If Bernie Sanders is for Peace...why did he....

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Or, you could stop complaining, be a man and do something about it. Apparently the world is tough on you. I'm sure Canada will take in folks like yourself. Ever consider moving there? Perhaps get off the internet altogether? I mean, it's a government creation and all, and we all know how much you hate the government.

Government didn't create the internet, it's inanimate. A person did, you're not fooling me.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You notice they dont try to defend Bernie's funding of the American Military Machine because they cant and the contradiction makes them uncomfortable so they do what is natural which is to attack the messenger while completely ignoring the message.

Yes, there's been quite a bit of squirming hasn't there?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You live in la-la land, I live in reality, you talk about how you would like things to be, I talk about how things are

In no way does that "ascribe legitimacy" to anything. There are many things I would change about society, but sitting here believing I'm just gonna go live however I want to regardless of the rules and institutions already in place and if anyone bothers me they're infringing on my rights is comically absurd. If everyone believed the same thing you believe it would be pure chaos and everyone here but you knows it.

You're unreasonable, there's no point in discussing anything with you, you're just going to argue and argue and argue about it until people get tired of it, doesn't matter how many people tell you you're wrong or show you why

So in your ahem "reality" a right that you or I or no other individual person possesses can magically appear when a bunch of people that have you convinced they are your leaders says it's so? Where did it come from, were these "leaders" born with super powers or do they only appear after they take office?

I talk about how I would like things AND how they really are. You run for cover when I point out that if you or I don't possess a right, then we can't confer that to others that we elect. You cannot refute that or you would have already.

If everyone believed the same thing I do, people would not initiate aggression or confer rights to people that they don't have, how is that chaotic ?


Well-Known Member
Government didn't create the internet, it's inanimate. A person did, you're not fooling me.
The government is inanimate, you said it yourself.

Things that are inanimate can't coerce. They're, inanimate.

Game over. Please insert another quarter and try again.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The government is inanimate, you said it yourself.

Things that are inanimate can't coerce. They're, inanimate.

Game over. Please insert another quarter and try again.

Your assertion is correct, an inanimate object is usually inert or at least incapable of causing harm, but rather than defeating my argument, it emboldens it.

For instance a gun won't get up and kill you by itself. It requires a person to wield it. Government if left "unmanned" won't kill you either, it only develops that ability when the idea of government is put into action by people. Game on !


Well-Known Member
Your assertion is correct, an inanimate object is usually inert or at least incapable of causing harm, but rather than defeating my argument, it emboldens it.

For instance a gun won't get up and kill you by itself. It requires a person to wield it. Government if left "unmanned" won't kill you either, it only develops that ability when the idea of government is put into action by people. Game on !
Translation: "You're right see4, I concede that the government created the internet. I will stop using it now."

Ok Rob, I accept your concession, I hope you have a wonderful life in Canada. I hear they may be trying to legalize the marihuanas up there. Good times!!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Translation: "You're right see4, I concede that the government created the internet. I will stop using it now."

Ok Rob, I accept your concession, I hope you have a wonderful life in Canada. I hear they may be trying to legalize the marihuanas up there. Good times!!



Well-Known Member
I don't need a law to tell me to leave kids alone. Are you saying that you do? Also, if you want to argue about that, I'll do it in another thread, but not here. I think it's your attempt to keep from answering why you support somebody that voted to fund death for innocent people.

No minority or majority has any right to force another person to associate with them, yet that is what you are proposing.

The government of the USA is not the people of the USA, nor is the government "society" .

Also, the end of a free market is the REMOVAL of a monopoly. You are as woefully inept concerning a real free market as Bernie is. (that's bad BTW)

Anyhow, you never answered why Bernie voted to continue funding the Pentagon, do you suppose he thinks they bake pies and give them to people or do you suppose he knows they will kill innocent people, babies included?

Why did Bernie vote to fund the empire ? Can you answer that ?
Sorry, you botched your reply because you either can't or won't read. Your foolish idea of no government and everybody just does the right think is incredibly dense. You can't explain how in your dystopian world people won't to act according to base instincts. Everything is for sale and everybody must defend themselves from everyone else. For example, you continue to advocate that there can be no protection for a child if they are lured into a sexual relationship with an adult -- as long as the adult gets the child to says they wanted it. Yuck.

Unregulated markets have in the past broken down into monopolies and government regulation was required to break them up. Why would your system be any different?

You are just hunkering down and repeating yourself and not using any real logic.


Well-Known Member
I don't need a law to tell me to leave kids alone. Are you saying that you do? Also, if you want to argue about that, I'll do it in another thread, but not here. I think it's your attempt to keep from answering why you support somebody that voted to fund death for innocent people.
You advocate to remove laws that parents use to keep predators away their children. How is that not enabling pedophiles?

You don't support any candidate currently running for presidential nomination. Based upon what they've said or voted for, you can say the same things about all of them. Do you hate Bernie in particular or are you just using him as a straw man?


Well-Known Member
Okay when you quit clearing your throat and shuffling your feet and spouting distractions please refute what I told Fog Dog.

You can't. Ultimately the penalty for disobedience is they can (and will) kill you.
Okay. I will explain it ALL the way thru. You'll belittle it, but you won't be able to refute it.

