Go to jail for some plants, Help murder 6 people get 1 year


Well-Known Member
I have been following this case for a bit, they need to tie all the guys involved up and let that MOM shot them all in a public setting on live TV maybe that would send a message to all the stupid thugs running around, I am honestly starting to get really pissed off at the level of violence in Canada that gets ignored on a daily basis. Time and time again I hear of people getting super light sentences for horrible crimes, at the same time I hear of people getting busted for Cannabis on a daily.

Anyone caught doing any crime involving weapons should get an auto 5 years, if they are not a citizen instant life ban from Canada, those ones we can give them 5 years then send em packing. We should also make a rule that if your a first generation Canadian you can get deported to your parents country and so can they if they are here, this way they can not breed and have more criminal babies here. Murder should be the death penitently, and if your involved you should also face death and 25 to at the very least. Our justice system is completely ass backwards.
Really no justice at all, murderer go free and self harm people (Cannabis users) go to jail.


Well-Known Member
It is disgusting, you have criminals infiltrating places like the docs in BC and MTL and this is known fact, they freely move weapons and drugs in and out of our country as if borders do not even exist. Also based on all the crazy stories I have come across about "Piggies Palace" (Look it up if you do not know) it seems we have bands of killers who can dispose of bodies at will. Based on a retired RCMP officer he says that Willie pickton was the tip of the iceberg, he says that he knows of a "Beehive Burner facility" were they burn bodies and put the ashes into potash. He said the RCMP get mad at him when he investigates because its their turf (sounds like pickton all over) to be honest they never did want to bust pickton, it was just that a rookie blew it open and they had no choice, I hear that Willie wants to do an interview to give his side of what really was going on but they of course will not let that happen(CBC has tried)


Well-Known Member
You guys want a story that is real life and more macabe then any Rob Zomibe or Tobe Hooper film just look into Piggies Palace. It is unreal, some say it was a snuff factory making snuff for rich foreigners, it was also a body dump for gangsters, and it was also a body dump for Willies obsession with hookers.

One of the lead investigating cops was caught making S&M porno that included "fake" severed heads along side images of tied up girls getting raped by him. He did not think anything was rong with that, another local politician who was involved with the investigation was caught investing in sleezy slasher films that emulated what willie was doing, again he did not seem to think any thing was wrong with that. This is the state of our country.


Well-Known Member
this same guy got fucked to the wall for drugs and gun charges that equal the harshest murder sentences we give in this country. he got something like 6-7 years for those charges when most get 4 years for killing someone. he got a light sentence with the b&e but they made up for it with the initial charges because of the severity of the case and the fact that they were not able to charge him worse because he never stepped foot into the apartment.

its a disgusting case up and down but he did get a harsh sentence for what they were legally able to charge him with, even though he is responsible for the death a 6 people by helping the killers gain access to the victims and plotting out the scheme.