all about money and it's all the government cares for.

I also think (it's not possible I know) but have were all candidate for.ores should not have there face families.or etc shown until after they have been elected so it does not and cannot be a racist or prejudice vote based on skin color etc. That's how I feel

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
YOUR cute but No i actually love and enjoy my life. I am not rich and I am not poor I am very happy and satified with the choices i have made and the direction my life is going.
I don't the America never have never will America is beautiful.. the problem with America is the idiots that run America fuckin everything up.

Wether Dumbacrats or repukicans all governed people congress senate etc should all have a 4 year term and have to be elected again.
Votes should be added by each american person. If your not born American you don't vote. Religion doesn't matter etc. That's how people are elected.
The senate congress etc should not have 250k plus a year job. They do nothing. America is all about money and it's all the government cares for.

I also think (it's not possible I know) but have were all candidate for.ores should not have there face families.or etc shown until after they have been elected so it does not and cannot be a racist or prejudice vote based on skin color etc. That's how I feel
As usual you have all of the answers but you are a do-nothing person.

Armchair quarterback is what people like you are usually called.


Well-Known Member
As usual you have all of the answers but you are a do-nothing person.

Armchair quarterback is what people like you are usually called.
It's not that I am a do nothing but it would take more then me to change and it would take many to change laws and etc.

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
Kunti, I know I hurt your feelings because I don't respect your fear-filled religious beliefs but at the least try to be original in your posts and not just a slightly different version of what I wrote.
Because I'm apt enough to correctly cite the Koran and Hadith I now have "fear-filled beliefs"?


I fought for this country and led some of the finest soldiers on the planet into battle. We fought and sacrificed so ALL OF YOU can have differing opinions. Here is the problem I have with these types of discussions:
1) When people stand up and shout at the top of their lungs that one party is right and the other is beyond wrong.
2) Racism...... Everyone wants to play the race card, but refuse to call the current president a racist even in the face of proof that he is the worst offender.
3) Voting a party line instead of voting on issues.

Neither party is right and I think we need to abolish party affiliation and start voting AMERICAN.

I'll get off my soapbox for now. Sorry, this is just a heated topic for me.


Well-Known Member
I fought for this country and led some of the finest soldiers on the planet into battle. We fought and sacrificed so ALL OF YOU can have differing opinions. Here is the problem I have with these types of discussions:
1) When people stand up and shout at the top of their lungs that one party is right and the other is beyond wrong.
2) Racism...... Everyone wants to play the race card, but refuse to call the current president a racist even in the face of proof that he is the worst offender.
3) Voting a party line instead of voting on issues.

Neither party is right and I think we need to abolish party affiliation and start voting AMERICAN.

I'll get off my soapbox for now. Sorry, this is just a heated topic for me.
How is our current president racist?


Well-Known Member
I fought for this country and led some of the finest soldiers on the planet into battle. We fought and sacrificed so ALL OF YOU can have differing opinions.
only a brainwashed retard would make a statement like that about the "war" in iraq or afghanistan.

nothing you did served to uphold any of my rights as an american.

and any soldiers you led are far from fine, with the half a million innocent deaths you idiots caused in the name of a lie, most any thinking person would call you brainwashed assholes 'terrorists' and be correct.

Everyone wants to play the race card, but refuse to call the current president a racist even in the face of proof that he is the worst offender.
thanks for letting us know you are not only a brainwashed nationalist fascist, but also irredeemably racist too.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
How anyone blindly loves a country, i'll never know. You could of been born anywhere. These threads are retarded.
If I had been born in Zimbabwe I would be a rabid lover of all things Zimbabwean.

One thing for sure is that I am a much, much better patriot than you could ever be.

When I look into the face of America I see my own face reflected back. My happy, smiling, emotionally well adjusted, and morally correct face.

If you hate America you are just admitting that you hate yourself.


Well-Known Member
There are two kinds of republican politicians; crazy idiots and liars. Louis Gohmert, Ben Carson, Michelle Bachmann, Paul Broun, Tom Cotton, Jim Inhofe, etc. make up the crazy idiots who most likely actually believe the bullshit they espouse. Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, etc. make up the liars who know damn well that their political opinions are objectively wrong but push for them regardless because it's financially beneficial for them.

There are no republicans in congress who don't fall into at least one of these categories

As for republican citizens, I think they're just being led by the GOP leadership. They tell them to be scared of Muslims, they're scared of Muslims, they tell them the government (dems/liberals) want to take their guns away, they buy more in record numbers, they tell them homosexuals don't deserve equal rights, they dismiss the Supreme Court ruling because God's law is above man's law... They base their political beliefs on fear, and republicans sell them the solution to quell that fear and it manifests as racism, division, obstruction and hatred.
+rep. :clap: