Health Canada Reports Less Than 18,000 patients buying from mmpr per month

Don't kid yourself. I smell a "pull out all stops" effort on it's way. And I don't doubt JT isn't behind it or knows whats up with the rcmp busting these places lately. This is why no legalization plan yet...kill all the store front..put in your own
Boycotting RIGHT NOW is the only answer guys/gals..see..think

Stop buying LP weeds ya bunch of pussy triators...your blowing the enemy.

All in the pre-effort to make a big gov taxed system with controls up the ying yang.
You watch..a month from'll be seeing this more and more.
Hippy has a Crystal ball....believe it.

Just a bunch of posturing and saber rattling to try and scare cc/dispensaries into closing. Shut one down, two more will open. We will not be silenced
If you want a laugh tilray just sent me an email asking why i have not made any purchases with them in a long time. Send them a message back that im still looking for a pot of gold to pay for it and that their product's suck.
I think you should report tilray to health canada fir a violation
Im pretty sure it is illegal for them to solicit business like that
Just a bunch of posturing and saber rattling to try and scare cc/dispensaries into closing. Shut one down, two more will open. We will not be silenced
just typical police state nonsense. They steal your product, then you see it on the street in someone's hands two weeks later.
The shit some people write around here is insane.

Get out of your little circle where apparently weed falls from the heavens 24-7 in amazing quality and at a low price.

Becuase hippies in Alberta are L O S I N G their fucking shit over MMPR and everyone is RUNNING in there and telling all of their friends to do the same. They do not have the same opinion as you of LP's. Some of them have no idea where to look this information up. Some of them have no time, Some of them dont give a fuck because they are too stoned 24-7, some of them are too busy running businesses and dont have time to look up or be super involved with this stuff.

But they are super excited about having a card that they think will keep them safe if the cops show up.
They are super excited about not having to worry about some loser spraying the weed stripping it of thc while leaving some shit in the buds from the butane and buying weed that does not get you high
they are super excited not having to worry about some loser cutting oil with a $5 bottle of vitamin-e
they are super excited about having different varieties and strains to over (yes, yes, I know, da phenotypez)
Every single person I seen in my doctors office is over 35 and looks like a professional. I would bet not a single one of them wants, or would ever consider growing.
Plus apparently you can get 80% back through medical coverage.
So these professional people, that want no issues with the law, and have money, this MMPR thing is a fucking god send and by going around saying rude and negative shit about them before they could even learn why - is a for sure way of keeping people from joining your boycott

There is no dispensaries in Alberta
There are no compassion clubs in Alberta
As far as me and every single person I know is concerned, the only possible way to get medical in Alberta was to by dying of an illness, aids, or cancer up until a month ago
The BM here is beyond bullshit

It's not that I have a different opinion than you, its just I think saying your sucking a dick if you buy from LP is fucked up on a million levels and serves zero purpose besides increasing the NOISE to SIGNAL ratio of the message you want to send.

All bullshit conjecture, idea, opinions, and unnecessarily homophobic comments aside there is tons of people super fucking excited to NOT be in the BM anymore, not have tons of issues to worry about I mentioned, as well as other issues.

It's easy to have these middle finger ideas and opinions in BC or somewhere else where weed is NOT that big of a deal.
Pack your kids up and come to Alberta with that attitude and see if it stays the same, lol.

Because life is far different here for people that smoke weed, especially if you dont have the time or space to grow, or know someone that does, or life simply does not permit it for people for whatever reason. Crazy SO, kids, no room, no time, no money, or a million other things.

I've lived here my whole life, and LP weed, even though it is shit, is consistently better weed than most people in Alberta can get. I know someone that knows someone that knows someone that supplies weed to rappers when they are in town.
THEY now get their weed from an LP.
Tons of people that used to sell, quit, got their BS mmpr card, and told all of the people they used to hook up to go see the doctor.

So regardless of the endless fellatio river of LP's in your mind, I imagine they will get a big boost of business from all these new MMPR people rushing in and acting like a kid in a candy store, I have not heard a single complaint about dryness from any friends about LP weed. So you have to realize the climate in one place, is not the same in another.

Up until a month ago, the best bet for everyone I know in alberta to buy meds, is hoping the guy living his criminal life answers the phone, has what you want, and actually meets when he says.

Sometimes you waste a bit of time, sometimes a whole night, sometimes you waste $180 on a bullshit oz that could not get a toe nail high.

