BBB - Bowls Before Bed

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Well-Known Member
Wow, BBB is quiet...has everyone been asleep for a week or what?

I always thought BB4B had a nice ring.
We're just about to get into some more wicked Sativa of some unknown strain, then I'm going to give Ph03nix a long slow massage to help her wind down from a long stressful day. No need to get into details, but it's been a long day for her (and me I guess).

Morning :bigjoint: for you folks waking up now and goodnight :eyesmoke:bongsmilie :sleep: to those of you going to bed. For those in the middle of the day, have fun bongsmilie :eyesmoke:

Whoa!! Smilie Overload!


Well-Known Member
I cant smoke bbb anymore. Whenever I do I just end up sleeping for like 12 hours and miss the entire next day. Now I usually smoke like 2 hours before bed.


Well-Known Member
Since ive seen this topic ive have allways been smokin a bowl before bed im even preachin bbb to my freinds
+rep to you for spreading the Good Word.

lol, blasphemous jokes are fun! Blasphe-ME, Blasphe-YOU! ~ if anyone knows what that's from you're a Golden God.

I cant smoke bbb anymore. Whenever I do I just end up sleeping for like 12 hours and miss the entire next day. Now I usually smoke like 2 hours before bed.

When I first started smoking I would still feel high the next day at work.

Kief bowls tonight! OG Kush kief on master kush. Because we gotta go mimi, too much stress and not enough sleep lately.

I keep holding it in too long cuz I'm blowing smoke rings at my dog.

Goodnight all.


Well-Known Member
Im going to bed so you all need to smoke one for me cuz I cant smoke until i get me a new job... one month and going!!

Sleep sweet wikid!!


Well-Known Member
Im going to bed so you all need to smoke one for me cuz I cant smoke until i get me a new job... one month and going!!

Sleep sweet wikid!!
Night hun :hug: Thanks for keeping me entertained tonight

Well, it's about that time again. It's time to smoke a bowl or tres and go mimi.

Tonight we're going to smoke some bubba with just a little bit of kief on top. And we're smoking out of the bubbler, cuz I just feel bubbly :grin:

Night all.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
+rep to you for spreading the Good Word.

lol, blasphemous jokes are fun! Blasphe-ME, Blasphe-YOU! ~ if anyone knows what that's from you're a Golden God.

When I first started smoking I would still feel high the next day at work.

Kief bowls tonight! OG Kush kief on master kush. Because we gotta go mimi, too much stress and not enough sleep lately.

I keep holding it in too long cuz I'm blowing smoke rings at my dog.

Goodnight all.

Mr Izzard as in Eddie:hump:Now lets have cyber fun with my golden rod:hump:


Well-Known Member
Mr Izzard as in Eddie:hump:Now lets have cyber fun with my golden rod:hump:
I totally forgot I asked that question, and yes, you're totally right and you fucking ROCK for knowing that Zekedogg! *tackles you and smothers you with some serious lovin* Is your rod really golden? :shock:

OK, time for a bbb. I just got some kief, and some OG Kush, so it's kush bowls with kief on top and we're gonna get soooooo high.

This bowl is for....all my friends who are MIA. I miss you guys. :sad: bongsmilie

And THIS bowl is for my friends who are still here, I love you guys! :hug: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
:) I allways smoke in bed... Watch a film or play Skate.....

And in the morning if some's left, i'll wake up puffing :)

hahahaaa ^^



Well-Known Member
I do that too! I usually end up falling asleep with buds still in the bowl, so I hit that when I wake up. lol, best way to start the day


Well-Known Member
I do that too! I usually end up falling asleep with buds still in the bowl, so I hit that when I wake up. lol, best way to start the day
yeah, except for me i fall asleep with a spliff in my hand ;) most of the time i am able to put it on the ashtray.. turn & sleep :)

then there's times where i sleep on the joint.. flat as a piece of paper....... :mrgreen:


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I totally forgot I asked that question, and yes, you're totally right and you fucking ROCK for knowing that Zekedogg! *tackles you and smothers you with some serious lovin* Is your rod really golden? :shock:

OK, time for a bbb. I just got some kief, and some OG Kush, so it's kush bowls with kief on top and we're gonna get soooooo high.

This bowl is for....all my friends who are MIA. I miss you guys. :sad: bongsmilie

And THIS bowl is for my friends who are still here, I love you guys! :hug: bongsmilie

WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO I got some SERIOUS lovin bitches.....Whatcha know about that:hump:


Active Member
lol when i wake up, before i brush my teeth, after i brush my teeth, after breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, after work, before work, afternoon, before bed. eh i guess whenever is the best time for a bowl lol.


Well-Known Member
So I made it to San Diego, after some serious trials and tribulations. It was fun though.

My friends went to bed, and it's about time for me to do the same.

I already smoked a bowl of kief on kush. Sat and talked. It was nice to talk to someone who is close to me, but far from the drama that's going on right now. Nice to vent a little.

But I feel I could use another bowl. Sucks to have to go outside to smoke, but whatever :roll:

This bowl is for....all the people I met today on my adventure in public transportation bongsmilie
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