Legalization of Cannabis at a federal level, what does that mean for street dealers?


Active Member
Hello All,

I was wondering if and when legalization of cannabis at a federal level happens, what would it mean for street dealers? Right now I assume it is pretty lucrative as it is not accepted at a federal level. Does the crimes involving marijuana just go away?
Nobody likes their tax system but WA state has one of the worst. We have one of the highest liquor taxes in the country as an example of sin tax. The state lottery is sold hard and heavy. I'm too disgusted to research the current tax structure for recreational cannabis. I literally can't afford it so I will continue to grow my own but without the state protections I used to enjoy as a medical caregiver.
So like liquor tax, marijuana will be taxed higher once legalized. What I was wondering how does the affect street dealers since the availability will be everywhere.
I hear ya, because I assume the prices for legitimate cannabis would be expensive as those on the black market would be way cheaper but same quality.
I haven't dealt with the black market for a couple of years but I was getting top tier bud for $200 an once, often $700 for a quarter pound. I haven't set foot in a rec store but reading the ads it looks like $150/oz for trim and $300/oz for primo.

So the express intent of the initiative was to eliminate the black market but the "powers that be" got greedy and there is still room for underground. I won't even start the rant about what they've done to people who want to grow their own medicine.

The dispensary gray market was hurting the black market but they are being stamped out of existence, so oh well.
So it seems even tho with legitimate cannabis out there in terms of getting it, it is still pricey. The black market is able to tax a bit as it provides opportunities for those that cannot get medical cannabis?

See I thought that was the purpose of legalization or medical cannabis, to eliminate the so called criminal part of cannabis life. So I see there are two world's the regular and the underground world of cannabis.

So basically we have capitalization at its best dealing with the cannabis in this country. What are you thoughts of them anytime soon, legalizing cannabis at the federal level?
I haven't dealt with the black market for a couple of years but I was getting top tier bud for $200 an once, often $700 for a quarter pound. I haven't set foot in a rec store but reading the ads it looks like $150/oz for trim and $300/oz for primo.

So the express intent of the initiative was to eliminate the black market but the "powers that be" got greedy and there is still room for underground. I won't even start the rant about what they've done to people who want to grow their own medicine.

The dispensary gray market was hurting the black market but they are being stamped out of existence, so oh well.

An analysis with the uncomfortable ring of truth for those charged with making it fair to everyone.
So it seems even tho with legitimate cannabis out there in terms of getting it, it is still pricey. The black market is able to tax a bit as it provides opportunities for those that cannot get medical cannabis?

See I thought that was the purpose of legalization or medical cannabis, to eliminate the so called criminal part of cannabis life. So I see there are two world's the regular and the underground world of cannabis.

So basically we have capitalization at its best dealing with the cannabis in this country. What are you thoughts of them anytime soon, legalizing cannabis at the federal level?

Who REALLY wants it legalized, besides those silly impoverished sick people who don't contribute to campaign funding? o_O
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IMO there will always be plenty to be made on the black market, assuming the quality is high. Greedy States and Counties will always mismanage funds and use liquor-weed-lottery and fuel to attempt to balance their bloated budgets.

Not with better and less corrupt government. We need that at all levels, not just for cannabis legalization.
IMO there will always be plenty to be made on the black market, assuming the quality is high. Greedy States and Counties will always mismanage funds and use liquor-weed-lottery and fuel to attempt to balance their bloated budgets.

Okay thanks for your feedback. I agree completely with your views because that is how it is in New Mexico.
Who REALLY wants it legalized, besides those silly impoverished sick people who don't contribute to campaign finding? o_O

True! I guess this would be more of a poll type asking but doesn't the typical cannabis individual want it to be so it is a thing to be out in the open? I agree that it is the sick people that want it legalized. I suffer from disorders that use it to help cope with my issues but don't know if I want it legalized. I guess I would have to see the pros and cons.
Not with better and less corrupt government. We need that at all levels, not just for cannabis legalization.

Very True! I think we will always have a corrupt government though. Corporations run this country and the governments are puppets to the corporations so with that said we will always have a corrupt government. We need government officials that care about the peoples views but I don't think I will ever see that in my lifetime.
Very True! I think we will always have a corrupt government though. Corporations run this country and the governments are puppets to the corporations so with that said we will always have a corrupt government. We need government officials that care about the peoples views but I don't think I will ever see that in my lifetime.

We get the government we ask for. Apathy speaks loudly enough, too.
I think the biggest pros to it being legalized on a federal level would be not having to worry about loosing your freedom and being locked in a cell with killers and rapist for growing or smoking a plant. Once it is legal there will be a big boom in the medical industry as well. Imo
We get the government we ask for. Apathy speaks loudly enough, too.

I agree enthusiasm would help and I agree that votes matter for the government we have. I am just tired of all the fake promises from politicians over the years that I don't even care.