asprin in marijuana plant

Hi growers I got this flowering weed plant I had problems with it only to find out that there was a problem with the root and soil was sandy some roots where dry af she's been flowering for 8 weeks I decided to re pot her in fresh poting soil and gave her some asprin tea, I read an article that says asprin acts as a root booster , so I gave her some of the asprine tea thot I wud se new growth in 3 days or in a week time, surpricingly the following I saw new white pistol I think this asprin tea Is realy working or won't it hurt my plant?


Well-Known Member
Hi growers I got this flowering weed plant I had problems with it only to find out that there was a problem with the root and soil was sandy some roots where dry af she's been flowering for 8 weeks I decided to re pot her in fresh poting soil and gave her some asprin tea, I read an article that says asprin acts as a root booster , so I gave her some of the asprine tea thot I wud se new growth in 3 days or in a week time, surpricingly the following I saw new white pistol I think this asprin tea Is realy working or won't it hurt my plant?
My vote is for stupid hippy myth. And you should probably not add pills to your plants. Its just dumb. Call me crazy, but id say just go buy some rizotonic from canna if you want good rooting.