A person believes he owns the product of his labor and he isn't anyone's slave. A group of douche bags form a thing called government, then a person, the ostensible head of this government, (we'll call him Obama) comes up with a plan to make everybody buy something, health insurance.

If you don't buy it, a penalty is imposed on you for failing to be obedient.

If you don't pay the penalty, the nasty letters start. If you ignore the threatening letters, eventually, a douchebag in a black robe ( a shitty lawyer aka a "judge" ) will issue a piece of paper telling mercenaries with guns (the Po-Po) to go and bring you before him.

If you decline their offer and ask them politely to leave your property, they will commence threatening you and insist that you go, then if you continue to refuse their offer, they will initiate offensive force against you. If you exercise the right all people have, self defense, they will eventually kill you.

Any more questions obedient Slave?
Umm -- so you are talking about somebody failing to pay taxes and later resisting arrest for failure to pay taxes. Nothing to do with the ACA. Nobody has to stay in this country. If you do, you have to pay taxes. Man, you are dense. Somehow talking about this on a pot board is going to change anything? Sorry, but you've become boring and not worth anybody's time.


Well-Known Member
The government is inanimate, you said it yourself.

Things that are inanimate can't coerce. They're, inanimate.

Game over. Please insert another quarter and try again.
Really? Like inanimate, government instituted laws?



Well-Known Member
Really? Like inanimate, government instituted laws?

Yes, by definition, the word "government" refers to an inanimate thing.

You obviously grasp the concept of figurative speech, Rob does not. Or he tried to use it to his advantage and quickly found himself at the raw end of the debate.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Sorry, you botched your reply because you either can't or won't read. Your foolish idea of no government and everybody just does the right think is incredibly dense. You can't explain how in your dystopian world people won't to act according to base instincts. Everything is for sale and everybody must defend themselves from everyone else. For example, you continue to advocate that there can be no protection for a child if they are lured into a sexual relationship with an adult -- as long as the adult gets the child to says they wanted it. Yuck.

Unregulated markets have in the past broken down into monopolies and government regulation was required to break them up. Why would your system be any different?

You are just hunkering down and repeating yourself and not using any real logic.

You're working the "let's talk about child molesters" thing a little too hard. But if you insist...

I never said there can or should be no protection for ANY person, man, woman or child if somebody has placed them in a situation they didn't or couldn't agree to. You're making shit up. Where the protection comes from is where we differ. You think coercive situations can be solved by people that are paid thru coercive situations. Which is of course, absurd and illogical.

Government IS a monopoly on force in a given geographical area. In fact, their entire business model relies upon placing people in situations they don't agree to or couldn't have agreed to.

Consistency and logic would necessitate condemning ANY person or group of people (like government) when they forcibly place people in situations they didn't or couldn't agree to.

You turn a blind eye to coercion when it gets you what you want, that's the same thing a child molester does.


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Umm -- so you are talking about somebody failing to pay taxes and later resisting arrest for failure to pay taxes. Nothing to do with the ACA. Nobody has to stay in this country. If you do, you have to pay taxes. Man, you are dense. Somehow talking about this on a pot board is going to change anything? Sorry, but you've become boring and not worth anybody's time.


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
What empire did Bernie vote to fund? I don't see any funding bills that authorized an empire.

I submit your quoted post as evidence of your Military Industrial complex boot lickery. Don't be dense....Bernie voted to fund the Pentagon etc. Connect the dots.

Bernie the Bomber is what some people in Vermont still refer to him as....google it if you don't believe me.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Wrong. A person can only believe that if they created something of their own volition. If said person goes to a factory, makes some parts and puts them in a box, he knows he does not own that product.

Wrong. The product of their labor (their time) was traded for money on a consenting basis. Therefore they own the money which has BECOME what they got in the exchange, ie "the product of their labor".

No. Free market, private health insurance and the health care providers were taking advantage of people, the government made an attempt to ease this cruel way of business by forcing the insurance pool to be greater, in effect lowering the basic risks the insurance providers have to assume, thus lowering costs to everyone. A better way to explain it, is, for you anti-welfare people out there, is the government is stopping the welfare group from taking advantage of "free health care" - you got to pay to play.

I apologize for speaking down to you, but your understanding of a free market is woeful, you've confused it for a crony market.
The market you refer to was not and is not a free market, it has governments fingerprints all over it....get a clue.

Nothing to do with obedience and everything to do with your self centered narcissism. The world doesn't revolve around you old man. Some things need to be done for the greater good.

The greater good is never advanced if the means used involves threatening people that are not threatening you.

Not true. Stop making shit up.

Bullshit. But if your fantasy were reality, why not just leave? I'm sure Canada is looking for fine folks like yourself.

Canada is a place. It doesn't "look for people" Did you reflexively mean to imply that the sum of Canada is the Canadian government ?

Says the old man who pays his taxes. Hypocrite, put your money where your mouth is, stop paying taxes, get off the internet (ya know, the thing the government created). I'm sure all of us here would be ever so grateful for your departure.

I'm advanced middle aged, whippersnapper.

Good day to you sir.
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