help on how to clone


Well-Known Member
Clone king, no timer,no dome, non PH'd tap water
cut em & plug em...

Day 14..
Yessir that's how we do it my friend. I thought about running some flow thru fitting to make the rez bigger but it's easy to use and works like a champ way better then 4 or 500 dollars or a special hydro store cloner...

warren kirk

Active Member
There's different ways to clone, I do basically the same, whatever works for u.never seen the video, the styrofoam I do that,wild, all basically have same ideas'.✌


Well-Known Member
1. Donor "moms" should be at least 5 weeks in dirt. Six is better.
2. Look for cuttings with a thick stem. This usually means a second-tier branch, one group lower than top cola. Ideally, you should see a small hole running through the cutting's stem. This hole is found in thicker stems and helps the plant siphon water better.
3. Make sure the cutting is large enough, leaf-wise. I like them to have 6-8 leaves on them as they go into the domes.
4. Use a heating mat under the dome and MAKE SURE THE HUMIDITY IN THE DOME IS A CONSTANT100%! You want to see condensation running down the inside of the dome walls 24/7. No condensation? - you got a problem. Without any root system the cutting relies nearly 100% for it's energy and water up-take from it's atmosphere. Keep it wet guys! Hint -- best way to guarantee high humidity in the dome is to keep a half-inch or so of water standing in the dome at all time. Use solos with no drainage holes.
5. Try to resist the urge to pick them up every day while checking for rootlets. Moving them while in the dome is stressful. Ever see plants where the smaller leaves near the light adopt a circular swirly look? That is from the plant trying to turn it's leaves directly towards the light source. Result of being moved in relation to the light source.

I run a perpetual grow and harvest 2 plants a week. 80% of my finishing plants started off in my clone domes. If you have any specific questions re: cloning, maybe this old farmer could help. Send me a PM and I'll reply in a couple days.

Good luck, BigSteve.

warren kirk

Active Member
1. Donor "moms" should be at least 5 weeks in dirt. Six is better.
2. Look for cuttings with a thick stem. This usually means a second-tier branch, one group lower than top cola. Ideally, you should see a small hole running through the cutting's stem. This hole is found in thicker stems and helps the plant siphon water better.
3. Make sure the cutting is large enough, leaf-wise. I like them to have 6-8 leaves on them as they go into the domes.
4. Use a heating mat under the dome and MAKE SURE THE HUMIDITY IN THE DOME IS A CONSTANT100%! You want to see condensation running down the inside of the dome walls 24/7. No condensation? - you got a problem. Without any root system the cutting relies nearly 100% for it's energy and water up-take from it's atmosphere. Keep it wet guys! Hint -- best way to guarantee high humidity in the dome is to keep a half-inch or so of water standing in the dome at all time. Use solos with no drainage holes.
5. Try to resist the urge to pick them up every day while checking for rootlets. Moving them while in the dome is stressful. Ever see plants where the smaller leaves near the light adopt a circular swirly look? That is from the plant trying to turn it's leaves directly towards the light source. Result of being moved in relation to the light source.

I run a perpetual grow and harvest 2 plants a week. 80% of my finishing plants started off in my clone domes. If you have any specific questions re: cloning, maybe this old farmer could help. Send me a PM and I'll reply in a couple days.

Good luck, BigSteve.
How many plant do u run in flowering @ a time to get that type of role over..


Well-Known Member
I run 3 rooms. Dome room is 2 shelves in a closet with a 60W bulb going 24/7. Dome population is usually 2 but can run from 0-6. Veg room is a 5 x 4 foot space in my laundry room with a 400W HPS going 24/0. Present population vegging is 12. Oldest still vegging (outside a donor mom) went into dirt and the veg room on 11-24. Newest addition is 2 Attitude freebie seedlings that went in the room on 12-29. Flowering space in a perpetual grow should be 4 times the floor space you use for vegging. My flower room is an 8 x 8 foot room with a single 1000W HPS light at 12/12. There are 12 plants presently flowering. Flowering plants are close to full size, heightwise, when they enter the room. 8 of the 12 veggers are in either 9 oz. cups or 3/4 gallon 7 inch square berry pots. That's why you need so much more space to flower.

The hardest thing to learn as I struggled to get my operation going is that a perpetual grow requires choreography. The flowering room holds 12 comfortably as they flower mostly 6-7 weeks. As I harvest the 2 plants this week I need to have 2 veggers that are big enough to set to flower. Then I got 2 holes in my veg room that I usually plug with 2 clones rooting and graduating to the veg room. Then I got 2 holes in my dome room.... You can see how planning is so important. Unsung but nearly as important is a cloning operation that reliably roots all the clones I need. I've been using mostly Blueberry Gum from G13 Labs for better than a year. I keep cloning the clones and now I've got a strain that is reliable. I can count on them being the same size at the same time all the time.

Make a long story longer - I usually have a dozen flowering and vegging at all times with 2 in the dome.

Good luck, BigSteve.

warren kirk

Active Member
I have five in flower, between a month or two apart, that way I have one drying, one curing. Have four in veg, three clones going. There's a little bit of work involved, like u said.


Well-Known Member
so i need a electric timer

so how does this timer work the plug to pump plugs it in where did you grab your timer from
I plug the pump in a 40 second on off timer i picked up off of EBay for $15.It appears to be a 15 minute timer altered to 40 seconds as a cheap alternative to what you would find at a Hydro store for a $100+.