Trump: 'It's Disgusting'!

He's not electable.

That's not a reason..that's perception the media has placed on you..why the blackout? Why won't they report on him?

2 million Americans donate from their white and blue collar wallets..what is media scared of?

What are you scared of?
maybe my tin foil hat is too tight, but does anybody else find it strange that Romney was the GOP choice for Pres last election and he just happened to institute Romneycare in MA which was the foundation/precursor of the ACA??

it's almost like the powers that be stacked the deck and the ACA was going to be passed regardless of who won?

gotta go, i see some contrails coming over my house and gotta head for the cellar.
That's not a reason..that's perception the media has placed on you..why the blackout? Why won't they report on him?

2 million Americans donate from their white and blue collar wallets..what is media scared of?

What are you scared of?

They dont report on him because the writing is on the wall. The tens of millions of supporters it takes to win this thing dwarfs his few.

It really was a good try, however.

That's not a reason..that's perception the media has placed on you..why the blackout? Why won't they report on him?

2 million Americans donate from their white and blue collar wallets..what is media scared of?

What are you scared of?

The media is treating him as dirty as they treated Ron Paul.
I don't really support the ideas trump has like building a wall or shipping all the immigrants home but I also don't agree with most of the other shit being thrown about either. A lot of people say Rand Paul is a racist or whatever but I have only seen him on stage so far (havent looked any of the candidates up). This is all a dog and pony show. I honestly feel like people making a huge deal of trump on either side of the fence are too far in the box to realize the show.

rend pawl is a racist loser, like you.
They did at least as bad, or worse, to Ron Paul. Not that I have really paid a lot of attention to Sanders coverage, but at least they aren't openly attacking him like they did Paul.

rawn pawl thought that civil rights was an attack on racist white store owners and published homophobic, anti-semitic, racist newsletters for years. why did he deserve anything less than ridicule and attack?
maybe my tin foil hat
is too tight, but does anybody else find it strange that Romney was the GOP choice for Pres last election and he just happened to institute Romneycare in MA which was the foundation/precursor of the ACA??

it's almost like the powers that be stacked the deck and the ACA was going to be passed regardless of who won?

gotta go, i see some contrails coming over my house and gotta head for the cellar.

It's aluminum foil.
rawn pawl thought that civil rights was an attack on racist white store owners and published homophobic, anti-semitic, racist newsletters for years. why did he deserve anything less than ridicule and attack?

That's your view point. I have mine.

I was lamenting about how the msm treats all 'fringe ' candidates. Relative to how a 'fringe candidate ' that I happened to support was treated.

Attacking Ron Paul, a non-candidate is kinda pointless and off topic, no? I am TRYING to discuss the current candidates and make a decision on who or whether to cast my vote. I guess you have nothing positive to say about your chosen candidate?

Trying to make a serious decision here.

Will you help me please?
That's your view point.

no, those are facts.

rawn pawl opposes civil rights because he feels it tramples the "right" of racist whites to cause harm to minorities.

he also published a racist, anti-semitic, homophobic, conspiracy laden newsletter for years.

he deserved only ridicule and attack, as do his supporters like you.
no, those are facts.

rawn pawl opposes civil rights because he feels it tramples the "right" of racist whites to cause harm to minorities.

he also published a racist, anti-semitic, homophobic, conspiracy laden newsletter for years.

he deserved only ridicule and attack, as do his supporters like you.

Can you not quote a whole post, for content, at least? You seem to be as dedicated to your Democrat Allah's as are other extremists.