bodhi seeds

Do you have to be a member at the bay to order seeds? I tried to join the forum but im pretty sure someone has to refer you because i was denied.
Curious about these skunk 91s too.. a friend sent me them. I asked some weeks ago and several said they are great seeds but didn't see much more than that..
I'm not a huge fan of the smoking the straight skunks, in general.. but I like plants that grow like monsters. Which has been my experience with skunks..
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Those skunk91s are an awesome find, they're a super limited release that bodhi dropped a couple years back. I believe they were better suited for outdoor than in they are chem91 x road kill skunk. Im super jealous bro i'm hoping someday i can hook up on some f2s from someone or that bodhi releases some f2 since i think the male was lost. I can't remember who i saw post it but they said they were potent and plenty stinky but that it wasn't a pure representation of the rks terpene profile that they found but a very excellent plant nonetheless. Also i believe they said you may have to pluck a few late nanners but nothing excessive if memory serves me right.
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Those skunk91s are an awesome find, they're a super limited release that bodhi dropped a couple years back. I believe they were better suited for outdoor than in they are chem91 x road kill skunk. Im super jealous bro i'm hoping someday i can hook up on some f2s from someone or that bodhi releases some f2 since i think the male was lost. I can't remember who i saw post it but they said they were potent and plenty stinky but that it wasn't a pure representation of the rks terpene profile that they found but a very excellent plant nonetheless. Also i believe they said you may have to pluck a few late nanners but nothing excessive if memory serves me right.

I'll see if I can make that happen.. I hit some of Bodhi's Silver Mountain pollen to my 9 wk SSH plant.. I'm flowering out the males of that progeny now for F2's.. I hit the same pollen to a green crack clone. A few RIU members grew that out and were happy with the results. I'm more excited about the SSH x SM though..

Thanks for getting back.. RKS huh.. That is one of those I have not tried but have heard great things. Looking forward to seeing what they can do. I'll plant those this fall when I get some space cleared. Maybe I can get you some f2s..

for a "preservation" sort of objective like that I like to mix male pollen from multiple males.. Might be a cool project..
That would be super cool of you if you did bro i appreciate it. I've never had it but have always wanted to because my dad always talked about it and said it was great smoke. The rks and the Hawaiian are the 2 standouts from 35+ years smoking for him and with some of the bud we've smoked together i imagine those had to be some fine bud. Im gonna get some of bodhis dragons blood seeds and try to find a good rks representation and make some new memories i can talk about 20 years from now. I agree with you on using multiple males for preservation and diversity i feel like using just one you miss out on a lot of potential for exploration. Now for a regular commercial seed line then of course u use the proven boy so the results are consistent for customers. Best of luck and i hope you find dank in them beans.
I'll quit taking up space for a bit after this but those sshxsm sound nice 9 weeks is damn good for a haze hybrid. How many seeds did you run to find it? Ill bet the green crack x was a dank production plant.
The 9 wk SSH came from a group of 5 females.. from a Beanhoarder pack of SSH 1 x SSH 2. His SSH 2 was a 9 wk.. His SSH 1 was longer.

The 5 females I saw were 9 wk, 12, 12, 14 and 14+. All 4 of the females that were 12+ probably could have gone 16+ but they did pretty well at 12 and 14 weeks.

I wanted to get that SSH to seed and I decided Bodhi's SM would make a good plant to pair it to. I am going to do a BX back to the 9 wk quite a few times but also work on a SSH x SM maybe to F4.. I'm collecting pollen now for the f2s so they are a probably 3 years out. I don't exactly rush my projects.. Though, I'm flowering 10 males right now so planning to get a lot done by this summer on several projects. Including some Chimera Sweet Tooth F2's that I can gift many people.
Thats cool man you can't rush a breeding project without compromising quality to at least some degree. Ive done some chucking and had good results but nothing in depth because I've not been able to grow multiple harvests without having to shut down due to security issues etc. Starting with quality genetics like bodhis makes it easier to produce quality offspring but its producing predictable/consistent results that separates the men from the boys lol. Thanks for the quick responses.
Take my word on this, almost everybody I spoke to has found this one pheno, it is INSANELY potent nothing quite like it on the planet. You will tell her early on by the fact she will make TWO to FOUR balls, low down, JUST ONCE. Pick those off and watch her frost up in 14 days, by 21 days fans are crusted with frost. She yields well and KILLS bubble bags. This is the one, all phenos we found were total badass, but THAT one... I have only run her twice. We all still fear her a little lol...
One of my Gojis is doing this right now. It threw two balls early, down toward the base of the plant where I topped it -- they've since shriveled up and now all I'm getting are pistils. I think I'm going to let it go for a minute and see what happens. I'll be keeping a close eye; It would be cool if it turned out to be something special like with the Dream Beaver.

Edit: I think they share some of the same genetics if I read correctly -- the Snow Lotus? Anyway...
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OK guys, Please reference my original post from above. Some of your suggestions where: Tranquil Elephantizer, Jabba(indica), Sunshine Daydream and Dank Sinatra. I really like the sound of the Tranquil Elephantizer but, they are out of stock. They all sound great tho. I think the SSDD is great too. Keep in mind this is for personal only and to relieve anxiety and to help sleep? Any last minute input?
SSDD will have you most happy. Dank Sinatra is great but you need her on the side the is a low yielder, always good to have something next to her. T.E has not had the best track record IMO there have been many issues some very straaaaaange ones like plants autoflowering or flowering out to look like a badly revegged plant. NOBODY has ever knocked
Thanks jd thats good to here. It seems pretty relaxed over there, and a lot of info on the bodhi thread as well.
If you want Bodhi info the Bay rules. It is very relaxed. Even Stache behaves on the Bay.
One of my Gojis is doing this right now. It threw two balls early, down toward the base of the plant where I topped it -- they've since shriveled up and now all I'm getting are pistils. I think I'm going to let it go for a minute and see what happens. I'll be keeping a close eye; It would be cool if it turned out to be something special like with the Dream Beaver.

Edit: I think they share some of the same genetics if I read correctly -- the Snow Lotus? Anyway...
Keep us posted Sir! But being Goji it will of course be really good, havent heard if a bad pheno ever. Thise beans are held is such high regard.
I was told that Big Shoe, was a vendor now on breedbay and @alyamoni told me to hit.him.up through instagram. He is about to start a buy one get one
He has put so much good genetics in peoples hands at no charge. Pay him for the second pack. I need to fly to where he lives and smack him upside the head for never making himself a good profit. Such a great guy.
Dream Beaver as well. Picked up a few because of the ravings of a Mad Hamish. I've ordered Bodhi twice before because of the raves on this board, and didn't think I'd let that happen again...but :joint: struck again.

"dreaming about the beaver" - :clap:
I have been sitting on a pack of Beaver, also 4x SSDD... I think that I will run a couple of these before I try my new Elemental seeds!