Trump: 'I Haven't Even Begun on Hillary..'

I couldn't do her now. I don't know why. She's OK for an old bitch whos husband has always wanted other women instead of her. But shes nothing special now. Unless her vagina stinks to high heaven. Then I could get into her.

Nah shes disgusting. Fat ankles are a huge turnoff. And she has fat ankles.
Why would ankles matter to a lesbian?

Face deep in pussy you can't see any ankles.
I just do not get why so many dislike Trump , you know the guy says it as it is , and that is why media and everyone is in a up roar , TBH Trump is by far The best candidate our of all of them ...
many wil use the term he is raciest Who really gives a shit USA is the worst country in the world for racism,
Your country was made by the very word you ALL SCREAM Raciest pathetic really ..
home land security is raciest with there so called racial profiling , truth is USA will never break free of being a non raciest country its in bedded in everyones DNA litterally ..
But what the sad thing is everyone will cry scream murder when some president like Obama stepped in ..
Seems to me most citizens are more relaxing to the Government and politicans screwing them in the arse then when someone who says it like it really is you all turn on him like he is NUTS

Truth is Really he is out smarting everyone , and everyone is not liking it

I your all smart dont screw it up and vote Trump

Because sometimes it looks like she is high on something. I don't know what it is, but something is up with her that is not right. I think politicians should be piss tested no matter who they are anyway.

When I seen Rubio sweating bullets and needing water the first thing that entered my mind was, is he high on something?

We should start a new movement for public officials to under go random drug testing during and before they serve the people. imo

There is no doubt that I have seen her on numerous occassions and thought to myself... she is fucked up out of her mind. Whatever prescription pills she is taking she absolutely LOVES them.
I just do not get why so many dislike Trump , you know the guy says it as it is , and that is why media and everyone is in a up roar ,

The only reason why he has ratings so high is because he's a master at attacking political correctness. His rhetoric lights the flames for a return to honest discussions.

Having said that, I think he's dangerous, has no class certainly has no people skills, is a bully, a liar, etc. He's just another demagogue.

Would I vote for him over Hillary? Of course. Plus, seeing Melania Trump stroll out of Air Force One would quite nice. Geez, what eye candy!

I just do not get why so many dislike Trump , you know the guy says it as it is , and that is why media and everyone is in a up roar , TBH Trump is by far The best candidate our of all of them ...
many wil use the term he is raciest Who really gives a shit USA is the worst country in the world for racism,
Your country was made by the very word you ALL SCREAM Raciest pathetic really ..
home land security is raciest with there so called racial profiling , truth is USA will never break free of being a non raciest country its in bedded in everyones DNA litterally ..
But what the sad thing is everyone will cry scream murder when some president like Obama stepped in ..
Seems to me most citizens are more relaxing to the Government and politicans screwing them in the arse then when someone who says it like it really is you all turn on him like he is NUTS

Truth is Really he is out smarting everyone , and everyone is not liking it

I your all smart dont screw it up and vote Trump

I for one will vote Trump over Hillary if that is the choice..V for Vendetta.

I reject the establishment even if it means anarchy and a maniac like Trump.

Actually it's going to be Sanders/Warren by a landslide..

And a disaster for America. Any one that preaches that big corporate America is evil as is Wall Street doesn't have a clue what this country was built upon, nor do they care for anything more than telling their dumbass followers what they want to hear. He has an insatiable affinity for more government.

Also, Sanders would be another Obama not willing to compromise with a Republican congress. Like Billary he too would state Republicans "are my biggest enemy" as ISIS strolls down Pennsylvania Avenue.

Obama spins that Republicans are the party of "no" when in reality Republicans don't like reckless president and stupidity.
And a disaster for America. Any one that preaches that big corporate America is evil as is Wall Street doesn't have a clue what this country was built upon, nor do they care for anything more than telling their dumbass followers what they want to hear. He has an insatiable affinity for more government.

Also, Sanders would be another Obama not willing to compromise with a Republican congress. Like Billary he too would state Republicans "are my biggest enemy" as ISIS strolls down Pennsylvania Avenue.

Obama spins that Republicans are the party of "no" when in reality Republicans don't like reckless president and stupidity.

Nor do you have a clue what this country was built upon because it clearly was not corporations, it was agrarian society. FFS, US History 101 lol too funny.
The only reason why he has ratings so high is because he's a master at attacking political correctness. His rhetoric lights the flames for a return to honest discussions.

Having said that, I think he's dangerous, has no class certainly has no people skills, is a bully, a liar, etc. He's just another demagogue.

Would I vote for him over Hillary? Of course. Plus, seeing Melania Trump stroll out of Air Force One would quite nice. Geez, what eye candy!


you are clearly overcompensating for your vacillating heterosexuality.

you just reek of latent homosexuality.