DWC to Perpetual

i had to look that one up. it's a type of mold usually on grape clusters? how the hell do you get that? you been to any fellow growers or grow shops lately?
probably having the door closed with no ventilation and we had some rainy days and big buds. not sure but probably a combination of it all.

the pipedreams were fine. but those buds were tiny.
i had to look that one up. it's a type of mold usually on grape clusters? how the hell do you get that? you been to any fellow growers or grow shops lately?

It shows up in weed, lack of sufficient air circulation and excessive moisture are the generally mentioned culprits.
so do you think you had those spores (or however the mold begins) already in your room and they were dormant? Or they were brought in from somewhere's else?
so do you think you had those spores (or however the mold begins) already in your room and they were dormant? Or they were brought in from somewhere's else?

Well those spores are literally everywhere. So i'd imagine they were in the room and the conditions made it so it grew.

They say with bud rot(botrytis) that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I know mine was caused by environment and bud structure. Small airy buds are affected less than big dense buds as there is less airflow to the center of the buds which is where botrytis grows from. Often you don't know you have it until you see a brown wrinkled leaf. I saw that a Monday and was like ehhh this doesn't look good so I opened the buds apart to look inside and saw a lot of white. This plant is very trichome filled, but I saw that the bud kind of broke apart a little and was brown inside which is another less apparent sign that you dont notice until you spread apart a bud. Plus mold structure is way different than trichome structure. Noticably lacking a head.

I've only had this one other time over the summer. But they say most indoor growers and all outdoor growers will have an experience with this given enough time growing. Once I get a handle on environment I don't ever expect this to be an issue again.

Going to do a 50/50 mix of water and bleach and clean the walls even though I don't think any active spores made it airborne as none of the other buds are affected and by the looks of it I caught it early. I've seen pictures of peoples plants much worse off. But there is a chance since I opened the bud in the room. Normally you'd want to cut the bud out and THEN inspect. But having minimal experience with botrytis and since the plants leaves were discoloring because of deficiencies I didn't want to chop an oz cola off on what could have been a deficient leaf.
botryitis strikes again. this time my whole top. prob atleast an oz dry.

fml. could be worse though

had to chop the rest like a week early.

well looks like i can get the rdwc going and the rest of the room mods.
I'm wondering if Nuke em used regularly would solve your problem with that.
Not that it could hurt.

What Tty is saying is that this is most always an environment issue/bad sanitation issue.

In my case it was environment as I keep my room fairly clean and never leave leaf debris aside from the occasional leaf that drops in between checkups.
Merry Christmas you fuckers

Im gonna be the weed clause today. Got about an Oz to give away to all the good boys and girls.
Fuck my luck, I'm on the bad boi list.
I'm also on the between grows list and am in survival mode with the smoke stuff.
I can certainly make trash stash though.