Foxfarm dirt what should my ph be?


Well-Known Member
Since I'm using fox farm dirt what should I pH NY water to its pretty high from tap 8.5 but I'm thinking the dirt will increase or decrease what I put in?

Also why is my phd water keep going higher in pH the next day say I get it at 6.7 tommorrow its at 7.3 its water in a trash can with no cover and air bubblers very annoying

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I'm not using any nutrients right now probably will in flower
Well then to be honest. I wasn't just thinking in the right now - I was thinking for the whole run!
How long do you intend to veg?
What nutrients will you use IN flower?

Basically I could come out and say that as long as your organic - don't bother...(but, that could change nutrient brand wise and will explain if need be later)

If you plan on running any synthetic (and I base this answer to the normal problems seen here)
pH to 6.7 (Even if you add microbes!) and forget about pH'ing the soil! Just pH all in-going to 6.7 (NO LOWER) and forget it!

But with answers I would be inclined to be more detailed.


Well-Known Member
If you're in soil 6-6.2 is just silly
I don't think it matters much. I don't ph my nutrients. But, I do have a soil probe and make sure my soil is close to 6.5, occasionally, before use. I usually start around 6.3. The dolomite sends it higher.

Also, a soil's pH will swing almost a full point between wet and dry.


Well-Known Member
Yeah do keeps your shit @7 so she's fair sassy as a buffer but if some dudes got a probe swinging about a ph of 6.5 is what to aim for.i use canna soil n since I ph my shit I've no need for the dolster..either way 6-6.2 is just fucking silly your probes telling you ur shits at 6.5 so u obviously know what a gspot feels like lol
check your ph of your run off, not from the tap.
water your plant and catch the run off, check the ph of the run off ,
and than adjust as needed.
I hope this helps you.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
check your ph of your run off, not from the tap.
water your plant and catch the run off, check the ph of the run off ,
and than adjust as needed.
I hope this helps you.
if giving useless info is helping,then yeah, testing runoff tells you the ph of the water that ran thru your soil and picked up anything that is leach able, some nutrients and organic materials are IMPOSSIBLE to leach, so testing run-off is for newbs that don't know any better