Is this a mag issue ?

steezy wonder

Active Member
Just 1 out of 4 lemon desiel is doing this. I'm in flood and drain 3 weeks in to flower and the tips are canoeing. Im using the Lucas formula and adding cal mag to my ro water. Im thinking a mag deficiency cause of the brown spots and canoeing. Its only happening on 1 branch at the top. It's not directly under the light. My temps don't exceed 75. Can anyone confirm before I add epsom salt.


Well-Known Member
looks like heat stress. Are you using HID lights? How far from the light?

I've seen my leaves do weird stuff, like roll over, prior to an Mg def. But, that really looks like heat.

Do you have a fan blowing on them? And/or low humidity? I get tacos with low RH and too much air circulation.

steezy wonder

Active Member
I moved my fan where it's not touching them at all so we will see what that does. My humidity has been good. All other plants are great. With them turning brown on the edges and being towards top I was thinking mag. They're about 14" from the 1k hps.


Well-Known Member
14" of 1k is pretty close. too warm in that growspace. put the fan back so the wind touches them. looks like you need to stop ferting now, they're almost done. just water. try to get the temp down.

steezy wonder

Active Member
14" of 1k is pretty close. too warm in that growspace. put the fan back so the wind touches them. looks like you need to stop ferting now, they're almost done. just water. try to get the temp down.
3 weeks into flower and they're almost done ??? What ? Temps at 75 with co2 I have the same plant with branches closer and more directly under the light that are not showing this def. you still think it's too warm ? Do you know anything about the Lucas formula ? Why would I stop fert 3 weeks in ?


Well-Known Member
you have pretty heavy trichome production. they can go longer, but for some reason the plant is showing typical sign of heat which is leaf edge curling. I don't know if they discoloration is due to heat. I suspect it's more fert related as the leaves appear pretty dark green. I think a good thing to do is cool it on the ferts, put the fan back on them so they get bump around a bit, and see what happens. you haven't mentioned how often you feed and it can't be magnesium because if you're using GH micro and bloom, the bloom fert has mg in it already and you're adding more. can't be mg def.