In Alberta, to me and everyone I know,
MMPR looks like a free middle finger to the cops
better quality meds
and 80% of weed cost up to $10,000 per year back via benefits

That right there is what people are thinking of MMPR in as, you cant even compare it to the shit I wrote above about sprayed bud being sold, or cut oil/dabs, etc

yea, apparently there is some cc online that we can get access to without proper papers and shit since the doctors are in bed with the LP, but then a lot of my friends are concerned that could get them in trouble with the law for whatever reason.
It's not to say whats right or wrong, but people are going to be humans, and do what is easiest.
As for right now, apparently thats sucking a dick and signing up for MMPR.
So, back to my main point. we dont have many options, no matter how much we want here
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I to live in Alberta have since 1978 and have never had a problem finding top self weed whenever I wanted it. the village I live in has 240 people and there are all ways at least 3 BM dealers here at any given time. when I lived in Calgary from 1978 till 1991 there was even more supply screw all the LP's
Many dispensaries here will sell mail order. Bud mail and Bud Buddy have been doing MO for over a decade. With great success. I'm not aware of any plan offering to cover cannabis, but it's possible.
Yeah, yeah. I've known about and used them before.
The price is high, and when your have orders taking 1-2 months, it turns into a no-go

I've yet to actually inquire to any cc about using a picture of my prescription or something without calling my dr, as I already know she is not going to approve that
Yeah, yeah. I've known about and used them before.
The price is high, and when your have orders taking 1-2 months, it turns into a no-go

The price is the same or lower than LPs. I used to use them all the time a long time ago before I moved to BC. It never took a month to turn over. I never lost an order either. Despite being an area where the rates were the highest.

The quality they send is higher too.
They are super excited about not having to worry about some loser spraying the weed stripping it of thc while leaving some shit in the buds from the butane and buying weed that does not get you high
they are super excited not having to worry about some loser cutting oil with a $5 bottle of vitamin-e

Hate to burst your bubble, but the LPs are spraying their product with Health Canada approved fungicides and pesticides. As well as using predatory bugs to kill off bug infestations, which just means more poo in your bud. And then on top of all that it gets irradiated.

Oh, and the oil might not be getting vitamine E cut oil, but the oil you do get is diluted so that it is under Health Canada's arbitrary number of 30mg THC/ml
Hate to burst your bubble, but the LPs are spraying their product with Health Canada approved fungicides and pesticides. As well as using predatory bugs to kill off bug infestations, which just means more poo in your bud. And then on top of all that it gets irradiated.

Oh, and the oil might not be getting vitamine E cut oil, but the oil you do get is diluted so that it is under Health Canada's arbitrary number of 30mg THC/ml
I think I would take my chances with vit. E than what ever LP's would cut it with
The price is the same or lower than LPs. I used to use them all the time a long time ago before I moved to BC. It never took a month to turn over. I never lost an order either. Despite being an area where the rates were the highest.

The quality they send is higher too.
I'm talking about bb/budmail. The prices are too high, plus shipping.
And i've had orders take over a month.

Hate to burst your bubble, but the LPs are spraying their product with Health Canada approved fungicides and pesticides. As well as using predatory bugs to kill off bug infestations, which just means more poo in your bud. And then on top of all that it gets irradiated.

Oh, and the oil might not be getting vitamine E cut oil, but the oil you do get is diluted so that it is under Health Canada's arbitrary number of 30mg THC/ml
1.) I'm on your side
I never said for sure I know the LP weed is clean
and I never said I know for sure the BM weed is clean
But there is a common thing happening in alberta where people blast full buds, dry them out, and sell it as weed.

So using that logic, the LP weed wins out, because
a.) it gets you medicated
b.) it is more than likely not sprayed

I'm not buying that oil, and I dont know anyone else that is.

I'm not DEFENDING or on board with LP's
I'm telling you what people I know that dont have time for websites like this - think of mmpr.
I'm talking about bb/budmail. The prices are too high, plus shipping.
And i've had orders take over a month.

1.) I'm on your side
I never said for sure I know the LP weed is clean
and I never said I know for sure the BM weed is clean
But there is a common thing happening in alberta where people blast full buds, dry them out, and sell it as weed.

So using that logic, the LP weed wins out, because
a.) it gets you medicated
b.) it is more than likely not sprayed

I'm not buying that oil, and I dont know anyone else that is.

I'm not DEFENDING or on board with LP's
I'm telling you what people I know that dont have time for websites like this - think of mmpr.

I'm not really sure why you're talking about them being expensive and then saying the LP's are better. 12 bucks a gram = 336 an ounce. There is almost nothing on budmail and literally nothing on budbuddy that costs that much.
I'm not really sure why you're talking about them being expensive and then saying the LP's are better. 12 bucks a gram = 336 an ounce. There is almost nothing on budmail and literally nothing on budbuddy that costs that much.
Your reading in between lines that dont exist.
I never compared LP to budbuddy in quality or price.
I have not ordered from either of those places in a long time, I said it is too much money for the product + shipping.
Plus the hassle of verifying the address before sending, and the delays receiving are why me and people I know don't order from there any more.

