I may have missed a good opportunity :'(


Well-Known Member
Eh ? Nah I'm not lying that's not something that I would make up, I doesn't really surprise me I'm a handsome guy when I am at an alright weight, similar situations have happened before just not since I was 16 when I was skinny, I've lost 40 lbs in the past 6 months.


Well-Known Member
Where are you guys from you must have never been to texas or California that's where all black and Mexican babies are born I was born in cali I'm half black, half Mexican, Mexicans do not have a problem with blacks out here.
No shit huh?
I sware, when I saw your pic earlier this year, I was gonna ask if you were Puerto Rican or something. I fucking knew it! Cool shit man.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
No shit huh?
I sware, when I saw your pic earlier this year, I was gonna ask if you were Puerto Rican or something. I fucking knew it! Cool shit man.
Don't lie to him.
Eh ? Nah I'm not lying that's not something that I would make up, I doesn't really surprise me I'm a handsome guy when I am at an alright weight, similar situations have happened before just not since I was 16 when I was skinny, I've lost 40 lbs in the past 6 months.
Don't lie to us.


Well-Known Member
Missing out on some good that sucks I remeber two instances where that happened to me.

1. This hot girl I always flirted with at work. She had a boyfriend and had broke up with him for a few days. I didn't realize this fact. She asked me if I wanted a ride home one day. Out of the blue thought it was kinda weird but didn't think much on it. I was like sure. When she got to my house she parked and turned the car off. And my dumb ass was like "thanks for the ride" got out didn't offer to let her on. She looked a little dissapointed started the car and left. Like 10 seconds later I was like .........fuck, fuck, fuck I'm stupid. I was like in love with that girl too. Got back together with her bf a few days later, and they never broke up again. She actually told me a couple months down the line that she was tryna get it on. That's the one that got away.

2. I switched my service from att to t-mobile. Was talking to this fine ass girl downtown. Got her number and everything. She texted me randomly at 1am on night asking if she could come over. I'm like fuck yeah (not in those words). So I wait for like an hour and hit her back up like so u almost here or what? She likes "yeah I was there like 15 minutes ago. I called you a couple time and you didn't answer. Figured you were asleep." I still curse t mobile til this day. CURSE YOU T MOBILE!! Dropped calls like a mother. Anyway I feels ga pain brah.

Honorable mention: I got blackout drunk downtown one day. Didn't remeber anything past a certain point the next day. A week later my friend who was there with me was like "so did you call that girl yet"? I'm like "what girl"? Apparently I got this hot Asian girls number and then went over to him and was like "yo I just got that girls number but I forgot her name." Well I don't remeber any of this happening but then I went thru my contacts and at the very bottom say a saved number with no name. Sent a text be she didn't bite. Too late.


Well-Known Member
way to start my morning off depressed.

i dare not recolect my lost loves, thats what the massive doses of xanax are for, to loose the memory

you still sound young. cherish those encounters, half the beauty is in the dance afterall. there will be plenty more