After all the bullshit and conniving from LP's, I dont think I would personally be able to take them at their word that any of it wasn't irradiated. Show me lab analyses proving that. Also, how fucking greasy is it that they make him pay more for non irradiated. What a fucking crime. "We want to help patients" They then proceed to not only offer garbage but the "REAL" non irradiated medicine will cost you more. WTF kinda logic is behind that? Irradiating should cost more due to the extra equipment/overhead used. Not discounted because irradiation was used to solve fungal, mold, or pest issues.
Can you imagine if Bayer was like "We can sell you some low dose aspirin at 40.5mg and you'll have to take twice as much (which costs more in the long run) of an ineffective inferior product with little to no benefits to helping prevention of heart disease. OR you can pay more and get the ACTUAL meds at 81mg per pill but a far higher price."
Basically why do both? Pick one or the other, don't fucking manipulate your patients by doing underhanded shit like this. Are some meds irradiated just because Tweed sees fit, and some others aren't? Or is it never the same strain that's irradiated due to production issues(big surprise, they cant grow for shit. P.S. nice T5 set up....) Or do they have it set up so that no matter what: rooms x,y,z always get irradiated regardless, while rooms a,b,c do not receive irradiation?