Rooftop SE Asia


Well-Known Member
looking good over here my friend! what's up with those little small plants that seem to be flowering way too early??? are they going to reveg eventually?
They got pulled. Its the tropics dude, they flower when they are ready.....which could be 30 days in

AND I fucked these with some lights, so thats the reason they revegged and didnt do shit. Also should not have started topping for mainlining until they were in final container, fuck up on my part. But also learned that I only want to top and crop here, mainlining takes too much time in my conditions
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Well-Known Member
Yeah man no drab colors here. Should visit sometime. May never leave like I have done.

There are many such beautiful places and people worldwide and we go and fuck them up with war. I have been fortunate to visit a few of those places.View attachment 3503629
War is good for Western Countries' businesses. We build the war materiel, blow up the infrastructure, and then the Western countries businesses all get fat contracts to rebuild things. It's the American Way. If a country doesn't cooperate with us, or the Entire Middle East...we're gonna let the dictator fall, civil wars blow up, and we bomb and destroy the infrastructures of entire regions. Then we go in, all the Western Bloc countries mega-billion dollar businesses, and get paid to rebuild. With oil money! It's a big happy circle. A proxy-war works too. (Please note sarcasm)


Well-Known Member
looking good over here my friend! what's up with those little small plants that seem to be flowering way too early??? are they going to reveg eventually?
I flowered a bunch a foot or more tall too...I needed to identify males as there were too many. I'm not gonna reveg and I blew it on some I should have taken cuttings from. Outdoors here stuff doesn't finish until it's damp and maybe raining, early October or even later. And, sadly, you see tons of plants start to mold. Even covered up from dew. There's a Bay on one side and the Pacific on the other side so it's just going to be damp at night in fall. Really annoying. Too much outdoor light pollution in any neighborhood or city for the plants to focus on budding. Everyone has motion detector lights so every cat or passerby, and the street lights, messes up outdoor here. And the lawn moths larvae love all purple plants and wreck it just as it ripens with bites killing buds, and the poops making mold. I'm trying to get enough indoor and budded by late Spring here when it gets too hot for indoor. You need dehumidifiers and air conditioners. And I'm a little too lazy. Co2, yes. Most of what I flower early are free seeds that I made of good seeds. I'd almost never let a TGA go to a flower room only a foot tall. Seeds are too expensive. Unless I suspect it's a Male and I am tired of waiting for a pistil or ball to show, or it's getting too tall. Sorry, I'm blabby today.


Well-Known Member
See the ignorant misinformation that is even shared here:

Obviously written by someone who knows.... Ignorance really is bliss, but it infuriates me that some people do believe this sort of SHIT
My friends who go to mainland China tell me that they just create new designer drugs non-stop in Asia, and watch a video of a major player in Fake Weed, Spice,, etc, make his stuff. He's got dried green plant and herb materials. Then he starts dumping like acetone! And I don't remember what other deadly chemicals, he stirs a batch up, let's it dry, packages it and bam, makes money and that bullshit fake weed sends so many people to the hospital across the US it's amazing. People trip out bad sometimes too. It lets people pass marijuana pee-tests so a lot of people smoke it. It's not cannabis, it's not like cannabis, and it's for people like that or the desperate stoner all out of weed. Others like it because it adds to the other drugs they are using and will literally make a guy drool and start staring. It's a messed up drug.


Well-Known Member
So decisions decisions; I yanked the rest of the shiva skunks revegging and also the chernobyl; small buds. No time for that bullshit, got vegging plants which will blow up going in their places. I left the critical kush rolling on.


Well-Known Member
A rooftop in Vietnam... I was just five on my first morning on a rooftop in Vietnam, it was a seven story apartment building in downtown Saigon, across the street from the Scottish army barracks- gotta love those bagpipes on the PA at 5 sharp every morning!

I remember it so well because it was a great view... and because my dad showed me the picture on the front page of the morning news. It was a scene of suitcases and shoes strewn about in front of a chunk of 707 fuselage. The VC had shot down a civilian airliner on approach to Tan Son Nhut airbase... the very flight we'd have chosen if we'd had the extra fare. The sky was very blue that day, the puffy clouds extra pretty...

So ya, more pics- because I'd really like to go visit again someday soon and enjoy the place without all the olive drab uniforms.
sounds like the introduction of a coming of age story lol


Well-Known Member
They got pulled. Its the tropics dude, they flower when they are ready.....which could be 30 days in

AND I fucked these with some lights, so thats the reason they revegged and didnt do shit. Also should not have started topping for mainlining until they were in final container, fuck up on my part. But also learned that I only want to top and crop here, mainlining takes too much time in my conditions
i dont mainline either. i pinch mostly, and top when necessary to even out the canopy. i find that the plant mainlines itself. if you examine the structure of the branching you'll find the bigger trunks on a mature plant. remove the smaller ones from below and imo you achieve the same thing basically.

funny thing is about growing and many other things in life, we all have our own methods to achieve the same results. :)


Well-Known Member
Forgive me for saying this, but that's one thing that wrong with humanity, trying to turn life into a fkn story or even better lets try to turn a story into life. Sorry for that rant, but I despise what tv and fuckwood have become and the influence it has on people.

And that was way off topic, but I also just woke up ;)


Well-Known Member
Forgive me for saying this, but that's one thing that wrong with humanity, trying to turn life into a fkn story or even better lets try to turn a story into life. Sorry for that rant, but I despise what tv and fuckwood have become and the influence it has on people.

And that was way off topic, but I also just woke up ;)
Yeah but ttystikk is real life man so u need to wanna bust balls go to the political thread or hop on over to the uk thread...we'll take care of u there


Well-Known Member
Yeah but ttystikk is real life man so u need to wanna bust balls go to the political thread or hop on over to the uk thread...we'll take care of u there
Dude I am not busting any balls!!! ttystikk and myself know one another pretty well. It was your balls I was busting if anything, talking about a great story it would make. Its LIFE


Well-Known Member
How were u busting my balls lol my comment was mearly a joke if you feel the need to nit pic a joke then frankly you're a cock monger lol no need to get defensive dude I was pointing out your incompetence.
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Well-Known Member

Guys, no offense was meant and none taken. He used a common turn of phrase and didn't mean to belittle either my story- that's what it's called- or my experience.

I totally respect the point that as a real life experience it has more depth and meaning than a fictional tale or a dramatized movie.

The reason I remember that exact time, place and day so vividly is because that was the moment I personally realized that life isn't safe, that in spite of how normal everything looked and seemed, how casually people behaved, even what we did or did not do, my plane arrived safely and uneventfully and theirs ended in tragedy. No good or just reason, nobody on board deserved it, just blind chance... and the stupidity of war.

So in honor of that thought, do me a persey and let this one drop. I have a feeling you'd like each other.