Why do Republicans hate America?

Why do Republicans hate America?

  • Because they are stupid

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Because they have difficulty in seeing a big picture

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • They need to hate something

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • I wish I knew

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Jessy Koons

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
What impact has the Patriot Act had on you personally?
Personally? Well, for starters, it keeps me worried. Worried about future generations that will have freedoms infringed upon because of legislation that was passed due to fraudulent intel. Coincidence? Or a deliberate and deceitful act?


Well-Known Member
Cos growing up they were Mammy's special little cupcake and never lost the moany helplessness.

Hence why they push for moar welfare for just sitting around.

A "certain member" here went on about how they had a 6 figure salary but now they can't even get employment putting fries in a bag and resorts to stealing shit "cos Corporations deserve it".

That is why they're pussies, too much spare time to be offended by shit.


Well-Known Member
Why do people feel the need to divide people?

Why has Obama made this country the most divisive since the 60's?

Haters gotta hate something.
Do you live in a parallel universe mr. PowerHour?

Fill in the blank:

Those that bomb planned parenthood and massacre innocent kindergarteners are ___________.

A. Muslim
B. Jewish
C. Minorities
D. Bible Beating Chistian motherfuckers forcing their ideology on everyone much like ISIS.
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I fought for this country and led some of the finest soldiers on the planet into battle. We fought and sacrificed so ALL OF YOU can have differing opinions. Here is the problem I have with these types of discussions:
1) When people stand up and shout at the top of their lungs that one party is right and the other is beyond wrong.
2) Racism...... Everyone wants to play the race card, but refuse to call the current president a racist even in the face of proof that he is the worst offender.
3) Voting a party line instead of voting on issues.

Neither party is right and I think we need to abolish party affiliation and start voting AMERICAN.

I'll get off my soapbox for now. Sorry, this is just a heated topic for me.

Sorry to inform you, but you're dead wrong.

You fought to enrich thugs and for the continuation of the military industrial complex etc. whether you acknowledge that or not won't change it.

When pawns get told to put on a uniform / costume and are told they are protecting people by their acts of killing other pawns in a different colored costume (who fell for the same shit from their "leaders" ) they are fulfilling the plans of the manipulators and supporting sychophantic nationalism over humanism.

We agree neither party is right, as any political ideology that subjugates individual freedom and indoctrinates people into killing others relies more on blind obedience than rational thought.

If it would be wrong for you to walk up to somebody who hasn't harmed you on the streets of America and shoot them, why is it okay to shoot people that you've never even met that aren't Americans ? Who told you that was a good thing ?


Well-Known Member
There are two kinds of republican politicians; crazy idiots and liars. Louis Gohmert, Ben Carson, Michelle Bachmann, Paul Broun, Tom Cotton, Jim Inhofe, etc. make up the crazy idiots who most likely actually believe the bullshit they espouse. Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, etc. make up the liars who know damn well that their political opinions are objectively wrong but push for them regardless because it's financially beneficial for them.

There are no republicans in congress who don't fall into at least one of these categories

As for republican citizens, I think they're just being led by the GOP leadership. They tell them to be scared of Muslims, they're scared of Muslims, they tell them the government (dems/liberals) want to take their guns away, they buy more in record numbers, they tell them homosexuals don't deserve equal rights, they dismiss the Supreme Court ruling because God's law is above man's law... They base their political beliefs on fear, and republicans sell them the solution to quell that fear and it manifests as racism, division, obstruction and hatred.

Well then we need to get rid of all the so called righteous Democrats, .. they are too weak to combat the badass Republicans,....look at all this shit happening today because they can`t get it done.