Merry Xmas and Happy New Year Wishes to all!

damn i think i did it wrong

this time last year i had a heavy addiction to coke and xanax.. i mean normal for me was like 15 bars at once. i took 2 months off, no riu nothing

first few weeks were in Acapulco. I really needed a change of scenery. Drugs arent hard to find ther either but it wasnt being pushed as hard to my white ass even though im with people from there. That authentic mexican cooking, beautiful women it oozed romance. so much shitto do down there i was in heaven.. My zannie withdrawls hit me hard most mornings and i would go for a jog or exercise, lovely beaches. I wouod just put in some work and sweat like a mad man till they seemed to subside. I was only shaking and not eating the first two days. It was the best detox ever. oh and Not to mention my opiates and weed habit. Anyway the first few days were hard. Waking up in puddles of sweat and the most real nightmares ever i had to check.myself. But i tell you i shoveled so much food down my face hole. It really is comfort food and that full feeling really will help Being around family and lots of love and activities good too. A well planned day.

I gained like 50lbs of muscle now, 40 there..and lost a good bit of fat. I have so much more energy now. Feel great.

i acquired some issues after my divorce..well there were some present before

my goal for this year is to get off everything completely and finally be happy. fix my mental with my divorce and other issues. work out some. invest my time and money better. and get rid of all my side girls, i really just use em as a drug anyway. and find a new girl. i miss someone to actually love

a realistic present... idk a few cards, pictures of old friends. something nice. like pics of my buddy stationed in know. and ummm well thas really it. course a certain somebody posing under my tree would be nice.

snow too...thatd be cool

I read this over a few times. Really moved me. My heart goes out to you and all who are struggling with making some big changes. Peace to you all