Jt says mj isn't a cash grab! Lol


Well-Known Member
Unless the price is next to free they will never get rid of the black market anyway.
If mandatory minimums didn't stop people from growing and dealing the bm will always thrive.
I would have more respect for the guy if he was honest and said how else do u think I plan to finance the Canadian state of utopia


Well-Known Member
he knows if he makes it a cash grab it will do nothing to get rid of the black market

And that's what he said yesterday in Vancouver with his comments to the premiere's that see all the $'s. Although some of these premieres have piped up and said they want to sell it like liquor, JT said thanks for the input, but we'll get back to you on best practices for distribution...based on existing models (Colorado et al). I read that as NO to the premiers to liquor store sales. If the provinces want to control the sales of rec MJ, then they're going to have to do it separately from alcohol.


Well-Known Member
Unless the price is next to free they will never get rid of the black market anyway.
If mandatory minimums didn't stop people from growing and dealing the bm will always thrive.
I would have more respect for the guy if he was honest and said how else do u think I plan to finance the Canadian state of utopia
JT said in that video from 2012 that they would have to compete with the black market, so prices will need to reflect that (or something along those lines). He said yesterday in Vancouver that sales and distribution will be up to provinces and municipalities. I think that was pretty honest? Booze and smokes are taxed both federally and provincially, but are controlled by the province, why would weed be different? I still haven't seen or heard anything that would suggest we won't end up with a system that works for all. Even with home growing, I think they will get it right and allow personal grows. Banning them has been an epic fail for 100 years and continuing would guarantee the BM will thrive. I think it will take a year or so before legalization happens, but that date is a lot closer than the 'when hell freezes over' legalization policies of the previous governments. I was hoping he would mention medical grows when asked about dispensaries......that is the only marijuana policy that affects me.


Well-Known Member
I agree chris
And even if the rec prices are cheap enough to hurt the bm it will continue.
People will still want the primo top shelf homegrown. And if home grows are allowed then I expect the next big bm cash grab will be a clone supplier.
I'm surprised no one has tried to monopolize the clone/cutting market already. There's a lot of money to be made at 8-15 a cutting.
Wish I had the room and marketing skill to pull it off


Well-Known Member
notice how he hasn't wiped out any previous convictions or even mentioned it. wha' happen'?
That's not surprising
Obama said the same thing.
And nothing.
The fact that jt, Obama, bush jr, clinton all admitted to trying it yet if they had been charged wouldn't be allowed to be in charge should be reason enough for them to have changed some shit.
We live in very hypocritical times my friend.


Well-Known Member
Did JT say he would? I heard Mulcair say that. It would have to wait until the law changed anyway, but it's a question I'd like to hear an answer to.
He said it was something they would look into if elected.
Just for financial relief to the court system and our country as a whole it would make sense to start


Well-Known Member
My current opinion on all of this legalization stuff is that JT actually thinks what he's saying is true and is straight-up on his intentions. I don't doubt there's some $ benefits in his head, but I do believe he's honest about keeping kids safe, eliminating the BM and all the shit that goes with it, and home grows.

That said, I think he's a little young/naïve due to his up-bringing and doesn't realize how things really work on the street or even in the political arena. He's a good listener but few people ever say what they mean, and in politics none say what they mean, 99% of them have an agenda and money/power is always somewhere in that agenda. Will be interesting to see how he manages those around him, special interest groups (including us), and what the final outcome of that is. I tend to be an optimist but also realist, I'll go that at the federal level, he'll implement a relatively decent model to cover off all interests including home grows (I think for all, not just medical).

imo, what we need to be concerned about are the greedy bitches like Wynne, who no matter what the feds setup at the federal level, will implement further stupid restrictions at the provincial level, take a huge tax/cash grab to line their own pockets provincially, and in turn fuck the whole thing up. JT's publicly stated that the provinces/municipalities will have a lot of leeway on the implementation, distribution etc., that's the part I'm concerned about, not JT's/fed roles.