I compared LP to BM.
Maybe re-read again.
Your reading in between lines that dont exist.
I never compared LP to budbuddy in quality or price.
I have not ordered from either of those places in a long time, I said it is too much money for the product + shipping.
Plus the hassle of verifying the address before sending, and the delays receiving are why me and people I know don't order from there any more.

I compared LP to BM.
Maybe re-read again.

My experience with them in the past was much different than yours. If I were forced to I'd go back to them again before I'd touch an LP. Or I'd call a dispensary in Vancouver/Victoria/wherever that ships, many do.
the quality was fine, the price is too fucking expensive from those mail order places.
Right now bb wants 90$ for a gram of dab...... thats fucking insanity regardless of quality.

BM here is full on BS. Talk is cheap, EVERYONE says they get good weed for cheap.
no one txts and says come pick up 2 z for <$400
the quality was fine, the price is too fucking expensive from those mail order places.
Right now bb wants 90$ for a gram of dab...... thats fucking insanity regardless of quality.

BM here is full on BS. Talk is cheap, EVERYONE says they get good weed for cheap.
no one txts and says come pick up 2 z for <$400

And getting the equivalent from an LP isn't possible. Or is more expensive. I understand your frustrations but this particular problem doesn't ring true to me.

I agree that it's overpriced. It's still less than an LP. A dispensary will set you up much cheaper than this.
I'm talking about bb/budmail. The prices are too high, plus shipping.
And i've had orders take over a month.

1.) I'm on your side
I never said for sure I know the LP weed is clean
and I never said I know for sure the BM weed is clean
But there is a common thing happening in alberta where people blast full buds, dry them out, and sell it as weed.

So using that logic, the LP weed wins out, because
a.) it gets you medicated
b.) it is more than likely not sprayed

I'm not buying that oil, and I dont know anyone else that is.

I'm not DEFENDING or on board with LP's
I'm telling you what people I know that dont have time for websites like this - think of mmpr.

Actually LP weed is just as likely to be sprayed. Anyways do you work for a LP? seems like it the way you talk. I have tried almost all the LPs weed and it is shit, I would rather pay a litter more in the streets and get something I can see up front. The best weed I had this year was 120 a oz and it was pink kush outdoor. All natural, not sprayed heck it was only hit with nutes once. super clean bud.
I dont have a super solid stance on almost anything here, so no one get too upset about my posts.

I'm trying to learn some shit and figure out the best way to go forward, without any bullshit.

The guy that told me about MMPR is a huge hippy, that deals with tons of real deal hippys from BC on a daily basis.
I'm talking the type of hippys that you can smell a girls pussy from 6+ feet away because shes super granola or wtvr (my buddy girlfriends words, not mine) anyways he is the guy where I got most of my info, told me about mmpr, and the doc to go see - So I assume he will always know more than me.
The main 2 points are that if you get MMPR now before legalization, then you will not have to pay that additional tax moving forward.
And hes saying blue cross will cover up to 80% like any other medicine. So if that pans out true, it should turn out cheaper than a CC, and if it gets people medicated before the J is over, and they dont see tons of bug shit when rolling a J.

Personally, I will try to find a CC and will refill from there going forward like the good law abiding pleb or whatever you want to say that I am. But a lot of business owners and people I know with kids or people that simply want to avoid any problems won't be open to that since it is not approved by MMPR, and they wont get 80% back.

I think LP's and MMPR is probably just a testing tool for distribution for legalization to set people up to pay $15-20/gram for rec use.
The price has already been set at $10/gram by the BM, I hardly doubt they are going to try to undercut the BM.
They are going to make super strict laws like the US for operating outside of their super taxed rec program or MMPR.

You can say wtvr the hell you want, and use whatever basic fallacy arguments you want to call names for following what seems to be a carrot on a stick to legality, no rec tax, and 80% return via benefits when the only other option presented is pay fully out of pocket via the BM, and possible get hit with huge taxes when it is legalized, and possible LEO action.
Actually LP weed is just as likely to be sprayed. Anyways do you work for a LP? seems like it the way you talk. I have tried almost all the LPs weed and it is shit, I would rather pay a litter more in the streets and get something I can see up front. The best weed I had this year was 120 a oz and it was pink kush outdoor. All natural, not sprayed heck it was only hit with nutes once. super clean bud.
your telling me LP are stuffing full buds in tubes and spraying it with butane or something and making dabs out of it?
or do you mean spraying with something else and you didnt fully read what I wrote?

All the LP weed I seen and smoked, however junky, and overpriced, and dry as a month old muffin still managed to get me medicated before the joint was through.