What the fuck does that even mean? I am feeling like it is something obvious but i just don't get it. Tips are not just for cows? Cow-tipping?
Yeah, ok, i got it.
Oh, Jesus why couldn't some state that isn't a total backwater cow-town legalize weed first? I guess it won't matter in the long run. Unless the economy improves dramatically causing everybody to get up in everybody else's ass again. Ya know, that's how prohibition ended. Hard economic times meant that people just didn't have the resources or energy to be all up in each other's business. Add the fact that the governments at all levels could no longer afford to allow individuals to snarf up all the payoffs and bingo.... Prohibition over. I hope that legal weed can spread it's tendrils deep enough into society to survive an economic up-turn that will make its tax contribution seem niggardly.
Hey, are these places not set up as non-profits? And, if so, does that not mean that they really have quite enough of a cash float to pay everybody a decent wage? And, if that is the case, is every dollar you put into the tip jar just not just really another dollar that upper management can siphon off for themselves. Fucking genius. The only cash flow in the whole fucking place totally off the record is the tip jar.
Fuck that.
When was the last time you tipped a street dealer an extra $5 because he actually gave you the proper weight.
whiney little ex-barrista bitches.