Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
whelp...we got our unofficial orders.....

im so glad we spent 5 fucking grand to move me from the upper UP in canada, to alaska, to fucking move back to the UP of michigan.


LOL i cant even be mad at that, i just have to laugh
Gotta roll with the punches.


Well-Known Member
ah good times, pooping outside and peeing in the sink

why does that remind me of college?

i still miss peeing in the sink


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I poop on hikes and in public places like parks. Then I watch people pick it up. Often they look around in amazement, hoping to see the giant dog that dropped that thing.
You just reminded me. I walked past some wheelie bins in the city centre and there was a huge dump right inbetween them. I thought 'How did a dog get in there and, oh hang on'. Now I realise it was prob one of yours. It was pretty big also. :)