If you are using tap water for your plants..


New Member
Watch me get accused of selling Water distillers.
Water Distiller

This site looks like crap, but I ordered and got my shit. I have the white one in the center of the pic on the first page.

I bought a water distiller for 100 dollars online.

Interesting read. I do agree with you on the harm drinking tap water causes. I live in FL and we have the second worst drinking water after pensylvania according to research and studies performed by different institutes. Anyways, I wanted to know if you could provide a link to the site you purchased your distiller from. I checked online and most seem to be very pricey. Thanks.


New Member
My lord. I enjoy growing my own homegrown as much as the next guy. However, I think folks that claim the Government and everyone else is out to get them is missing the point. MARIJUANA INDUCES PARANOIA. And no, that doesn't mean that everyone that doesn't smoke it is a SHEEP. It's this kind of freaking malarky which keeps marijuana a schedule I drug. Knock the shit off. Just because you're high doesn't mean the world is out to get you. In fact, most people, or "squares" could give a shit what you do. You're not that important. Stop imagining the world is out to get you ERGO THAT THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND YOU. Rest assured that most people couldn't give a shit whether you live or die. Yes some people get arrested for smoking/growing but that is because its illegal. Yes it is an injustice because its not that big of a deal. But the fact remains that the overwhelming majority can do both their entire life and never be punished. Everyone knows of someone, if not them, that had a cop simply make them throw their shit out and not take them to jail. Buts thats because they probably treated the cop like a human being and not some "pig trying to take their rights, man!". Its the difference between a moron and a sophisticate who keeps their love/hobby to themselves. Grow up and keep your mouth shut. And those of you that talk and act like morons you're giving pot a bad name. Stop talking about it because you make it harder for us intellectuals who believe in its legality to make it exactly that. LEGAL! There isn't shit in the water. Don't believe me watch this: YouTube - Sprinkler Rainbow Conspiracy TARDED!
If you disagree with me please write back. I would love to debate you on this. Yes the world is a fucked up place. Yes greed causes a tremendous amount of problems. But it is not a giant conspiracy by the government to turn the world into a prison camp. I'm out.
STFU or stick your head back up your ass. You must be living in denial when it comes to government lies and cover ups. In this case its a lack of providing information for the public to see the unsafe risks associated with drinking tap water. What do you base your knowledge on when making the comment about nothing in your water? A bullshit video from the internet, if you believe that, would you believe I have a bridge for sale? Do your misled self a favor and have your water tested to see the sludge that buddy was talking about. Better yet, in the mean time do a chlorine test, fill a cup with tap water and smell it, you smell the chlorine, now stick your finger in there for about a min, then smell the cup, do you smell anything. Result no chlorine smell, in that short period of time your body has already aborbed the chlorine from the cup. And common sense would tell you its probally not a good idea to drink chlorine from the bottle labled with a pretty little skull and bone stamp and reads do not ingest. Why put this in water along with other shit that is known to be poisonus to humans. Similar to the morons over at big tobacco, why do what they do. Cause they dont give a fuck.


Well-Known Member
Watch me get accused of selling Water distillers.
Water Distiller

This site looks like crap, but I ordered and got my shit. I have the white one in the center of the pic on the first page.
Whats the rate of water per hour or w/e that it distills?

I wanna shoot the person who picked that song.... I HATE MIDI TUNES!


Well-Known Member
Why do people believe that just because you defend something, that you fully partake in whatever it may be? I don't drink "tap" water, because I have well water, which is delicious.

Just because I don't believe there's any health risks(due to the fact there's been 0 people diagnosed with anything caused by fluoridation, other than brown teeth) doesn't mean I have my lips on the faucet just chugging some super fluoridated water. I'm against Obama, but that doesn't make me a McCain supporter.

I have yet to see any proof of any health risks, in all 15 pages of this thread. And if you consider slightly browning teeth a health risk, then get a grip. Besides, when the whole noticeable teeth browning thing was going on, that was over 50 years ago. With 1-4 ppm, if the person brushes their teeth, it's not even a problem.

Anyways, I don't care about this too much, so I probably wont reply back unless I see some kind of attempt at the proof of health risk. I mean you'd figure out of the 300 million people chugging POISON, there should at least be ONE death, illness, or disease related to it....


New Member
So wrong in so many ways. You missed the scientific studies that are linked to in this thread. You probably lack a ton of independent reading on the subject as well since you claim no one has ever been diagnosed with anything but brown teeth. Read back far enough, and people have even died from fluoride dispersed from Dupont during the Manhattan project(A-bomb).

Why do people believe that just because you defend something, that you fully partake in whatever it may be? I don't drink "tap" water, because I have well water, which is delicious.

Just because I don't believe there's any health risks(due to the fact there's been 0 people diagnosed with anything caused by fluoridation, other than brown teeth) doesn't mean I have my lips on the faucet just chugging some super fluoridated water. I'm against Obama, but that doesn't make me a McCain supporter.

I have yet to see any proof of any health risks, in all 15 pages of this thread. And if you consider slightly browning teeth a health risk, then get a grip. Besides, when the whole noticeable teeth browning thing was going on, that was over 50 years ago. With 1-4 ppm, if the person brushes their teeth, it's not even a problem.

Anyways, I don't care about this too much, so I probably wont reply back unless I see some kind of attempt at the proof of health risk. I mean you'd figure out of the 300 million people chugging POISON, there should at least be ONE death, illness, or disease related to it....


Well-Known Member
I don't want to beat a dead horse, but I just got an add in the mail from a water company. It is now offering drinking water with fluoride in it. However, there is a warning on the website. It says that if you are using another fluoridated product, that you should consult your physician or dental professional. Here is the link The Different Types of Water

Why would a water company say to consult your doctor or dentist before ordering this type of water if there was no health concerns related to its use? Seems to me that this warning should be enough to make people look into this issue a little more, and maybe not be so closed minded about things.


New Member
Because fluoride can be dangerous to humans, especially in high doses. Its proven. So many products contain fluoride, since its in the water, that every person that requests fluoridated water from them should be consulting physicians. They wont. Really they should just avoid fluoride.